Andrew McCarthy
Andrew McCarthy, born November 29, 1962, is an actor best known for his role in mid-1980s teen flicks such as Class, St. Elmo's Fire, and Pretty in Pink. McCarthy was a member of the "Brat Pack," a group of young and immature but successful actors who starred primarily in movies directed at teenagers during the 1980s.McCarthy played a "cool," popular kid in his movies, but I never bought it. He seemed like a scrawny and annoying punk in the movies I saw with him. However, for some reason women fawned all of over him in the movies. In Class, the hot married mother of his high school boarding school roommate, Rob Lowe, chased after him and they engaged in an affair. In St. Elmo's Fire, he hooked with Ally Sheedy's character, and in Pretty in Pink, he hooked up with Molly Ringwald's character. I personally thought that these hookups were not believable and never thought for one second that any of those women would really go for a guy like McCarthy.
Apparently the rest of the public and movie producers agreed with me. I believe this because McCarthy's love interest in his next movie was a mannequin in the campy 1987 movie, Mannequin! McCarthy hooking up with an inanimate mannequin is very easy for me to believe, because it isn't like she could ward off his advances!
McCarthy's career was on a conspicuous downward trajectory after Mannequin. His last big roles were in the 1989 movie Weekend At Bernie's and its 1993 sequel, Weekend At Bernie's II, where McCarthy and Jonathan Silverman played a couple of young executives who needed to create the illusion that their murdered boss, Bernie Lomax, was alive in order to avoid being questioned about it. Those movies were critically panned and basically spelled the end of McCarthy's career as a movie star.McCarthy has had some minor roles in movies and TV shows over the past 15 years, but he is clearly no longer a headliner. McCarthy apparently tried to drown his sorrows in alcohol and admitted to being an alcoholic for many years and claimed that he missed the first Bush presidency (from 1988-1992) due to his alcoholism. All of this makes Andrew McCarthy one washed-up celebrity!
I've heard rumors floating around that fiction has become reality! It's been said that he currently is a gay male gigolo who is being pimped out to pay his drug debts, just like Robert Downey Jr. was in Less then Zero, one of McCarthy's earliest flicks! I've heard that Max Wright from Alf fame is a regular!
He looks like he has facial wasting in that recent photo! Anyone know if he has the gay plague?
Andrew is not washed up!!!!! You need to take his name off of this list. He still has a tremendous fan base and it's insulting to place him on this list. Whomever wrote it obviously has not kept up with his works.
It sure looks like he has the AIDS in that last photo. But frankly he kinda deserves it for making Weekend at Bernie's II. Yeesh.
I guess any idiot can make a comment on this blog. Andrew is not washed up; he is still very much loved by his adoring fans. Which by the way are plentiful. I would like to also add that anyone can take a bad picture, that does not make for an aids comment. He is not gay, and it is very distasteful to make such a statement. Some people have no class at all.
Team Andrew, do you and McCarthy's other fans have dumpster parties in his honour? Does one of you dress up in his 80s clothing from his various hit movies from that era and spit roast the lucky participant? If so, then I would really like to join you guys some time, maybe you can do an exchange with our Saved by the Bell dumpster parties where you can have the guest honour of being Screech, but I have to warn you, we get pretty violent and sometimes blood flows as freely as the semen.
The list is the list. Andrew is one washed up celebrity regardless of his huge gay following!!
Like I said before, some people have absolutely no class at all. They prove it in their actions and words and Jewvebeenframed just proved my point!!! Enough said.
Team Andrew, you didn't answer the question!! I really need to know about Andrew's gay fans. I'm writing a thesis on washed up celebrities and their gay following.
Do you guys have bug chasing days in honour of McCarthy? Do you guys wear kilts with nothing underneath them and batter each others tender asschecks with claymores in honour of his Scottish heritage? Write me back and possibly pass on an email address so we can discuss you attending one of our dumpster parties, and I can attend one of yours!!!
I was a friend to Andrews brother wheh he worked for the Brooklyn District attorneys office - Andrew is not gay, and is far from being washed up since he has a hit show on TV.
Andrew McCarthy is absolutely not washed up.Haven't you idiots heard of people losing weight for a role?He gets in to the roles he plays so well he's made fools of you.Another comment I would like to address is the fact he's an alcoholic,so fucking what.I have more respect for him for admitting it and doing something about it.
Tell me you have no ghost's in your closet and then from now on I will pray to you instead of God.
Andrew is my favorite actor and one day I pray I will have the chance to meet him.
i agree with you, sara...andrew is a wornderful actor and i m sorry for these jelous people ...
I never bought Andrew Mc Carthy's characters with Aly Sheedy. Ally Sheedy of the annoying mannerisms, plain face and feathered hair.
With the exception of Twin Peaks I wouldn't mind missing 1988-1992.
People don't die from AIDS any longer unless they're too poor to afford the pills or too whacked out on drugs to take them
I liked the film he did called "Heaven Help Us" about an all boys Catholic school in the 80's. Co-starred Kevin Dillon from "Entourage". Very funny. No Priest rape scenes! LOL Just saw this article also: Andrew McCarthy in 'Less Than Zero' sequel?
Posted: 1:45 AM, April 6, 2010
Brat Packer Andrew McCarthy, who played the role of Clay in the movie of Bret Easton Ellis' novel "Less Than Zero," has signed to reprise the part for the audio version of Ellis' forthcoming "Zero" sequel, "Imperial Bedrooms." The new book, out in June, focuses on the characters from "Zero" approaching middle age. A source mused, "McCarthy is already on board to play Clay on the audio version -- could this mean a movie sequel is also in the works?"
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Just watched an old episode of Tales From The Crypt starring Andrew and Mariel Hemingway. Whatever happened to her? Should she get an entry? She punches Andrew in the face in this episode and also shows her tits! First episode on the Season 3 DVDs. Andrew plays a loser who is in love with Mariel. He uses a love potion on her but she wants to fuck all day and night and I guess Andrew realizes he is gay and wants out!
¨this ain't 1985 no more, 1985 ain't coming back.¨
Well said.
Get real stupids teens.
80`s are over
look up Andrew on a LEGIT sight. He has been on LAW &ORDER
and won TRAVEL Journalist of 2010. Yes he travels around the world on someone elses money to great places. Where have you been lately? Not even to another website or newspaper to know what your saying is correct. Bet he gets PAID MORE for HIS OPINION.
He was adorable and I'm sure he still is regardless of who says what. I always wanted a boyfriend like him in the 80's.
leave andrew alone! ur not perfect either! wish u all the luck andrew!!!
i just recorded return to the heart!
I wouldn't usually comment on these sites but I feel i have to this time. If all the doubters just got their facts right and looked at Andrew on wikpedia they would see that he has worked constantly since the early 80's and is a great actor. It doesn't matter if you don't like what he has been in, but I bet he has had a better life than someone like you who's only life is sitting in your bedroom writing crap because you have no brains to get up and do something constructive. I rest my case.
Still washed up so keep his name on the list. Even though he's had minor and crappy roles in TV over the years to pay the rent, doesn't put him back on the A-list.
I heard that "Andrew Mccarthy" was gay and was pimping other men for sex to pay off drug debt.
I know "Anderson Cooper" came out as saying that he was gay.
He did kinda look it.
I know he likes to hump on top of his boy friend.
Then again , what hot guy wouldn't hump another guy.
As much as as many deny his gay-ness, he clearly is gay. Having personally seen him on one of his alcohol jaunts in the West Village, I can attest to his feminine ways as well, sorry fans
Met Andrew and he was honest and kind. His book is a best seller! Go Andrew!
Actually I think that as long as someone doesn't hurt anyone on purpose It's NONE of anyone s biz who or what someone is ! For all those who speak Neg about someone I WONDER WHAT's IN YOUR CLOSET ! As a matter of fact the brief meeting I had with him he was very very nice. You should also READ his books /articles. He is a brillant writer and a GOOD actor. What can U do ?
Still in a number of Movies, Chack IMDB
I'm loving this site, belly-laughs all the way, but personally I think this guy doesn't deserve to be on the list, he just did Lipstick Jungle so he's hardly out of the limelight. I still like the dude too, compared to some of the other losers on the site here I think he's still keeping himself above water.
He's not washed up. He's directing more than acting nowadays. I was pleasantly surprised to learn that my favourite Gossip Girl episodes were directed by him.
And he's handsome, and A LOT of girls went gaga over him back in the 80's, and during Mannequin! Get your facts straight!
I'm wondering why McCarty's former co-star Judd Nelson isn't listed on this site? He is a has-been and I'm told he's a punk and loser, as well.
Good point about Judd Nelson, he's more of a has-been than McCarthy. I've read that Nelson is hated in his home town of Portland, Maine.
I saw McCarthy play in Tennesee Wiliams' "Glass Menagerie" here in Cambridge at the A.R.T. He was SOOO NASTY AND MEAN after the show. Never saw an actor treat an audience so coldly and arrogantly. What a jerk! My gaydar always goes off the screen when I see him. I am surprised he is married to a woman but then again -- aren't they all??? LOL!
Having read many of the small-minded comments about Andrew-McCarthy, my first observation is the possibility he's gay. Can't see how that matters. Further, he continues to work as an actor and that makes him a professional. What would you have him do? He's an actor that continues to apply his trade and earn a living at it. Sort of eliminates him as washed up.
what did he snitch about?
This blog is one reason why the internet shouldn't exist.
Andrew McCarthy is the most annoying actor of the 80s, not necessarily because he was a bad actor (though that can surely be debated) but because he clearly didn't fit the leading man roles he was given. Yes, he of the awkward movements and unusual facial expressions, rather than anything debonair or smooth like a real woman might imagine a leading man to be. What's really annoying is how the undoubtedly male directors or producers or casting agents or whoever's in charge of these things continually forced awkward Andrew McCarthy on us as a leading man. He was probably as uncool as they were, their proxy for being hopefully cool and appealing to women even though they're so clearly not.
I've always felt like this annoying douchebag should be on this list, glad to finally see he's graduated top of the class, with the rest of the washed up 80's actors. In my opinion, he's only a notch above the likes of Dustin Diamond, it wouldn't surprise me at all if the two were poopchuting
I agree with u completely....he is still sexy as hell always will be. U know my mom use to say "jealousy gets u no where"! Grow up!
Why all the Andrew bashing? Seriously?? The guy is living his life as best he can....not sitting on a computer spewing hate
Andrew is far from washed up. He works as a director in episodic television and is quite accomplished and excellent at his craft. Lotta haters shooting blanks out there.
He's won awards as a travel writer. He is a producer for Orange is the New Black too. I think he's a guy who went off the rails with addiction, and managed to come back.
Lol he's a pillow biter, pumpin up the Tootsie Roll factory hahahahaha.
No!!! No!!! Not my Andrew. I love him ๐And yes I’m a woman not a gay man and your wrong, girls everywhere found him adorable. And he’s a director on “Orange is the new black” so back off!!
Really?! That’s so disappointing because I always liked him ๐ง
I couldn't agree more. Haters
I can't believe I'm responding but here it goes.i enjoyed the brat pack movies. Weekend at Bernie's was kind of funny in it's way, but clearly Andrew acting was sub par to say the least. Clearly the alcoholism and recreational drug use was shifting into high gear.Bernies 2 is unwatchable and that basically wraps his acting career. He has had some minor roles both in movies and tv, but the potential talent he showed early on never came to fruition. All of the gay bashing in the earlier part of this thread is pretty mean
And kind of funny to. Sorry I'm immature. He has had some success in directing and has done well with his travel writing. His net worth is $12 mil. So he's doing something right... He's just not a very good actor
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