Bronson Pinchot
Bronson Pinchot is an actor best known for his role as "Balki Bartokomous" in the ABC family sitcom Perfect Strangers from 1986–1993. Pinchot was born on May 20, 1959 in New York City, New York with the birth name Bronson Alcott Poncharavsky.
Although born in New York, Pinchot was raised in southern California. After graduating from South Pasadena High School, he headed back east and attended Yale University. He initially studied painting in college, but quickly became interested in acting. Pinchot began his acting career with bit roles in successful movies such as Risky Business (1983) and Beverly Hills Cop (1984). His role in Beverly Hills Cop as "Serge," a gay assistant art dealer with a thick foreign accent, was memorable and put him on the map.
Beverly Hills Cop was an international success and shortly after the movie hit the theatres Pinchot was cast as Balki Bartokomous on Perfect Strangers. The character Balki was a shepherd from the (fictional Greek) island nation of Mypos. Balki had a thick foreign accent and lived his entire life in a small farming community until he moved into an apartment in Chicago with his distant cousin "Larry Appleton" (played by Mark Linn-Baker).
The sitcom focused on Balki's naive and idealistic view of the world, as well as his chronic misunderstandings of American culture. Balki's catch phrase on the show was, "Of course not, don't be ridiculous!" and was usually spoken flamboyantly in response being accused of doing something. He also performed the "Dance of Joy" with his cousin Larry whenever he was happy, as shown below:
I actually liked Pinchot on Perfect Strangers. His character carried that show and was the primary reason for its success. However, Pinchot's career hit the skids after the show ended and has yet to recover. He did manage to secure a full-time role on Step By Step for one season, but that was in 1997, at the end of that show's run, when its popularity was rapidly fading.
Pinchot’s most notable role of the past 10 years was in 2005 on the fifth season of The Surreal Life, with other washed-up stars. Pinchot came across as a pathetic man on The Surreal Life. I honestly had always assumed he was gay, based on his effeminate and flamboyant roles in Beverly Hills Cop and Perfect Strangers that made him a star. However, after watching a few episodes of The Surreal Life, it is clear to me that Pinchot is not gay. Instead, he is a dirty old man who probably has to pay for sex.
During his appearance on The Surreal Life, he immediately took a fancy to the women on the show. When he initially arrived at The Surreal Life house, he informed everyone that his agent warned him against doing anything that could be construed as sexual harassment because apparently he’s “a very horny dude.”
Shortly after arriving on the set, he gave fellow castmate Janice Dickenson an extended hug and apparently groped her, against her will, causing her to burst into tears and almost quit the show. Despite Dickenson's obvious disgust for Pinchot, after the incident he actually said, "I believed in my heart Janice and I will hook up somehow. I liked her hoarse voice and I liked her tough-ass thing. I think the sex would be amazing... I never groped her."
Dickenson managed to get in her two cents, saying,
"I don’t like this guy. This guy is a gimp motherfucker. I made it very clear to the producers that I would not be groped or molested or have sex with anyone—that was in my contract. The minute I walked in, Balki or whatever he’s called started groping me. A few days in he asked me, 'Why are you so angry?' And I said, 'At you? Because you’re a fucking pervert.'"
Pinchot also tried to hook up with fellow castmate Caprice Bourret, a lingerie model. Bronson sexually harassed Caprice in nearly every episode, practically begging her to have sex with him, thereby solidifying his new-found "dirty old man" image.

cousin lerch lives!
oh my, please add another post. opening up to bronson is just scary. Darn right scary. Ok, we all loved perfect strangers, but....he is NOT an attractive man.....
Balki and cousin Larry were totally gay for each other. Remember that episode where they were trying to fix the toilet becasue Larry accidently flushed Balki's buttplug. The water shot out of the toilet into Balki's asshole - I can't believe they should Balki having orgasm.
Bronson Pinchot is a sex god and I love him!!! Mr. Toomy you rock my socks off!
Pinchot had one appearance on Law & Order Criminal Intent.
He played an obsessive/compulsive insurance adjuster afflicted with Asperger's. It was a credible performance.
The thing about Bronson is, he's a good actor. I mean, a DAMNED good one. He has talent.
It's such an effing shame that he acts like such a pervert. I hope it's an act. But I doubt it.
Hey, if you've seen that Gillette Advert with tiger woods, fed and henry, man i tell ya the first bloke thats havin a shave in the bathroom looks like the splitting image of Bronson Pinchot(balki).....for sure
you're a dick for writing this about Bronson. You're just a jealous cunt
Shows what you know. Bronson reads for audiobooks, he does stage plays (where he is always a hit) and does the voice for Max Beetle, the black VW Bug that interviews celebrities.
Try learning a little something about Bronson before posting your BS!
Get out of the city!
Here is the link in youtube when he got booed .. lol..
Bronson Pinchot is actually a Bukharian Jew. His father was Henri and his grandfather Raphael was from Bukhara. More information is on the geni website.
he was funny in perfect strangers as balki and ver yloveable.
I lost my respect for him when he went on a talk show years ago when a movie he was in did not do good at the box office...he trashed the director and everyone associated with the film! NOT CLASSY! He should have kept his mouth shut and allowed his peormance to shine through.
There are many movie stars that have appeared in less than stellar movies but their roles were highlighted by movie critics, etc.
He is washed up. SORRY:(
Ma Chod
One day, when my cousin and I saw this bloke on The Surreal Life, we started speculating about how he had gained so much weight and eventually decided that he was expecting. We both became obsessed with the subject and made drawings of Bronson Pinchot pregnant, looking blissfully at his sonogram, shopping for Hawaiian print babygros, having a caesarean section and finally welcoming Bronson Pinchot Jr (nicknamed Bronny) into this world.
Yes, I did get a therapist. He's been helpful.
Christ, I've just noticed that he looks a lot like my dad, and I therefore look a lot like Bronson Pinchot. All of my parents' friends and family were surprised that I turned out so pale – now it all makes sense and I may need to get an overseas paterntity test. Fuck.
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
Truth is that the man is alone and sad. He has never been married, he was overpreoccupied with his image and now that he's not that cute anymore, he is in oblivion. He had too many talents that he wasted down the river. The man was smart, but he was not a constant guy. He did too many things without a clear focus. He was such a kid till he got old. Now it's too late to think of a career or of a family. He sacrificed his life for us. The only thing that he did was to be in the spotlights acting. His life was on the stage only. He entertained us and forgot to entertain himself. He shouldn't be judged.
Bronson actually used to be married to Amy Heckerline (producer of the movie Clueless) it appears that they probably later divorced however, Bronson isn't ve3ry washed up. He is a really good actor and has had bit roles on TV shows like Law & Order and NCIS.
Bronson's main problem was that he is that he grew up in such a hard family. He went from having no money to becoming famous practically overnight. Since he had never really had anything, he didn't really know what to do with it. He wanted so bad for people to like him because of his childhood obesity and his family's struggles with money. I still believe he's a pervert as everyone says and after seeing the Surreal Life it's kind of hard to dismiss. But I guess all I'm saying is he never had a chance. He became famous overnight. And Tom Cruise did warn him. He said "never do TV." And he did. And look where he is now.
Pinchot also thinks he is a genius when it comes to antiques but he has made many an antiques dealer miserable. He returned a $3,000 item to me saying "It just didn't click." Then he returned some beautiful 19th c. curtains. During our negotiations, he sent about 75 emails telling me all about his childood abuse and where he planned to be travelling. I think he is about the loneliest, most pathetic person I have ever come across, and lacking in talent too. Yet he gets on his high horse and acts superior. He ruined my business for 2 years with his frivolous returns. He is a flighty, inconsiderate narcissist. I wouldn't hire him to take out my garbage much less star in a play or movie.
AV Club did a great interview with Pinchot earlier this year that's definitely worth a read, as he mostly spends it dishing gossip about other actors he's worked with. He talks of how Tom Cruise, even back then, was constantly afraid of being suspected as gay and would walk around the set making odd, unprovoked comments like "Boy, this is good ice cream - I'm glad there aren't any homosexuals around!"
I am pretty sure that this fruit sucked Jose Canseco's big bat!
God, I forgot all about Meego until now. I saw one episode and it was the biggest waste of 30 minutes in my entire life; so god-awful!
I think Bronson Pinchot is sexy. I've had the hits for him since Perfect Strangers. OMG. Bronson you can come my way!
I've had the hits for Bronson since Perfect Strangers. Bronson I think you're hot and sexy!
My wife enjoys his show on the DIY network.. So it's a tv show.
I, personally, find Bronson handsome...and yes, sexy...very sexy. He's outwardly handsome, but his mind, talent and passion for his work on DIY is mind-blowing!I've always enjoyed his acting but I'm thrilled beyond words by his work on The Bronson Pinchot Project. I'd LOVE to meet him someday! Apassionato on his official site
I, personally, find Bronson Pinchot extremely sexy. He's outwardly handsome but his mind, talent and passion for his work on The Bronson Pinchot Project(On DIY)make him HOWLING sexy. Hmmmm...dirty old man, eh? I would happily go to Harford to frolic in the woods with Bronson. Intelligent, talented, a great REAL sense of humor AND passionate..I'm there! I would LOVE to meet him someday!! I would be honored :-)
I'm with you! I like quirky and I love his passion for restoring old houses. I'd go out with him, that's for sure!
I was so happy to see Bronson back on TV with the Bronson Pinchot Project. I have always had the hots for him and even with his weight gain, I'd do him in a NY minute!
I am watching him right now on diy. I'm 28, live in PA & wouldn't mind hooking up with him. I think he looks hot as hell!
Mr. Or Ms. Anonymous....hmmm. I've a sneaking suspicion you're actually the subject of this blog...Mr. Bronson Pinchot himself....While it is not nice for people, strangers - to be talking smack, trashing you as has been done in this blog - it is also part and parcel of the price paid as a movie/ T.V star. Along with the money comes loss of privacy and anonymity. Unfortunate isn't it? It's like you made a deal with the devil and got trick fucked now you wanna change the terms of the deal. Money, fame and eternal adulation please. But its too late. Signed, sealed and delivered is what you're stuck with at this point. What you need to do really, is think about karma. Making nasty remarks and wishing evil on others will come back to you in the end. You are an intelligent man. You understand what I'm trying to say. For your own sake I hope you really hear what I'm saying and make a change in your Outlook, behavior etc...
God bless.
Interesting. Especially the reality show thing. But I know what I was like in the mid-1980s and I ain't like that now, so for me, there's no real dichotomy between what Mr. Pinchot was like then, and what he is like now. I pity him - he has a monkey on his back that won't let go.
And Bronson, if you are reading this, no matter how many women you nail and how much money you get, it will not satisfy the hunger. You have to go elsewhere for that. And I am not talking about a psychiatrist. You cannot do it on your own, and your ego currently won't allow you to admit this... or that the help has to come from Another.
Thank you for the enjoyable hours of viewing you gave my wife and I back in 1989 and 1990. And I hope you get help soon.
Pinchot just won an award as an audio book narrator this year. I don't know if he's a horndog or what, but his audio book work is amazingly literate and well done.
I don't think he's fully Jewish. I think he's half-Jewish on his Father's side. If there is such a thing...
He's still kind of cute and I like his show on the DIY channel.
the originator of this blog is a hack. Didn't even look up this man's career. The writer focused on the Surreal Life???? Do you know dipshit that show was partically scripted? Nothing was spontaneous. And what about the women on that show harassing Conseco?
Pinchot would probably laugh atn your pathetic blog and, no I'm not him.
One might add that he's a hell of an audiobook narrator. I'm currently listening to him do "Hard Magic" by Larry Correia. The range of voices and accents he can pull off is just amazing. It really feels like you're listening to a full cast.
Bronson Pinchot was not in Bachelor Party!! You must of been high as a kite the day you did your research, because the you thought Bradford Bancroft was Pinchot.
^^^ When I originally wrote this article, had listed Bronson Pinchot as an actor in Bachelor Party. I just checked and see that it is no longer listed on his page, so I have updated this entry to remove its reference.
FYI, Pinchot was asked about this in an interview with The Onion's AV Club back in 2009:,34310/
That was Mark Linn-Baker.
Wow. I see so many negative comments. I thought that show was stupid and he is a terrible actor. This show on DIY is fantastic though. I would hope he does not have this inflated ego that everyone speaks of. He has a talent for restoring beautiful homes and barns and la la la. This is his true talent. Acting, not so much. He looks much better with the weight gain. Let's face it, Balki was one ugly mf.
I was and am again, a fan of Bronson. He made me laugh years ago as Balki and I now injoy his new DYI series. My dream oome true would be to team up with him on restoring a home with his Classical Greek design and my love of traditional modern day comfort. My only complaint of his design is it does not appear comfortable for everyday living. Am I missin something?
Bronson is kinda cute and when I watch his DIY show I'm amazed at how pleasant his voice sounds, so I'm not surprised he found a niche recording books. My only gripe with him is the way he DESTROYS historic homes...although if he owns em he's free to do whatever he wants with em! He says at the beginning of his show that the Greek Revival mansion he bought had been misused for a hundred years and he vowed to return it to its former grandeur, but I feel certain in its heyday the house never sported gritty, grimy salvaged barn wood and pressboard. And he takes pieces of woodwork that have survived for over a century and hacks and slices them to bits to piece together bizarre architectural abortions.
I agree that "restoration" is the wrong word for what he's doing. His homes are more pieces of art, uninhabitable as they are. I believe he needs a decorator on his side to help guide his vision in the right direction.
I loved Bronson since the '80's. I think he is the sexiest man alive. Hey Bronson, you're horny, I'm horny....let's hook up.
I totally agree that "restoration" is not the correct word for what he does on his DIY show. I also agree that he destroys architectural pieces that has managed to survive up to the present day. I find his works to have more of an artistically haunting quality. When I say "haunting" I guess I should say "haunted". His creations have an eerie almost scary quality. I would hate to be caught at night in his Pennsylvania home. I would certainly do my best to "not blink". His "restoration" or whatever you might call it seems to me to be a representation of a sad, depressed individual in need of guidance.
As for the womanizer thing, I'm unsure. There was what happened on "The Surreal Life" but that mess is as fake as a Tennessee 1,000,000 dollar bill. (Google it if you are unaware) I can believe that he is horrific to work with if you are an art, antique, or historical relics dealer. I can only imagine him purchase a $10,000 piece, bring it home, then bringing it back the very next day demanding his money back before the check has even hit the bank! I have listened to several of his audiobook recordings. He is quite good at what he does, in respect to the voice-over and book on tape world. He is very intelligent. That comes across quite thoroughly in his DIY show. He attended Yale, after all. I have always wondered why you NEVER see woman at his house as a laborer of some sort. I know quite a few women who are carpenters, general laborers, tile artists, gardeners, and so on. I wonder if it's somewhere in the contract with DIY. This just makes me even more curious of the "womanizer" claims. Hmmmm......
I totally agree that "restoration" is not the correct word for what he does on his DIY show. I also agree that he destroys architectural pieces that have managed to survive up to the present day. I find his works to have more of an artistically haunting quality. When I say "haunting" I guess I should say "haunted". His creations have an eerie almost scary quality. I would hate to be caught at night in his Pennsylvania home. I would certainly do my best to "not blink" for fear of the Weeping Angels. His "restoration" or whatever you might call it seems to me to be a representation of a sad, depressed individual in need of guidance. I also don't believe that he'd allow a designer to help him make his homes feel more comfortable or livable. I think he like the combination of sterility among the think he believe to be art. I don't quite know what to call his semi historical concoctions. The pieces are no longer historical if they've been cut apart and had modern things added to them for any reason. Sigh...
As for the womanizer thing, I'm unsure. There was what happened on "The Surreal Life" but that mess is as fake as a Tennessee 1,000,000 dollar bill. (Google it if you are unaware) I can believe that he is horrific to work with if you are an art, antique, or historical relics dealer. I can only imagine him purchasing a $10,000 piece, bringing it home, then bringing it back the very next day; demanding his money back before the check has even hit the bank! I have listened to several of his audiobook recordings. He is quite good at what he does, in respect to the voice-over and book on tape world. He is very intelligent. That comes across quite thoroughly in his DIY show. He attended Yale, after all. I have always wondered why you NEVER see woman at his house as a laborer of some sort. I know quite a few women who are excellent carpenters, general laborers, tile artisans, gardeners, and so on. I wonder if it's somewhere in the contract with DIY. This just makes me even more curious of the "womanizer" claims. Hmmmm......
He like goats male or female that was the pemise of perfect strangers
I first saw Bronson as Mr Toomey in the Langoliers. Very good acting.I think it suits with weight on ur face. You are an interesting character. I understand and empathise with you. All the best.
I'm from Pennsylvania & Mr. Bartakamous's homosexual antics are the stuff of local legend. The "persona" he uses in his home improvement show is his only real acting talent when he pretends to act like a straight man. The real Balki is a very limp wrested effeminate 3 dollar bill of a man. The small pet shop near his home refuses to let him on the property after he discovered the fate of the many, many gerbils he bought on a regular basis.
His home used to be across the street from the local volunteer fire company. He paid to build them a new building on the other side of town. Apparently, he did this so his anonymous sex partners were no longer under the scrutiny of the firemen. Ever wonder what what part of his body he sticks through those holes he knocks in walls?
I am literally shocked you do not have a listing for his cousin Larry Appleton. If you wanna see washed up, check out his twitter feed. It's so pathetic you wonder how he didn't swallow a gun years ago, but I digress. So if your ever in Pennsylvania, drop by the Bartakamous Estate. Stick your package through the hole, knock three times, & tell him to take you all the way to Mypos.
Way back in the 1980's, when anybody cared about who Balki Bartakamous was, he was interviewed by Rolling Stone magazine. When asked his version of a perfect day, he said, "to fuck until the skin comes off my dick."
What does this tell us about dear cousin Balki? To me it says he was a very self conscious about playing a buffoon man child with about as much sex appeal as Chris Burke's character of Corky. He didn't like the Balki he saw staring back at him in the mirror everyday.
He had to be so vulgar to create the false impression he was a manly man. Surely, no asexual clown boy could say something so shocking. If he were any sort of actor we may have almost believed it. Give up Balki, nobody thought you were a man 20 years ago & we sure don't now.
I said ,I mentioned it to him on Facebook.Bronson Pinchot has to definitely be the next Inspector Clouseau!He looks like him and has the mobility of doing excellent foreign accents,He would be the perfect choice,Nevermind Steve Martin,he just doesn't pull it. I once said that the actor on Remington Steele by the name of Pierce Brosnan would be a great JAMES BOND. wELL!
Not his fault everyone has urges they need to take care of.
Bronson seems to be happy and content, productively creating and moving forward with his life. He really does not care one tiny bit about what you think or what you thought of him in his past; that's your business. I have known his older brother and I can say he has been priviledged to come from a fine, artistic, talented and well learned family with solid moral values.
So why don't you get busy filling up the holes of your own emptiness and find a more interesting way to entertain yourselves. This blog is pathetic, lame and boring. Seriously!
I didn't recognize him at first but eventually realized he was a famous actor of my era. I am a new viewer of his DIY show and find it very entertaining with its little bits of history as he constructs his personal masterpieces. With all the prior negative blogs I don't quite understand why people can't just comment on the now, everyone has a past and its not what the show is portraying. The show is interesting with his bouts of humor and the knowledge of the history in his pieces that he uses on his projects is what makes for a great show! Thanks I'm a fan...again!
As a resident of Susquehanna County & the owner of rental properties in the Lennox/Kingsley area, I can assure you what was said about Mr. Bartakamous in the previous posts, sadly, could not be more true. He really has purchased a new building for the Fire Department! Feel free to check by doing a google search in the Scranton area. I used to consider Balki to be a good customer, constantly filling my rental properties. This was until I learned the young boys & girls he was bringing here were nothing more than his sexual playthings. I find it distrburing he actually said his idea of a good time was to F&$k until the skin came off, but I guess he is living a his dream & destroying our community in the process. It doesn't prove your a man by being a dirty pervert Mr. Bartakamous!
To the writers of the negative, pathetic and malevolent posts:
Where do you take so much hate and vulgarity?
Are you really so full of envy, jealousy and intrigues?
Did Bronson Pinchot said something unfriendly about your idol?
Did he rebuffed someone of you?
Or is the problem,that you are in contrast to Bronson Pinchot nobodies?
Well, for sure his life has meaning and depth,also in contrast to you all.
Whether its true -what you claim- or not,... to spit such hate around you openly doesnt make the world better.
YOU dont make the world better!
BTW: A spineless "Anonymous" posted on
March 27, 2013 12:54 AM:
>> I am literally shocked you do not have a listing for his cousin Larry Appleton. If you wanna see washed up, check out his twitter feed. It's so pathetic you wonder how he didn't swallow a gun years ago, but I digress.<<
For this I only can say:
If you're not even capable to see this "MarkLinnBaker"-Acc. on Twitter is a fake,
all your other statements are ridiculous!!!
And a last
explanation to all here, who called Bronson Pinchot "Balki Bartokomous":
"Balki" was a role in a TV-Sitcom.
If you're not capable to set fiction apart from reality, how could we take seriously all your other comments, lies and dirty assertions?
Bronson is a joke of a human. Well I think the word "human" might be an overly nice.
Watching his project on DIY network. I saved all of his episodes on my DVR because I love his design aesthetic. I would love to have a home like his. I have learned a lot about Greek Revival. I do question some of his fabric choices, but other than that, it all looks really beautiful. I was a very young child when he was a celebrity in Hollywood, but I do vaguely remember him. Though, what I remember of him I thought the show was about two gay men, but I guess it was just him and his cousin. I remember him most from The Langoliers where his character scared the crap out of me/aroused me for reasons I do not understand. I won't lie I did also question his sexuality. I do think he is really attractive despite his hair loss and weight gain. I didn't watch him the reality tv show because having lived in L.A. and been on set with a bunch of reality t.v. people, I know that it's 98% scripted bullshit. Even if BP is a pervert, so what? Everyone needs love and most people need sex. As long as he isn't hurting anyone and what he does is consensual, it's none of your damn business.
He went to my high school, and I was in school with his brother. His mom worked in the office. She was a really nice lady, and single parent raising her children alone. Bronson bought her a home, and looked after her. I think he is nice where it really counts. I don't know about any of the mean stuff said about him, I've only heard good.
He was in my same high school, and his mother was a single parent, who worked in the school office. She was super nice. She had a hard life, but Bronson took care of her and bought her a house. I think he is nice where it counts. I never heard of the bad stuff about him, but as you see, this website is all about running people/celebrities down. I wouldn't be surprised if all of the crap written about him here is made up.
My sister went to high school with him. She said he was nice but quiet and shy. We both loved him in perfect strangers. I think he's still shy and trying too hard to be liked. He still is funny. Hope he gets a new show.
He is on the Sabrina retcon currently.
I’m happy to post a comment about “Perfect Strangers.” I don’t know Bronson Pinchot personally. I don’t know any television and/or movie stars personally. But I have plenty to say about the TV show that Bronson Pinchot made so popular.
My daughter and I watched it beginning the third season, when it was put in the new TGIF (Thank Goodness It’s Friday) lineup. She was 12 years old. When this show was popular, from 1986 onward, the country wasn’t filled with gay people or gay television shows. TGIF on Friday nights offered clean, wholesome, family viewing. She and I never forgot how much we enjoyed, what we called, “Larry-Balky.” They were not “gay” because they were roommates, and there was never such an insinuation.
Most of these posts are sad sounding and I’m sorry about them. They are cynical, hateful, and dirty. I’m sorry to say they sound like my son, who didn’t adopt the values I tried to instill in him growing up. For younger people posting here, maybe you don’t remember such a time.
“Perfect Strangers” and all the other family shows on TGIF are sadly missed. To my knowledge there is no such clean programming on now. My husband and I watch old movies or old TV shows that air on a few channels. Because there is nothing we feel worth watching now.
Thanks for letting me post my point of view.
Yes, perfect strangers was awesome! I too, remember it when I was young, and it's funny how time changes someone. I remember thinking Balky was cute and Larry wasn't and now I think they both are. Consequently, about this article...who cares, even if he did do what it says (without consent to touch). I don't believe there are very many people that can say they've never done anything stupid in their life. Elvis sang "clean up your own back yard" in one of his movies. Good advice!
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