Haley Joel Osment
Haley Joel Osment is a former child star best known for his role in 1999 smash hit movie The Sixth Sense. He has also appeared in other major motion pictures such as Pay It Forward and Artificial Intelligence: AI.
I first saw The Sixth Sense when it hit the theatres in 1999 and thought it was a great movie. Osment was perfect in his role as a child with an extraordinary ability to see dead people that others cannot. Osment provided such an outstanding performance that he received an Oscar nomination for Best Supporting Actor. After I saw the movie I remember thinking to myself "wow, that little 5-year-old kid was a really good actor." I was in total shock when I later discovered that Osment was actually 11 years old when the movie came out!At the 2000 Academy Awards show Osment was so devastated when he lost his bid for the Best Supporting Actor nomination that he actually started crying like the little 5-year-old I initially thought he was.*
Despite his initial break-through performance in The Sixth Sense and the subsequent roles in other major motion pictures, Osment has failed to live up to expectations. His career is clearly on a downward trajectory and it appears as though his personal life is as well. Osment, like many former child stars, went through a harsh puberty that was not kind to him as is painfully obvious in the pictures below:
It is almost a guarantee that Osment will never be a leading man given his diminutive stature (5'4") and his unsightly post-adolescent look. Osment has apparently attempted to drown his sorrows with alcohol and drugs. In July 2006 he suffered injuries when he lost control of his 1995 Saturn while driving under the influence of alcohol (his blood alcohol level was more than twice the legal limit of 0.08) when he crashed into a mailbox on a brick base and his car flipped over. Osment fractured a rib and his right shoulder blade and suffered cuts and abrasions. Osment was subsequently arrested. Here is his mug shot (click on the image for a larger view):Osment was charged with four misdemeanor counts: driving under the influence of alcohol, driving with a .08 blood alcohol level or higher, enhancement of driving with a .15 or higher, and possession of marijuana while driving. Osment's lawyer pled no contest to one count each of misdemeanor driving under the influence and misdemeanor marijuana possession. Prosecutors dropped the two other charges, another misdemeanor DUI and a vehicle code infraction. Osment was sentenced to three years probation, 60 hours in an alcohol rehabilitation and education program, a fine of $1,500 and a minimum requirement of 26 Alcoholics Anonymous meetings over a six-month period.
All of this makes Haley Joel Osment one washed-up celebrity!
In researching Haley Joel Osment I came across this nasty anti-Haley Joel Osment website: The Official Anti-Haley Joel Osment website
*CORRECTION* - I finally found some information about Osment's crying and discovered that he did not, in fact, cry at the Oscars when he lost. Instead, he cried at the Golden Globes when he lost his bid for Best Supporting Actor. Apparently host Dick Clark was unnerved about this.
I always think it's weird when kids are really cute when they're young, like tv kids most noticeably, and then they grow up and still have their kid face and then they just look weird/creepy.
What I find creepy is how his face has stayed exactly the same as he's grown, except for his nose & jawline. Kind of makes him look like a retarded hillbilly man-child. He'd be perfect for if they ever remade Deliverance.
1995 Saturn? I thought he'd have a better car than that. Oh wait, he probably pissed all of his earnings away on drugs.
I thought he was dorky looking as a kid... and just got worse with age.
I heard his car crash was a result of Cocaine, Whiskey, Meth, and the agony of seeing some disfigured Roadie at a butt rock show in LA.
Cockpuncher, I heard similar to you, but what I heard was that this filthy Roadie was trying to hit on him, putting his hands down his pants and stuff. When Haley tried to leave the Roadie kept after him. He had no choice but to get in his car. When he looked in his rear view mirror he noticed a beat up VW camper van driven by the Roadie was speeding after him. He tried his best to get away but lost control of the car crashing it in a fiery explosion. He was knocked out cold. When he can to he was surrounded by police and covered in a sticky white substance. No one knows who the Roadie was and where he went, but it is believed he is out there stalking other current and former child stars. BE ON THE LOOK OUT!
I saw him in person just a few months ago at the Astor Place K-Mart (NY, NY). He's actually still pretty cute, especially as he's beginning to fill out (sideways).
ETA: He was with a group of friends (probably from NYU where he is taking a break from his career to pursue a degree) and looked happy to me.
Good job, Kurt.
Where did you hear that he threw a fit and cried like a baby when he didn't win an Oscar? I want to read more into that. If you have a link, please post it.
I remember watching a news entertainment morning show after the 2000 Oscars and the entertainment reporter mentioned that he was either crying at the Oscars or right afterword. Unfortunately I couldn't find a source but I distinctly remember hearing about it.
mmm look at that sweet little pot-bellied pumpkin in the first picture. if only i couldve been in hollywood to sample the goods... yum!
its like that one cher song: "if i could turn back time". lord only knows i would.
I was wrong about him crying at the Oscars. Apparently he cried at the Golden Globes, not the Oscars. I updated the post and added a link to a relevant news article.
^^Close enough. Golden Globes & Academy Awards are practically the same thing.
I love how his mugshot looks like his regular old pictures.
I almost crapped my pants laughing when a TV news show the other night compared the facial features of HJO to Chris Burke from "Life Goes On".
I like how you guys who have never, and likely never will, bemean those who at least were "there" at one time.
YOU are the sad ones...
Haley Joel Osment is the best actor ever. Do not spit on him thou filthy creatures :-O
To whomever started this blog: I could be mistaken, but if I'm not, I'm sorry you're so unhappy.
I'm sorry for the above comment regarding your "happiness." I was being a bit sarcastic.
But I think the subjects of your blog would be hurt by what's been written about them. I'm sure, for them, acting (or more specifically, fame) was a means at obtaining happiness. Maybe now they're better off without it. (I mean how long can something like fame, which depends upon the whims of external circumstances sustain one's contentment?)
And at the end of the day that's all anybody really wants.
Bit of shame that he has to watch
sis Emily become more famous than
him as Hannah Montana's sidekick
I was only only 15 back then but i remember the oscars then and when the best supporting actor's name was read (michael cane) haley joel osment actually smiled and clapped (he was nominated for best supporting actor so his live vid was boxed with the other nominees) he seemed kinda plastic to me when he smiled and clapped for michael, but personally i found his acting in the sixth sense was more superb compare to michael's role in the cider house rules.
Is Emily Osment of Hannah Montana related to him?
yes, Emily is his sister.
this is so funny,i love reading about all these washed up celebrities.it's hilarious
People need to really look at themselves before they run around the internet with their ugly envious ways. This young man can still be anything he want's to be. As long as he doesn't allow haters...haters evil envious horrible people who don't have Faith ------ tear him down with their DEAD HEARTS
People need to really look at themselves before they run around the internet with their ugly envious ways. This young man can still be anything he want's to be. As long as he doesn't allow haters...haters evil envious horrible people who don't have Faith ------ tear him down with their DEAD HEARTS.... J. Ro
Is he related to Donny Osment?
You know, I think it would be quite taxing upon one's psyche to have to wrestle with the fact that you were nominated for an Oscar a decade ago, and now your little sister is the star of the family while you're mopping out toilets at Baskin Robbins to make ends meet.
He looks like he plugs some old men's fart holes to make a few bucks on the side. Maybe that's why he hangs out at a fucking K-Mart.
He's as adorable as ever!! You all are so full of hate and jealousy, it's pathetic. Now crawl back under your rocks. Everybody makes their share of mistakes. It's how you learn from them and handle them. Haley, Hope you're in my part of the world some day. Would be honored to know you.
he was driving an 11 year old Saturn? nuff said--I feel bad for him
Wow, we live in a sad society that is so backwards. Must people demean others to make themselves feel better? Haley is an extremely intelligent and talented young man. As for his maturing looks, may I remind the writer of this article that Tom Hanks isn't the normal leading man type either, but "hello!" he's done pretty good with racking up the leading man roles!!! As for his height... Tom Cruise,not a giant! If your reading Haley... God bless you... hang in there... there are people who care! and I look forward to seeing your acting again.
If he's made a couple of mistakes that's sad, but not as sad as creepy inadequates like JewveBeenFramed and Gay Zack who've obviously been watching too much porn.
If you are a dude I would love to show you what sort of porno moves this "creepy inadequate" can pull on you. If you want you can dress up as Haley but I can't think of any iconic role he played maybe you can come as PC instead. Then we can rub dicks and mash asscheeks together while singing it's raining men. HIT ME UP!!!
If you are a woman then get the hell out of here I don't do women, and I'm guessing you are VERY FAT if you are a woman because a recent SCIENTIFIC study showed that women who defend washed up celebrities on the internet tend to weigh more than a house (SEE Tina Yothers fans for proof).
I was expecting Haley Joel Osment to go one up on his excellent performance in 'The Sixth Sense'. Sadly, that chance never came, and the guy himself doesn't look as adorable as his did back in 1998/99.
I guess time catches up, but talent grows as long as you let it grow. I hope he doesn't go the way of Macaulay Culkin as I feel Osment can still turn things around.
I read this article & a few comments below...im not necessarily a fan of his, i've never met him, know almost nothing about him - however, I think a lot of people have been EXTREMELY harsh on this site. Just because he is/was a movie star, does NOT mean he's not a human. He's still a kid, & a cute 1 at that....you people seriously sound as if he's 56 yet still looks the same....most of u may not have noticed this before but when people age they dont become different people all together, the face they already have matures...some slower than others...he'll have the last laugh when he IS 56 & looks like he's 36...& btw - how old is he??..22?? Which means he probably just recently started drinking ((legally anyway)), Ive never drank & drove myself, however, I know quite a few people who have...and ANY/ALL of u would be lying if u say u didnt know someone who drinks/drives whether they got caught or not, especially at his age...hell, some of YOU may very well have gotten DWI's but bc u arent nearly as successful at whatever bitter age u are as he was when he was just 11 ((and when u were 11, im sure u cried when u lost contests also!! Thats what 11yr old KIDS do!!))...the point here is, so many of u are ripping this poor kid apart & for something that we all know someone in our own personal lives who is guilty of the same thing...so lay off this poor kid, i doubt all these comments were written by super models - u never know who may read this...his mother, other family members, or haley himself...im sure he has enough shame and guilt within himself & his own insecurities...and from what ive learned throughout life...whatever someone says about another that's negative, is something they hate about themselves...may sound "cliche" BUT it's true....so rather than trash someone you've never even met...why dont u focus on ur own failing careers, ur own traffic violations, ur own friends/family members who've gotten DWI's & ur own personal appearance before u spend ur time writing stupid/immature/jealousy fueled messages like these....the end.
What I think is creepy is how a bunch off ignorant jackasses post negative comments about people they don't even know. I can almost guarantee none of you look like beauty queens or handsome male models so how the hell can you make negative comments on someone elses looks! Get a life why don't you!
Hey Movie Fan-I like your blog-although I think someposts about some celebrities are unfair. Still, it is fun to trahs ahole and bitchy famous people. One thing though-comments like these:
February 22, 2007 7:30 PM
"Anonymous said...
mmm look at that sweet little pot-bellied pumpkin in the first picture. if only i couldve been in hollywood to sample the goods... yum! its like that one cher song: "if i could turn back time". lord only knows i would."
ARE WRITTEN BY PEDOPHILES AND HAVE NO PLACE ONB ANY BLOG ANYWHWERE. You need to delete this comment and others like it. You need to report these losers to.
Here's a news flash for ya. He's still acting...and doing a decent job of it. I guess you're going to have to pull his profile back out of the dust heap.
Oh, and by the way, some of you posters are disturbed beyond mentioning. You know who you are. Seek help.
I see dead careers.....ALL THE TIME!
Haley Joe Osment = Tripweaver
This blog is so funny, all of the stories about these WC make me laugh out loud. It's funny, though I know it may be cruel, but I don't think these guys are sensitive anyway, or maybe they are, because when you're down and out, you become more sensitive and your self esteem lowers.
Well, they signed up for this anyway, and they couldn't expect that they would be successful forever, most people are not. I have a relatively well paid job, but I fear everyday that I may lose it, as I did in the past. It's a bit reassuring that these guys don't have it so easy either, as it would be unfair on us, the rest of the working class people.
So, they were kings for some time, are saddened that they no longer are, and our laughing at them is the price they pay when they agreed to be famous. Careful what you wish for, is the saying.
Btw, no novelty when you criticize his looks as most of the most famous actors are fugly.
Or do you think that Brad Pitt, George Clooney, Nick Cage, are good looking?
If they were good looking, it was for some time in the past, they are no more.
If his career is over, he could do some gay porn like "The Six Inch"
The article and comments are shamefully disdainful ,condescending and even malicious. They sound like the mockery of bullies - crazed wolves after injured prey.
Osment was a good child actor and he is a handsome young man. As for his height, Mickey Rooney (also a child actor) was shorter and a leading man in movies for years. Osment's personal story isn't told and his future is unwritten. He continues to be successfully working in films.
I think he was an adorable child and he turned out to be a nice looking young man. There are a great deal of haters on here and gay men. You are the ones who have to answer for your sins. I doubt that a DUI is as bad as putting your privates in another's ass or mouth. The Bible says bisexuals are worthy of death. You are just jealous you cannot get a man so you have to hate on him. So what if he has a SATURN!!! I love this little guy.
Here's the catcher, as opposed to pitcher:
He doesn't act much, he really only has done voice acting since he grew up.
You must be jealous that even a job at Kmart is better than what you have.... LOSER.....
So what , it's more than what you have, that's why your signing anonymous. Get a life.
That's what I'm talking about. Your just like all the celebraties, good luck keeping your job. And when you Do lose it, think of this young man when your standing at the check out line at Kmart. Good luck
And you would know this howww, quit comparing yourself, again.
AMEN AMEN AMEN, I couldn't have said it better myself.
I remember seeing this guy pull of a dine and dash at a KFC restaurant some time ago.. I knew he looked familiar.
He looks like a young Owen Wilson. This actor has made some bad decisions. He still has time to get his life and career on track. Hopefully, he'll use it wisely.
"My mother said life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get"! You neglected to mention that Haley Joel Osment appeared in FORREST GUMP.
I am guessing that none of you have ever achieved what this young man has achieved. Usually people who need to constantly put people down . . . well, you know what they say. For goodness sake do you really think he cares what you think of him? He's a healthy young man who has exceptional talent, has gotten a college degree, and has his whole life ahead of him. My guess is that you will be writing a blog for the rest of yours.
Word is that he's managed to get clean and sober, but people are skeptical that he will stay sober. I hope he succeeds.
ups and downs come in every one's life. He was the best child actor. I love his movies Artificial Intelligence, Secondhand Lions, Pay it Forward and so on. I never saw any child actor with such incredible acting skills. Love you Haley. Plz don't get dishearted and keep on struggling. plz don't drink alcohol.
pray for you.
Haley is a natural actor as is evident from his movies, Artificial Intelligence, Secondhand Lions, sixth Sence, Pay it Forward etc. you entertained us. you made us happy. love you haley. don't get hishearted. keep on struggling. you are a God gifted actor and we would love to see you back. don't listen to the jealous guys who left these dirty comments.
This I think is a perfect case of what fame can do to a person. Children are in no way ready to handle the weight of what comes with being famous. Most adult celebrities can't even handle it. Haley Joel Osment was an exceptional child actor. The Sixth Sense and Pay It Forward are two incredible movies in which he stars in. He had so much potential and talent but he was brought up being famous and I think that can take its toll on someone - it sure did with Jodie Sweetin and Lindsay Lohan. You almost feel bad for the kid, I'm sure he faced so many pressures as a child being famous and ultimately had an escape from it through his source of money, which lead to his alcohol and drug abuse. It's sad to see such potential go to waste!
What the-- I can't believe how hateful most of you are! Like seriously take a look in the mirror I'm sure half of you are no oil paintings yourselves. It doesn't sound like he's washed up he just hasn't lived up to whatever warped sense of perfection you decided he needs to live up to
I must admit that it's quite painful to see what has become of some of these former child stars. So many of them succumbed to drugs and alcohol abuse. It's no wonder it took such a toll on their looks and accelerated the aging process. I was mortified to see current pics of Haley Joel Osment-YIKES! He used to be such a cutie. Again, substance abuse at play. Danny Bonaduce, Macaulay Culkin and Lindsay Lohan are more examples of what the ravages of drugs will do to someone when they hit midlife.
He looks like he's drinking too much. :/
Oh, I just LOVED Haley. He was SO cute when he was little.
If you think he'll never be a leading man cause he's 5'4'', look at Tom Cruise, or RDJ for that matter. I guarantee neither of them is above 5'5. Sure their official info says 5'8-5'10, but that's def bullshit. Especially when you look at him next to Chris Evans or Chris Hemsworth, who's maybe 6'legitimately.
He looks like a chunky midget! Maybe he can land a role in Wizard of Oz Part III.
Went on Emily osment's instagram (not much worth seeing) saw a photo of her and Hayley together at a white house correspondence diner. Fark, he looks like her illegitimate mongoloid brother born from incest. Seriously. Apart from the weight gain has he had any surgery don't to his face? There's no way his eyes were that close together back in his 6th sense days. Fark!
Not one constructive or intelligent comment out of 77!
What is wrong with you people? You are horrible debased creatures with malignant souls to speak so hatefully about someone. I hope NONE of you have children and torture them with your cruelty or worse poison this earth with anymore of your filth. Shame on you.
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