Corey Haim
Corey Haim was one of Hollywood's top teen stars in the late 80s. He must have felt like he was on top of the world at the time. However, immaturity and the lure of illicit drugs and fast food became his obsession as he threw away his career and flamed out in a spectacular collapse, becoming one of the most washed-up celebrities of his generation.
Born on December 23, 1971, Haim started out in commercials during his pre-teen years. He had minor roles in several movies in 1984 and 1985 until he achieve his major break, playing the title role in the 1986 major motion picture Lucas. Haim achieved critical acclaim for his role, receiving a nomination for an Exceptional Performance by a Young Actor Starring in a Feature Film - Comedy or Drama at the Young Artist Awards for his role. Film critic Roger Ebert raved about Haim's performance, commenting that he "creates one of the most three-dimensional, complicated, interesting characters of any age in any recent movie. If he can continue to act this well, he will never become a half-forgotten child star, but will continue to grow into an important actor. He is that good." Here are some pictures of Haim from the movie Lucas:
Haim parlayed this success into prominent roles in the subsequent minor box office successes, The Lost Boys and License to Drive. Haim acted with fellow teen star (and current washed-up celebrity) Corey Feldman in these films and the two became best buddies in real life and were featured on a wide variety of pre-teen magazines such as BOP and Tiger Beat. The two friends were practically joined at the hip are were known as "The Two Coreys."
Haim was also quite popular with the ladies at the height of his career and dated Nicole Eggert for several years. Haim proposed to Eggert but she declined to marry him.
At the height of Haim's career he earned $400,000 per movie. That's impressive money for a child actor. However, Haim got mixed up in the wrong crowd in Hollywood and became a drug addict, wasting his Hollywood earnings on his illicit vice. Haim also put on close to 100 pounds and became practically unrecognizable. Look at these pictures of a bloated Haim - he actually somewhat resembles Chris Farley:
Haim's drug addiction was so bad that some of his teeth actually fell out of his mouth and he developed bad blood clots in his legs. In 2001 at the absolute nadir of his entertainment career Haim actually became so desperate for money that he tried to sell his teeth and hair on eBay. eBay pulled the listed because the selling of body parts violates their Terms of Service.
Haim eventually moved back home to Canada to live with his mom when he had nowhere else to go. Haim is currently trying to recapture the glory days of his youth. He has been spotted at various autograph sessions and occasionally with old pal Corey Feldman. Although he's still pretty fat and struggling to lose weight, he sometimes wears sleeveless shirts to show off his flabby arms that completely lack any semblance of muscle definition. All of this makes Corey Haim one washed-up up celebrity!
*** - Update - November 15, 2007 ***
Corey Haim must be really hard up for money right now. has reported that according to his official website, he is currently selling some of his prized movie memorabilia on eBay. An image of the items from eBay is shown below. Not only is Haim broke, but he must also be delusional if he thinks that someone is going to pay $20,000 for the jacket he worn in First Born!

***Update - March 10, 2010***
Corey Haim has died of an apparent drug overdose. He was 38 years old. Haim had been suffering from flu-like symptoms for several days before finally stumbling in front of his mother. Haim's mother helped him back to bed, but Haim apparently because unresponsive moments later. Haim's mother realized something was wrong and called 911. Paramedics arrived and Haim was sent to a hospital where he was pronounced dead at 2:15 AM on Wednesday, March 10, 2010.
Keep'em cuming Kurt! I've loved everyone so far! If you wanna see a good collection of washed up celebrities check out the Spotlights section of
Great stuff.
...this is kind of like E True Hollywood Story on CRACK...
Do you think Corey is one of those guys that's snorted so much coke that his septum has been completely worn away? I once met a dude like that, he really got off on having dudes stick their erect penises into his nasal cavity. Sadly he had to have a lobotomy after one of his lovers destroyed his frontal lobes with a massive blast of semen. Nice guy though.
This douche is pretty much the epitome of the washed-up celeb. I'm fairly certain I saw him once on Hollywood Blvd turning tricks for crack money. I went up and asked him how much, he said handjobs were $5, head was $20 and he was prepared to do full-on unprotected anal for $100. He also said that if I threw in an extra $50 and sprang for a Mickey D's he'd call up the other Corey as well.
in the 2nd to last photo, he looks like a butch lesbian.
He was one of my first crushes; I wonder what that says about me.
i had a lil crush on him also.he is a cutey pie!
Oh my, back in the day my room was plastered with Corey pics. And I have to say I'd still do him!
Great website! I love your stories of these washed up child stars. On thing though, where's Cory Feldman & Danny Bonaduce?
Everyones been through bad times.Some worse than others.We dont now how life is being a star, especially a child star.We dont know what hes actually been through.Drugs are toxic and overpowering.NO ONE IS PERFECT!Are you?
I still love him !!!!
He looks like a wide-mouth sea bass
He looks like a butch lesbian in the second to last picture.
you guys are so mean and cruel. this is a human being with a heart. until you walk one day in somebody else's shoes you have no room to judge. he was/is in a bad place and instead of making fun of him...grow a heart and encourage him to do well and show some compassion for the millions of humans that are in the same place he is.
these blogs are absolutly ridiculous. who are you to judge corey? until you have walked a day in his shoes....give some compassion. you can't live a life typing nasty crap about other people on a computer. what kind of life is that? give the kid a break and show some support.
hes not completely washed up if a bunch of jackasses make webarticles and gain hits from him... industry pukes are circling like the vultures they are to scavange and pick at whats left of him, HE'S NOT DEAD YET, and you have to admit, THE FUCKER CAN ACT. h
I love you Corey, some people love to see others suffer. If you were as talented as Ebert says when you were a kid, you are still that talented. You just have to find your way back to it.
Those within sin should cast the first stone
corey corey corey.
dang your so hot!!
wow. i love corey ian haim
i wish i could meet yooh.
if you read this. add me at
hey corey, if you read these comments, keep up the fight. everybody can talk shit, but coming out of (and staying out of) a drug addicted lifestyle is difficult and perception-altering. you might fall a few times, but care about yourself (and about those who love you) enough to pick yourself back up, dust yourself off, and start over. You got a lot of people pullin for you man, dont let anyone tell ya different. :)
Look, I don't care if he is famous or will ever do a movie again, or even if he has money....He is my soulmate and i want to have his children!! I grew up around both Corey's, and liked their moves, and to be honest, I didn't even know what happened to yeah, seeing him on this reality show....makes me love him!!! Everything he says, how he says it, how he smiles...just makes me want to hug him..(ok maybe more than hug)
He looks great and we would look perfect together...our children will be beautiful, with our gorgeous eyes, and my curly hair.....Now if I can only find him to get a date with him, we can pursue our love!!! He will fall in love with me, I know that for sure. He will be a good dad and a great husband...better than feldman!!! Corey, I will be waiting for you!!!! The love you have been looking for has been here the whole time!!! I will love you for you!!!!!!!!!!
But... He's Sam Emerson. I'd like to see both Coreys make a comeback and do some seqeuls!
Forever Haim! Forget the Feldman's! I saw Lost Boys 2 and I think it proves Feldman is the worst actor ever! OMG and the playboy thing..she needs to tweezer her nipple hair before showing up to shoot Playboy! i threw my copy straight into the fire! tisk tisk Hef!
Some of you are sick. I wish Corey all the luck in the world and pray that God takes care of his and helps him get life on track.
if this was a family member/ loved one of yours you would NOT post negative stuff about them when they are trying to improve themselves. who is anyone to judge. if he is moving his life in a positive direction why point the the mistakes.
Corey~ hey my friend, I am a recovered drug addict myself, walked away and quit cold turkey, and I was slamming pure meth everyday. I know the battle is hard but it is worth it in the end. I'm 4 years sober! Some people do not understand how much drugs can control and dominate your life, your body literally needs more to survive and be normal day to day. But it does get better and easier everyday. Fuck all these other assholes, until they've been there, they should shut the fuck up. Can't wait to see your comeback.
Corey, Corey, corey,
Much to my husband's despair that I turned on "The Two Coreys" on A&E channel a few weeks back and have been keeping my husband abreast as to what has been happening; I can't help but to watch it. But after last night's episode titled "Intervention", I must say, shame on you Corey Haim! I started watching the show a few weeks back cheering for you that you would be able to make a comeback and stay sober and get back together with Feldman, but now, I don't think that you deserve it. You are self-centered and seriously destroying whatever name you have left for yourself in the industry. All Feldman (and Suzie, Todd Bridges and Pauly Shore) wanted to do was to help you and you had to jump on the defense right away without giving anyone a chance to talk or explain. (I have noticed that about you over the past few weeks watching the show; you don't give people a chance to talk sometimes- little side note). Anyways, as a recovering addict myself, I know exactly that behavior that I saw last night. I used to do the same thing when people would ask me if I was using or that they wanted me to get help. It seems like you are pissing on the only people who will talk to you right now and that you aren't giving a shit about anyone but yourself. So what you are pissed off that they all converged together; get over it! Keep acting that way and you will find yourself alone and using again and maybe next time, no one will come to save you and you will DIE or end up in jail.
Hi corey Haim I hope you are doing okay .I just wanted to say i enjoyed watching the two coreys
i think you are hot and sexy
by the way corey haim do you have
an email address
if you're willing to accept the lord jesus christ into your life, i would be willing to consider you for a role in my upcoming feature film titled 'left behind 7: fire on the mountain'.
ball in your court
have a blessed day
k cameron
Give the guy a break. It is obvious he has unresolved issues and people judging and commenting on HIS life is shitty. Be well Corey Haim.
hey I think that everybody should give him a break..I think that he is a little wierd and high strung...but if he could calm down and not get so mad at people he would be all right.
i know that he seems screwed up which he probably is but its not as bad as he was! He needs to get out of the limelight and get a regular job the stress and the exposure is killing him!
I love you and always will.
You are a very talented actor.
Good Luck.
it's a good thing that some of the people on here are perfect. so it shouldn't matter if your lives are judged and all of your mistakes are placed on the internet for people to discuistingly think is funny(karma sucks). if i haven't learned anything else in life, i have learnded that negative remarks, judging, and pure hatred towards someone comes from jealousy and complete envy for that person. why else would you spend sooo much of your time to bring out there bad.its you that i feel sorry for.
corey if you happen to read this, please know that we don't all feel this way. let the bad push you to prove them wrong and not push you down. you are awesome. there isn't a sweeter individual that comes to mind. thanks for all of your kindness and i hope your good. god bless you darlin
side note; when you get time look up the train, we took all of the crazies off* be good*
Corey Haim, you're in the right place. You are in the honest place, so long as you let no one else define YOUR character. Not only am I A HUGE fan (since Silver Bullet) but I am also from the talent business (agent/manager/casting) world. You have TALENT. We all know it. We all want to see it. You would not have the opportunities you have today if WE did not believe in you. Now, embrace this opportunity & do not fear it. Your performance at the "Lost Boys 2" Shoot had so much fear! Meaning I feared that your talent was being exploited. Please show us who you are. Please take a step forward and take CONTROL of your fame. I don't think you realize how MANY true fans you have who will ALWAYS stand with you. Do not let us down. Be a man and I swear we will never paint you as any less. We love you Corey Haim. It is your time. DO NOT make this another sad story.
I spoke with you on the phone once. Iwon't say why or how just know I was such a huge fan I did not believe it was you. I will ALWAYS be a huge fan. As long as you are true I will truly promote you. Sincerely. Do it Corey. It is being handed to you. Don't f**k it up.
hey, corey, i hope you are doing good...i wish you and corey could make up and be friends ..please get some HELP, stop being so head strong....shape-up...get you a woman...that will help you i think.
corey. there is something special about you =) I personally think youre an awesome dude and..........where'd you get that sweater u were wearing in the episode of the two coreys season 2 where u were with your pops playing golf?? the one with the spade on the back. I loved it, i want it!!!! stay beautiful luv~
hey ..corey,I'm back again ....checking on you..hope your stiil with us..doing stay safe...and you keep looking for a woman... how about nelle??
You are a talented actor and a decent person. However there may be no hope in getting your acting career back. You should consider selling your paintings, I would buy them, I think you put your heart into them and they are beautiful, just like you.
I'm 35 male who grew up watching you. I tried to dress like you and all that smack. I even turned out a druggy like you for a while. You had the blessed life but threw it all away.
Soooooo what. You did what you wanted and became a star anyway. You did it all, did all the ladies and wanted to get fucked up when you wanted too.
Soooo what if you ended up just like the rest of us assholes. Your still alive. Look back and laugh at it all bro. Crazy trip you had and the fun you had doing it......take it that way and move on. Let the past be a joke and embrace it with everyone else. Who gives a fudge. You did great things and had great fun. Your low point was better than most peoples high. Move the F on and start living. Stop latching onto Feldman. Let him go, he holds you back and you hold him back. Lost Bost 2 sucked more ass than it did blood. Worst piece of steaming crap I ever bought. Thats right I purchased a DVD shaped turd hoping you were in it. They wouldnt even put you in a turd bro. Good for you. You dont need to live in any more turds. Not being in that turd- capade is the best thing that ever happened to you. Could you go ahead and BANG Feldmans old lady for me. She needs it. I hate that trashy bitch. What a leech she is. Aim for the head on that bincher. Were you on the facts of life?
I think Corey Haim is pretty hot now. :)
Corey Haim is a great actor. Yes, he has had some personal problems but who hasn't. I find it ridiculous the comment people are leaving I'm sure you are all perfect! It just shows your ignorance. Corey Haim has been doing some great projects Crank 2, Shark City, etc. and I wish him all the luck in the world he has so much charisma I also loved watching him he is very entertaining and very real!
To the author of this website I think you need to update it and research before you call someone like Corey Haim a washed up actor or celebrity. I'm wondering who would make a website like this a pathetic, bitter actor that never made it as far as half the people who chooses to critize maybe.....
hi corey i think your hotter than ever i hope every thing is going ok hope to see you in more movies love always by
I wish you all the best. Surround yourself with people who love you. I thought you were wonderful when you spoke with the children's classs--you were a natural and the children loved you. I can see why your father was so proud of you-I wish you could see that. You have so much potential. Its there you need to believe it. You have a wonderful caring nature about you. I hope you find someone to share that with. Nobody in this world is perfect -remember that--tomorrow is a new day--I wish only the best Kari
Corey Haim is still hot whether he went down a bad road, gained some weight, who cares. It's easy for people to sit back and talk a bunch of shit about someone that had a COMPLETELY different upbringing. I think it is call IGNORANCE when you talk shit about someone when you haven't walked a mile in their shoes. I bet he had a lot of pressure in his life.
Haim is still the best! Drugs or not, as long as he is clean now. It's sad, but it happens to the best of people. At least he is better now.
I actually loved Corey Haim back in the day. I'm really not one to bash someone, especially for bad life choices (hell, we all have 'em), but Haim is a douche, plain & simple. His craptastic choices in life don't make him inherently bad, it's the fact that he can't stop clamoring for fame when he needs to finally admit that it's over. Some people just don't have 20 year careers in acting and he's one of those people.
He peaked as a teen...big whoop. Some people never get to peak so he should cherish that time, but he should also move the hell on. He's one of those sorry as sympathy junkies who will never clean up his act. Lord knows it would be nice if he did, but if he were serious about being an actor and staying off whatever the hell he snorts or shoots, he wouldn't be doing a lame ass reality show with the other douche.
Damn, you guys are rough....
Corey Haim was the 80's!!
So as l get older & 'perhaps' fatter than my teens, l think of all the great movies l enjoyed Corey Haim in(even now their considered classics)and l thank him for the joy & wishful thinking of my teens(also the pain l subjected on my younger brother who had to sit thru them with me).
And to all you saints out there who think your above him, l say be careful of your words CAUSE KARMAS A BITCH
im a 34 femail.
found corey haim on myspace.he never answerd any of my emails.
i really liked him and would defend
him,but he really is a looser and
a big jerk.
Cory needs a pint of my HIV juice shot right in his face! PRAISE JESUS! I would like to force his head under water and punch his gonads then take him out to dinner and jump on the table halfway through the meal then spray shit all in his face while the paparazzi snap furiously! CALL ME, COREY!
wow, some of you have alot of anger. people mess up everyday, no ones's funny how people trash on other people, when they don't understand whats going on in peoples heads.people shouldn't judge when they have no clue. i still enjoy watching his movies no matter what, and i really don't care what people think
It is time for this guy to wake up he has done it again he is all jacked up in the hospital again....What does that have to say for him??? Get it together and stop helping him get off one drug with another drug. The guy is nice in person but he needs some soul searching! It's possible but he has a long raod ahead!
He was so hot! This is such a shame!
I had no idea he was the little dweeb in Lucas.
Have some compassion! I'm sure you'd like all of the mistakes and sins of your past lurking all over the internet for everyone to dissect at their leisure, right? Just because he's a celebrity doesn't make it OK for other people to rip him apart. He's a person, not just an image. I wish him well, as I do everyone else. Keep on trying, Corey!
In January of 2009, Haim, rented a bilboard in hollywood which stated,"I am sorry for backstabbing all of you, please forgiveme,Corey Haim." He also put an ad in a magazine
After the cancellation of the two coreys (viewership was so low Nielsen could not give a number, but was estimated at under 5 thousand) Corey went back to working at a flea market in Canada called "The meat post" .
He sells beef jerky and for five dollars will autograph a napkin for you.
Hey Corey, Patrick Swazie passed away today, and you are alive and well, all I am saying is count your blessings. It could be worse, and I am no expert, but I have a cousin who is a grad. Of the New York film ins., and he is making an independent film that is very good, and he would save the lead for you. MY brother and I are investment pros by trade, and we are dumping everything into this, and we never loose money. If interested, we would agree to pay based on sales. Trust me this role could put you back on map. Look how Owen Wilson, and brothers got started, the same way, and I am not a huge fan of yours, but I think you are perfect for this. Let me know.
8 years behind you and i feel fine.
Same with you corey feldman!
Just heard that the Haimster was
found dead in his apartment 'bout
4am local time,per the LAPD!!
Oh well, he's well and truly lived up to the drug addled wild child stereotype and od'd. He died in St Joseph's Burbank at 4am this morning. RIP
Its so sad that Corey has passed away today. I was a huge fan of him growing up and loved that movie License to Drive.
This morning I cried my eyes out when I heard that Corey Haim was found dead. Apparently he was trying cover some of his shit logs in shellac to make a quick buck on Craigslist and breathed in too many fumes. I heard it took seven cops to carry his bloated ass out and they had to zip together two of those rubber bags to fit him in.
Good night, lost boy. Here's hoping you find legions of tortured souls in hell to buy your mummified body parts.
September 10, 2009 10:35 AM
JD said...
Isn't it odd you made that the day Patrick dead and SIX MONTHS TO THE DAY Corey dies?
A "lost boy" indeed. Stay off the drugs, kiddies!
Every mean saying on this board, reflects the stupidity you all have for peole. Actors ARE HUMAN TOO. This guy Corey Haim, I met in LA while on patrol, I knew when I met him he was tormented by drugs. I feel sadden and my sympathy goes out to his family, friends and fans.
You people that are saying mean things is just one reason some tormented people do whaT THEY do.
RIP Corey! You sure made me buy a lot of Tiger Beat magazines. Such a beautiful and tormented soul. I will miss you. I hope you finally find peace on the other side!
You know I have read all these comments about Corey Haim some good and some bad....
To those people who wrote the bad things... this is a mere reflection of your troubled soul..PERIOD.....We all make mistakes so who is anyone to judge.
I loved Corey Haim in all his movies and I saw him as a troubled soul with a great big heart, who loved his family and friends. It is very sad to me. I wish he would have gone for medical treatment that day or the days before and he might still be alive.
I wish he would have lived long enough to prove he could be without drugs.... but it is what it is...
I will pray for his family and friends.
I liked Corey Haim. He was the Tom Cruise of child actors. It is sad and very unfortunate that he didn't conquer his personal demons because we knew how far he could have gone. He was a great actor. There's a great photo here of Corey Haim, Heather Graham and Corey Feldman from the movie License to Drive.
If you want to judge somebody, judge yourself.
See you on the other side!
I cried for days after his death, and cried more on the day of his funeral. When he died, he took something dear and precious from each of us who loved him. G-d Bless, Corey. Hashem Bless and Keep your Spirit safe, our sweet boy.
Another troubled soul gone, like so many farts in wind. You contributed more than you'll ever know, my bloated beauty! You'll live forever in my wet dreams;)
Corey Haim you will be missed and ya'll need to stop posting mean things about him because my end up reading these postings one day.
I think Im going to go to Emily Schulmans pics on this site and whack off to relive the pain.
You were a great actor. Fun to watch and loved your smile. To sad to see you go so soon. You will be remembered. I wished I would of meet you but hey never know.
R.I.P Corey..God Bless You Brother.Massive Thanks for all the entertainment you gave us throughout the years.You achieved greatest at a early age brother.catch up on the other side friend.May god be with you Corey
The Corey Haim story always makes me sad. I just cant believe he threw away his life and talent like that. He is like the poster child of a cautionary tale of young Hollywood. Kind of like "worst case scenario".
I think he was my first movie/actor crush and i thought he was the cutest and hottest of them all. Then i sort of grew up and moved on, went to college etc and didnt hear about him anymore really until I saw an interview on E! in early 2000s depicting him walking along the beach in Malibu with his dog, all bloated, saying he was broke, admitting to his addiction. I think he was living in a small studio and I remember there was no furniture. It really saddened me. He just looked so rotten and aged for someone in his early/mid 30s.
He kept disappearing into obscurity until his untimely death in 2010. But I still look at him and see his characters in Lucas and then Lost Boys and Licence to Drive...and it is sad to know that he blew it all, didnt have guidance or maybe just rotten luck. I too read Ebert's review of Lucas and thought that had Haim stayed on track, he would have been huge by now.
Anyway, til this day, when I think of Haim, I think of him in his quintessential role in Lost Boys, singing "Ain't got no home" in the bathtub with his dog nanook watching him. I'll always remember him like that.
corey was always one of my favorites when I was growing up! I will always remember him for his great movies and great acting. I do not care what he did as far as drugs are concerned and it is none of my business and never was. He was an actor, one that I really liked. RIP
Corey was a great actor and i will miss him. I even named my son korey because of him. He will be 19 in a few months.
look at all the crappy comments you guys posted here.Are you happy now that he has passed on?
It is people like you that made his life miserable.People who are cruel to someone they have never met.You read an article with garbage in it.You think your S#*% don't stink?How many sinful things have you done in your life and yeah go ahead and say nasty nasty things about a person you don't know.I wonder how you would feel if the things you said about corey haim are said to you or even worse to your brother or sister?
these people who write these kind of articles are just as bad.They are no writing to educate ,they are writing to get ahead in their careers.
I think it is disgusting how many people assumed Corey haim died of a drug overdose without knowing the facts.I think it is disgusting how many people judged him.
His mother not only had been battling with cancer and lost her son,then she had to deal with nasty comments and untruths about her son who died.
I saw her on GMA( a clip is on you tube.Get the facts before you continue to spread evil untruths about someone.
What an awful thing to do when they have lost someone dear to them.So many people made up crap and hurt his mother and others close to Corey. They should get a public apology.
Does anyone have or know where I can get a copy of the E True Hollywood Story, Corey Haim episode? I've been looking for it for years, will pay for it.
You Guys! take a chill pill. Corey Haim was a fabulous actor-even though i've only seen his 80s films besides 'The Two Coreys', But he was a nice guy and where- ever he is right now-which i hope he is in a happy place, he could be seeing these comments. I also think he was a nice man despite his choices thoughout his life. Everyone-even actors, are people. just give him a break. You're AWESOME Corey!!! Hope to see ypu when I pass on and I'll be saying "Hi!" for your 40th birthday this year.
I have a family member that has a problem with prescription drugs.The problem is the so called doctors that prescribe these meds.When a person overdoses and almost dies and they still continue to give these drugs to them,that is a problem.Corey Haim was a sweetheart and if you watched Two Coreys,you can clearly see how hurt he was when one of these cold heartless people on a blog would say hurtful things about him.To watch that broke my heart as a person and a mother of two sons. I think Corey was very talented and just needed a little understanding and kindness. He was a person and a kind and sweet person at that.I never got the chance to meet him,but I really wish I could have,to tell him what a great person he was. God knows what is in your heart and you just have to lean on him for direction.Miss you Corey!
You really need to go through your article again, this time with a spell checker.
It was no surprise when Corey rolled over dead. No one can continuously use drugs for so long and live. He looked a pale shadow of himself, looking 10-15 years older than he was. Sad to see such a talent wasted but he had enough chances at rehab. In the end, I think he just liked getting high. Nobody to blame but the man himself. Much too much, much too young.
Whos next? Lindsay Lohan
I love Dana Plato.
Horrorhound Magazine mentioned him in one issue after he died. Apparently one of his terminally ill fans wrote him a letter expressing her love for his movies, so he came and hung out with her a few times before she passed.
Just with regards to "License to Drive": I want to bugger Heather Graham (as the bird was in 1988 when the bird was 18, not as the bird is now obviously).
It turns out that Corey Haim didn't die of a drug overdose, as most had expected. He died of pneumonia. The only drugs found in his system was a tiny amount of marajuana, which hadn't been smoked recently.
He was pretty arrogant in "Me, Myself, & I". Makes it that much more funny to see him hit rock bottom.
The things people say smh. Keep bashing attention whores. R.I.P. corey
For any of you Corey fans out there, I have a few of his teeth for sale. I also have two dried up shit logs that came out of his ass while he was passed out during a drug fueled binge. The turds still smell like fresh Corey shit and one of the teeth still has some dried up beef jerky in the cavity. Hurry! They won't last long. Be a part of Hollywood history! Buy now and I'll throw in a free DVD of "Snowboard Academy"
Looking at the comments posted before Corey died, people were not only being rude, but very crude. Shocking, even. That aside, some of you really lack respect for the dead. I actually have lots of sympathy regarding this case. Something that many of you seem to be short of. Especially the idiot who posted the comment above me.
Okay, to the person who said that it wasn't drugs that killed him: They may not have directly caused his death, but I'm pretty sure that they brought it on. For example, Jim Morrison died of heart failure. He was known to have been getting high earlier that night. Therefore, I think it's fair to say that the substances are to partially blame.
Some people are so cruel. One of the earlier comments made mention of that "Me, Myself, and I" movie and said that it was fun to watch him hit rock bottom. Such douchebags, you all are. I'm not denying that he was "washed up," but have respect for the dead.
I love uuuuu haimster. I just wish you could hv seen the love your true fans had for you!
Isn't it so easy to hide behind your keyboards, eh? F-ck you all. You didn't know him. Make you feel better about your pitiful existences?
Corey Haim. Legend. End of story.
4 years ago today :( Reading all of the comments that were posted before Corey died, I can't help but wonder, are these people happy? Feldman said in an interview something along the lines of people need to stop kicking people who are already down. Maybe if people had been there more throughout the dark times of Corey's life like Feldman said they should've been, he'd still be alive...I don't know, it's hard to tell. Bottom line, may he rest in peace </3
Lost boys had a great soundtrack.
Lost boys!
Alright, I've read Coreography, and was quite unhappy with some of the stuff Corey F. claimed. A lot of that stuff just trashed Haim's reputation, which let's be honest, wasn't always the greatest. Feldman's such an attention seeker.
This site "Washed-Up Celebrities" shouldn't even exist!! Who are you people to judge Corey Haim or other celebrities for that matter? He is a human being just like everyone else on this planet, with the exception of the daily pressures of entertaining people all over the world and being scrutinized by people who don't know them. He has accomplished a lot more than any of you miserable shitheads will in a lifetime. Take a good look at yourselves, then ask who is washed up?
He will be forever young to me...... always as a "lost boy" or the crazy "licensed to drive" kid.
He said before he died that one of the film handlers at an early point molested/ sodomised him at young age when alone together. That's bad shit if true, and maybe explains the car crash of his life story - though most child actors don't exactly turn out balanced individuals for obvious reasons. Either way maybe keep your kids out of the film industry folks.
In one episode of the 2 Corey's. He comes back to l.a. and u see him outside on a balcony and he yells out "the kids back baby!" Awesome statement.
This guy was a total choad. Crappy movies, crappy life, did drugs, good ridance! Dipstick added nothing to society except garbage. Hey the Canada wont even give him a star on thier so called "walk of Fame". Pam Anderson has a star there, so does the Nickleback. Think about it, how pathetic is that?
I can't believe it's already been 5 years :(
The Corey Haim did art work, seriously. Look it up on the internet. It's very disturbing. I thought about buying some but then I remembered that my hard earned dollars might actually wind-up in the coffers of the Canadian government. That would be wrong. So very wrong. Screw you Canadia, and someone please defecate on Corey's grave already!
This guy made art work and you can still buy the so called art online.
The movie where he dresses up as a girl really is quite funny.
The movie where he dresses up as a girl really is quite funny.
Demolition High was cool.
Defecate on Corey`s grave!?!?! you sick disgusting vile excuse of a waste flesh. Corey was a decent guy who fell on hard times. he was sued by the way and that's how he became bankrupt. drugs don't only affect celebs you know so why hate on Corey for his drug issues plenty of celebs take that road and don't get slated for it. even now he is dead you cant stop hating him.
So sad. Hollywood killed him and its a very tragic tale. He was sexually abused by Hollywood assholes and that led to major abuse of drugs. Poor guy. Its not fair. He wad very talented.
It has been recently revealed that Charlie Sheen had inserted his penis into Haim's unwilling rectum on set one evening, when Haim was a young teen. The weird thing is, is that Haim apparently came back at a later date for more lovin' from Sheen, but Sheen then rejected him.
Could this incident have possibly led to his downfall? Possibly. It could have been the 'awakening' of the fact that he then knew he was gay, but would have obviously been career suicide to 'come out.'
He never died of a overdose.. He was poisoned.. murdered by someone very close to him.. He was started to talk about the abuse and mind control he suffered at the hands of elite Hollywood.. He always was a really nice person.. with a great heart!
Did anyone else notice that apart from the completely disrespectful comments on here that he got three legit offers for acting jobs? One of them was made by Kirk Cameron (from Growing Pains)! I googled that movie to see if it ended up being made and it was.
While it would maybe have been good for Corey to read those comments, it would've destroyed him to read some of the other BS.
Either way, it's easy for people to hide behind their computer and judge others but I'm sure they are not perfect themselves. Drug addiction/alcoholism and other demons fast track good people into a life of bad choices and self sabotage but it doesn't make them bad people.
Corey ~ RIP
On an unrelated note; I am totally confused at how on September 10th 2009 someone mentioned Patrick Swayze's death because fyi he didn't pass away until September 14 2009.
It wasn't unwilling It's illegal because of his age but he was quite willing and thought he was in love
R I P Corey, Fuk all these losers here, Talking $hit.
I painted a portrait of Corey Haim on my toilet bowl. It looks like he's eating the massive dumps I take. Yeah, how cool is my life?!?
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