Jodie Sweetin
Jodie Sweetin is a former child actor best known for her role as Stephanie Tanner on the family sitcom, Full House. Sweetin was born on January 19, 1982 and broke into acting at age 4. In 1986, she appeared in an Oscar Mayer hot dog commercial. She later had her first TV acting role in a guest spot on The Hogan Family as the niece of the next-door neighbor, Mrs. Poole. These early roles led to her starring role on Full House.
I personally thought that Full House was one of the crappiest shows I have ever seen on TV. I've never understood the appeal of Bob Saget, the father of the Tanner family on the show, and I sure don't remember him ever saying anything funny on any show on which he's ever appeared. However, my dislike of Bob Saget and the show notwithstanding, I will admit that Full House was very popular and it did manage to stay on the air for 8 seasons, from 1987-1995.
America saw Sweetin grow from a 5-year-old child up to a 13-year-old adolescent by the time the show was cancelled in 1995. Sweetin was a cute kid and was popular with many young girls and boys. However, unbeknownst to her loved ones, something was missing from her life that wouldn't become conspicuous until years later.Sweetin graduated from high school in 1999 and then attended Chapman University from 1999–2003. She pledged Alpha Phi sorority and majored in mass communications, planning a show business career as an acting teacher. During her time in high school and in college, Sweetin occasionally made guest appearances on popular TV shows, including Brotherly Love, Party of Five, and Yes, Dear. She also did commercials for Cheerios, Kooshlings, Disneyland, and Sea World.
After college, Sweetin dated and eventually a married police officer and semi-pro tennis player named Shaun Holguin on July 27, 2002. Many of her former Full House castmates attended the ceremony. Here are pictures of her and Holguin from their wedding day:Holguin looks like a clean-cut guy, but Sweetin was only 20 at the time she got married, and apparently wasn't ready for all of the responsibilities of marriage. She quickly bored of married life as her acting career fizzled, and she turned to drugs. By 2003, she had developed a daily addiction to crystal meth, which eventually became her sole purpose in life. Her husband claims to have been completely unaware of her addiction, although it is extremely difficult to believe that her husband could possibly be that much of an idiot to not notice that his wife was a junkie. Sweetin's addiction to crystal meth became so bad that five of her teeth eventually rotted away from the drug abuse. Luckily for her, she had the presence of mind to voluntarily check herself into rehab in 2005. She later appeared on Good Morning America in 2006 to discuss her addictions to drugs.
Her drug use put a tremendous amount of strain on her marriage and was undoubtedly embarrassing to her policeman husband. She and Holguin divorced in 2006.
Sweetin must have felt really lonely after her first husband left her, because she quickly hooked up with a heavily tattooed douche bag named Cody Herpin. Their relationship progressed quickly and they got married in July 2007. Sweetin is now pregnant with her first child.According to IMDB, Herpin has been a driver and set designer on the sets of several shows. I question how long this marriage will last - Herpin looks like total dirtbag and loser. Sweetin claims to be completely sober right now, but I have to believe that she was on something when she married him. How long will it be until she gets bored with him?
In an effort to change her image, Sweetin has apparently fixed her rotted teeth and acquired huge breast implants. She looks hot, albeit in a somewhat slutty kind of way in the pictures below. However, she's trying to look her best to get back into acting roles. From July 2006 to 2007, Sweetin secured a job as host of the second season of Pants-Off Dance-Off, a TV-14 rated dance contest on Fuse TV that is probably watched by about 7 people. The program features amateurs stripping down to their underwear to their favorite music videos. I've never heard of the show, but she definitely has the perfect look to host a show with amateur strippers.In view of her drug abuse, fizzled career, and marriage to an ugly loser, Jodi Sweetin is definitely one washed-up celebrity!
***Update - June 18, 2011 ***
Sweetin separated from Cody Herpin on November 19, 2008 and finalized a divorce with him on April 20, 2010. They had one daughter together. In their divorce proceedings, Herpin's lawyers alleged that Sweetin had returned to her drug abusing ways and the court issued a temporary custody ruling that required Sweetin to be in her mother’s presence while caring for her child.
Notwithstanding his tattoos, Herpin actually seems to have been the more normal and down-to-earth of the two in this marriage. Sweetin and Herpin eventually worked out their differences and Sweetin was given joint custody of their daughter and ordered to pay Herpin $600 per month in child support.
Sweetin has since gotten engaged to much older man, Morty Coyle, who is a celebrity DJ and is at least 13 years older than her. Sweetin gave birth to a baby with Coyle on August 31, 2010. Here are some pictures of Coyle - he shows off his class by making it appear as though he is taking a dump in the photo on the left.
Sweetin appears to be hell-bent on becoming white trash in the unlikely event that she isn't already. She has two children from different men. She's about to become married for the third time and she won't even be 30 years old until 2012. Each of her husbands/fiancees seem less desirable than the one before.
Sweetin should probably be seeing a psychiatrist because it is clear to me that she rushes into things and doesn't know what she really wants. I wonder whether her upcoming marriage will even last three years before she gets bored and leaves Coyle like she left her previous husbands.
Even worse than being addicted to meth or marrying some dirtbag, she is hosting that shitty show? If you've ever seen it, you will know how bad it is...
Truely WASHED UP!!!!!!!!!!!
Man, she sure got real skanky real quick. I'll be that wigger douchebag of a husband made her get that ridiculous boobjob, he looks like the type.
Hey diamondcutter what is this show like that she host?
Jesus - what a skank! At least she's got her tits and her baby-making abilities to fall back on though. Her new beau looks like a dealer though.
She's pregnant too, they had her ultrasound photo on TMZ.
She had those big-ass breasts before she married that scuzzy dude. And I don't think she'll get bored with this guy, especially if he's her dealer.
Pretty sure I heard she's knocked up. God help that child!
I bet the child is Uncle Joey's.
She's so fuckin hot...I'd do whatever she wanted. I'd let her pee all over me if that's what she wanted.
Jodie's the cover story in the
newest issue of People that talks
'bout her journey from meth addict
to new mom so check it out!!!
HOT girl!!!
Her & the tattooed douch-bag just split up, according to People magazine.
Anyone else find it strangly ironic that she married a cop, initially and then developed a drug habit? Like he subconscious knew it was coming and tried to put her in a situation where it would be difficult to throw herself completely down the toilet. Guess it didn't work out though. Good thing they didnt have any kids.
oh yea I totally agree with you on this one, she does seem like a total skank.
I think she looks really good as a skank fatty.
I think she looks hot as fuck w/ those tits. "Pants off Dance Off" wasn't a bad show. It was people stripping as they danced to some random song. You could then go online to see the unedited version.
Nice tits
Jodie is on marriage #3. She married a douchey Hollywood DJ! She's probably after his money.
PREGNANT AGAIN! Kurt, you need to add to this.
Pictures of her pregnant w/the new douchebag 'MORTY'
yo i just found your blog and this shit be havin me crackin up at work and makin the time fly you a funny muhfugga homey the only thing that i disagree with is Bob Sagat not being funny in anything that he's ever been in (which is a hella funny line btw) he had one of the most funniest lines in the movie Half baked when he said Marijuana you in here for Maryjane i suck dick for coke and you in here for maryjane
She is divorced.
She's engaged again to some other guy named Morty coyle with whom she had her second daughter. 3 marriages, yikes
she would be better off with anybody other than that shit bag shes with they both look total tweekers they probably get high with Danny Pintauro...any way good luck with the rest of your life Jodie Sweetin...we still love you...eagrly awaiting a porno..don't let us down show us what you're made of ...
I think a porn career would be more sucessful for her.
How come you don't add to this entry?
Look at her Wikipedia entry, she divorced the tattoo guy, then married someone who looks like a terrorist, got pregnant by him, and is now engaged to him. her 3rd marriage.
^^^ Thanks, I updated the entry. I have been meaning to do this for awhile.
i loved her on the full house and i thought that wen she would grow up she was gunna be so pretty and a typical nice inisent girl i thougt WRONG wow shes not even 30 and already got married like 4 or 3 times ..... wow.....i still think she is a great actor but watever s**t happens (sorry for using inaproprient launguage)like it does kinda happens to 50% of the stars like miley cyrus smoked bongo ....chris brown hit a girl....rebbeca black started singing.....n alot more give the girl a break watevs
Please Be More Careful, Miss Jodie Sweetin, Please Do! I Know, I Know, I Get Upset, When My Parents Preach This At Me Too! I Do Not Like My Parents Preaching At Me Either, To Be More Careful Either, It's Really Annoying, But, They Do Have A Point, I Suppose That They Do Have A Point....) Anyways, Take Care, Miss Jodie Sweetin, And Have A Good Day, Amen! from Elise Renee Gingerich age 39 in Lawrence Kansas Usa :) ps: I've Made Some Dumb Moves Myself.... (Yes, I've Made Some Dumb Moves Myself Too!
:( Also: You Can Find My Dumb Random Postings, All Over The Internet Everybody! (Yeah, I've Witten Dumb Random Postings, All Over The Internet, Everybody!)
She kind of resembles this old classmate of mine that was recently arrested for cashing Social Security checks that were meant for her kid that wasn't living with her. I can totally see Jodie doing something like that in the future if she ever loses custody of her kids.
Damn shame, 2 kids, 3 marriages, was on crystal meth, wtf is wrong with this chick, whoever thought a boob job would make her look good, but she needs to go to church or somethin, if she was dating a black guy, none of this stuff would of been happening
she is still fuckin hot
I think she's beautiful
I would let her crap my chest while she blew her nose in my open mouth
What's amazing is that after all the meth abuse, she's still rather attractive.
it's not up to us to judge her, no one is perfect in this world. I admit it's hard to see her go down a road of drugs and failed marriages especially because she was such a good actor as a child. if u read her book unsweetened it's pretty good and gives a good idea of what she has been through.
This woman should get out of the Republic of Hollywood (like she's going to pull something off) and move to the state of Alabama and get being a shrimp boat operator out on the gulf coast.
I'm not against the adult film idea. I think it would be good for her. Her ex looks like the type of creep who drinks all your beer, grabs your chicks ass then throws up on your carpet before laughing about it as you start to kick his ass. And uh..oh..yeah, I haven't read unsweetened yet, maybe I'll get a copy for Christmas!
Update: Jodie has just filed for legal separation from Husband #3...
You might wanna do an update to the article.
She married husband #3, crapped out a kid, now she's getting divorced AGAIN!
It's sad, she was on a long running, still popular today sit-com and her only assets are a 2000 Toyota Avalon and a $200 Kohl's credit card her and her husband are fighting over.
You might wanna do an update to the article.
She married husband #3, crapped out a kid, now she's getting divorced AGAIN!
It's sad, she was on a long running, still popular today sit-com and her only assets are a 2000 Toyota Avalon and a $200 Kohl's credit card her and her husband are fighting over.
Did you hear she just separated from husband number three? Poor girl.
Her 3rd husband looks like the guy from the movie Short Circuit.
Dear Movie Fan:
Her profile needs to be updated, she's divorcing again!
even though this hot girl is making some bad choices in life,i would still like all these people who are making these comments put in the spotlight with their skeletons pulled out of their closet's,would be very interested.
i can say she is the hottest chick on that show,but she should take care of herself meth is a bad drug.
if i was her i wouldn't do anything more the weed and lots of sex with me !!!!!!
Awesomely written article. Love the writing style. Informative, too. Sweetin looks real hot now. Damn. Smart move by her in getting the tits.
she lost herself but why all this hate
I admit I've made big mistakes. A crappy marriage with four kids then a girlfriend with three more. Now I'm single taking care of mine plus I take care of her daughter as well. Don't get me wrong, children are never the mistake just the people we get with. I admit I've never really abused major drugs of any kind though that period where my house was the big drunken party for six months. None is perfect. She seems to be slowly going in the right direction...she just needs someone to nudge her a bit further. She needs church. Oh and put them boobs back natural is the way these day. I'd rather see natural no matter the size.
She has now filed for divorce from Coyle
What's even worse is a washed up blogger blogging about a washed up celebrity.
I agree that Jodie appears to be very mixed up and has made many many mistakes. I only hope she will smarten up and turn her life around. And lose the implants! She needs major help!
She has admitted that she had a serious drug problem and made some bad decisions in her life.
I for one think she is gorgeous - especially those big titties of hers!
I'd gladly be husband number 4 if/when her most recent marriage ends.
Jodie has a nice set of gangsta tits!
Boo Hoo this chick did the meth. So what! I got VD a whore house in Mexico once, you don't hear me complain about it!
oh heck... from teddy bear/how rude/cute/funny stephanie with a cherry on top to a slutty hot babe... it's even similar to what that cyrus girl became
This chick is now totally in my league. That's cool. I'm really twisted too, but hey what's she going to say about it?
Almost there! Full House actress Jodie Sweetin has filed for divorce from her estranged husband Morty Coyle, the actress confirms to Us Weekly, and it’s close to being finalized.
Sweetin, 33, tells Us that the two are "happily moving on" after she filed for legal separation in June 2013. At the time, Sweetin cited irreconcilable differences and requested full custody of their daughter, Beatrix, now 4.
It's from two months ago so it likely final now.
This girl is really lucky. Somehow she has been chosen to star on the remake of Full House as a main character. She will soon make decent money. She hasn't done much of anything since Full House was cancelled back in 1995. Hopefully she is able to stay clean this time.
Jodie's LA street name is "Meth Momma".
Lol, like she's the only person to do meth in jollywood! I do love that she's coming back...poo on all you rump turds
Uh-oh. Engaged again! Just google "Jodie Sweetin". She is getting ready for marriage #4. At least the new fiance, Justin Hodak doesn't look as filthy as the last two husbands.
Miley Cyrus posted the picture of Jodie with her sleazy-looking second husband on Instagram this past weekend and is getting some backlash over it.
And this is probably no surprise whatsoever, but Jodie is going to be on the upcoming season on Dancing With the Stars.
I bet even high on meth she spelled better than you.
She looked good on fuller house the new Netflix series going on season two this month.
WOW! I'm guessing by that nasty article and the nasty comments you are all super models who are perfect in every way and obviously have never made a bad decision or mistake in your pretty little lives, your not discusting little trolls sitting behind a computer trashing people so maybe you will somehow feel better about your sad pathetic existence! You did forget to mention how she managed to kick a meth addiction, somthing very few people can do,oh and God forbid she's been married and divorced a few times because we all know how easy it is to find real love, except for all of you by the way you were all judging her and condemning her to hell, your personal lives must be so fabulous with no problems ever, although I suppose if you live in your mom's basement dating or married to a blow up doll it's easy to never have any problems. You probably tell everyone your a real writer to huh.... Im gonna guess Jodi sweetin will have the last laugh in the end all the way to the bank. Don't worry though your lives are awsome just go upstairs and ask your mom.
Maybe instead of being complete asshole and working so hard to knock others down you should try writing somthing positive like how to stop online bullying or body shaming. And fyi nothing you said was funny or witty or cute, it was mean and you just look like a giant douche! All of you the "author" of this crap and all your little minions in the comments section.
How awful for her...I feel ashamed for her.
Jodie is starring in the new Hallmark Channel TV movie "Finding Santa".
Her tits are fucking huge!! The director chose to try to hide them behind bulky sweaters, but those puppies can't be held back and are on glorious display throughout the entire film. I enjoyed watching it with my wife - we both were fantasying about all the trashy meth-fuelled 3somes she must have had in the past.
Definitely a hot MILF white trash vibe and still worth a stroke or two :D
So let me get this straight!!! A young woman "former child star" hits rock bottom then picks her self up, cleans up her act, and moves forward in a positive direction, and people wanna throw stones of judgment? Shame on all of you!! This is part of the problem with society today. We like to hide behind our computer screens, and act like we are all so perfect!! I am glad to see Jodie doing well with Fuller House, and hope she has a wonderful carrier in acting. As far the rest of you, I wish you all the best as well. Just try to be a little more understanding, that no one is perfect!!! PEACE!!
I'm glad she's back...May God help her in everything she does... she's young and beautiful and now it's all about her kids... GBJS
Looks fuller house is a hit on netflix, looks like shes gotten things together maybe looks like that engagement to the justin dude is over he recoverring druggie i had a feeling that not a good combo cause he got arrrsted for stalking her. Seems the love of her duller house family keeping her afloat. Her history already tragic born to two parents that wrre in prison thsts a bad gene there.
Just read that she joined up with a bunch of antifa commies and they blocked a major highway in Los Angeles to protest the reversal of Roe v. Wade... What an idiot... Sad that the washed-up celebs have to resort to political stunts to keep their names out there...
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