Chris Makepeace
Chris Makepeace is a former child star best known for his role in the 1980 high school drama, My Bodyguard. Makepeace was born on April 22, 1964 in Montreal, Quebec. Makepeace's acting career began a role in a 1974 Canadian television special, The Ottawa Valley. Five years later, in 1979, he was cast in the comedy, Meatballs, in which he starred opposite Bill Murray, playing one of the teenage attendees of a summer camp.Makepeace apparently opened some eyes with the acting in Meatballs, because his next role was as the star of My Bodyguard. In My Bodyguard, Makepeace played Clifford Peache, a kid who moved downtown with his father, the manager of the Ambassador East Hotel, a high-end hotel located in the Gold Coast area of Chicago, Illinois. The Clifford character was sent to the public Lake View High School and was immediately hassled by bullies led by Melvin Moody (played by a young Matt Dillon). The bullies threatened Clifford and extorted lunch money from him. To fend off the bullies, Clifford paid a huge kid in his class, Ricky Linderman (played by Adam Baldwin) to be his bodyguard.
The movie focused on the friendship between Clifford and Linderman after Linderman scared off the bullies. Clifford hung around with Linderman and eventually gained the confidence to fight Moody in a scene at the end of the movie. I first saw My Bodyguard when I was a kid and thought that it was a very good movie. The relationship between Clifford and Linderman seemed wholesome at the time and Clifford looked up to Linderman as his hero of sorts. However, I recently viewed the movie and noticed some nuances that I had naively overlooked in my youth.
There are conspicuous homoerotic overtones in My Bodyguard and the gay tension between Clifford and Linderman is palpable at times. In one scene, Clifford was so interested in Linderman that he followed Linderman home through some rough neighborhoods after school one day. After Linderman saw Clifford, they went riding Linderman's bike together. Look at the movie images below - in the first one, Clifford looks elated as he rides on the back of Linderman's tiny bike, hanging onto Linderman for safety (or pleasure) purposes. In the second picture, their positions are reversed and Linderman appears to be shouting with glee. Despite the overtones in the movie, Linderman and Clifford never consummated their relationship, most likely due to the 1980 release year of the movie.
Makepeace's acting in My Bodyguard was well-received. In his review of the film, critic Roger Ebert wrote that Makepeace's character was "one of the most engaging teen-age characters I've seen in the movies in a long time."
Unfortunately, Makepeace was not able to parlay his critically acclaimed performance into any other meaningful roles. After My Bodyguard, subsequent roles included appearances in made-for-television films and a few crappy feature films, including the 1984 film, The Falcon and the Snowman, and 1986's Vamp. Makepeace is rumored to have slept with the man-ish Grace Jones during the filming of Vamp.
In 1996, Makepeace returned to the big screen in the poorly-received Memory Run (a.k.a., Synapse). Here are some image captures from Memory Run:Despite some early success, Chris Makepeace's acting career is clearly over. His only acting role since 1998 was a very minor role as a pilot in the straight-to-video movie, Full Disclosure. Perhaps he would be more successful if he returned to his bread and butter - movies with subtle gay themes. For this and the reasons above, Chris Makepeace is one washed-up celebrity!
Now I'm not usually one for sleazy sex, but it seems pretty obvious to me that there was probably a whole range of perverted homosexual acts going on during My Bodyguard, possibly involving fisting, oversized toys and maybe even 'colors'. Maybe I'm reading too much into it though, I dunno
Whatever did happen to this dufis? He was very believable as the much bullied kid in My Bodyguard. He sure followed Adam Baldwin's character around like a lost puppy mut. Go rub your fur!
There's always Meatballs III...
He was slated to play the role of "The Boy" based on the KISS concept album "(Music from) The Elder" in 1981. It never happened due to the poor sales of The Elder. Great album though. Would have been interesting to see a film version of it.
I believe he is actually doing quite nicely for himself in the post production aspect of films these days....
(Some) of you guys are a bunch of shallow, judgemental pricks! Wow. I'll betcha he's doing better than the majority of his critics here.
I always thought that the relationship between the Makepeace character and Adam Baldwin's was as an older brother to younger brother thing, not a homosexual thing.
I have seen My Bodyguard many times. Not once did I ever feel there was sexual tension in any scene. I think Freud would have something to say about you reading that deeply into homosexual overtures on the bike scene or any other scene in this movie. Jealous much?
Wow, I never got the homosexual undertones either. Hmm interesting thought.
I liked Chris.. wish he would have done more as well.... Watching Meatballs on Comedy Central now.. ooff the clothes are making me wince.. ah ha
I personally loved Chris in Meatballs. The little boy with those big blue puppy dog eyes. I think he could have gone far if he would have stayed with it.Gay????Come on.
When My Bodyguard was released, everyone was not gay. It was about a couple of guys have fun. During 80's the movie was not viewed as having homosexual overtones because homosexuality was not cool. My Bodyguard is a wholesome heart-warming movie about a scared boy. In today's world, it is cool to be gay and bisexual. It can be viewed as a gay movie, because that is they way people think now--perverse.
disclaimer--the human race rocks. I just think there are a lot of stereotypes about Gay people. I believe you love who you love.
I grew up in the 80's and I'm still a huge fan of Chris Makepeace and he's still awesome!!!!
I can't believe the cruel comments being posted here. It's a sad commentary on our society, the way people bash others they don't even know....I liked Chris (thought he was adorable when I was a teenage girl in the 80's!) Whatever he is doing now, I just hope he is happy and wish him the best. It sure sounds like a lot of people here are just bitter and angry over their own lives...that's just sad.
I think Chris Makepeace did some great acting in his short time,in film and worked with many great actors.
I enjoyed the movies he made, but of course, he had other plans for his life. You got my vote Chris:)
An old adage says,"If you spot it, you got it". To those of you considering yourselves to be film critics, reading homosexuality into the simplest of relationships might be little more than Freudian justification for your own latent homosexuality. Makepeace and Baldwin's characters in 'My Bodyguard' are obviously more psychologically complex than your dull frames of reference can encompass. Walk away from the keyboard and get back to the drive up window. Your less than stellar future in fast food is beckoning.
You know. I think the the asshole who wrote the post also wrote the first couple of comments. Think about it?? I never had the feeling that it was anyway close to a gay movie. It's "Delusional jealuousy" plane and simple.
This wasn't a gay movie. I'm sick of all these mohos and their assumptions that two men who smile at each other are really wanting to felch corn out of each others assholes. It ain't so, so quit saying it is.
Except for that Al Gore movie that was supposedly about "Global Warming". It doesn't take a mindreader to see that he was really talking about bumfucking teenage octoroons and then drinking their liquefied feces through a curly straw.
And they gave him an Oscar for that. Just what is the world coming to?
Why denigrate fast food workers? Obviously there's something seriously wrong with doing that too.
I'm watching that mazes and monsters movie right now. Wow is it ever lame.
Nice to see Wendy Crewson still going strong. She's a terrific actress.
I was always a fan of "My Bodyguard" and the idea that the relationship was homosexual is ridiculous. Not that I have anything against gay folks. I viewed the relationship in the film as a surrogate older brother/younger brother relationship especially since the older kid lost his own younger brother in the film. America is a f*cked up society. You know Men can have close friends and love their male friends the same way straight women love their female friends. Our society is so homophobic men who are close to their male friends are considered gay? No wonder we have so much violence with men killing each other! Men are afraid of appearing gay. How f*cked up is this? I guess this is why Hollywood makes so many violent films.
Whoever thinks 'My Bodyguard' had sexual overtones is nuts.
It was obvious that:
1. Adam Baldwin's character was somewhat of a loner yearning for acceptance by the other students' but always being shunned.
2. Christopher Makepeace's character was constantly being bullied and also being shunned.
3. One character protected the other; While one character showed the frindship.
Their common ground was finally being accepted unconditionally.
Yes, I agree with those of you that said he hes done a great job and could of gone further in the industry but its his choice. As for his private life you yanks are more interested in others sex pref than living your own peasant ill educated lives.Your pathetic!!!!!!! And if he is!you don't live his life so don't worry about it!!!!!
As for Chris Makepeace...(Godspeed in whatever you do man)
Give me a break it is a great movie! I think you yourself are gay, and just plain reading too much into this movie. Seems you are projecting yourself into the movie role instead. Your comment about them being gay in the movie is just plain stupid, same with the switching places on the bikes.
I also recently watched My Bodyguard again on netflix having loved the movie when I was child. I agree that it lacked the luster of today's movies, but for that period in film making, it was probably done as well as it could be. I really do think, however, that your homosexual undertones regarding the relationship of Clifford and Ricky was quite a stretch. I saw it much more as a young boy looking for a big brother (and following him because he wanted to hang around him) and and an older teen looking to fill the void that was emptied as a result of losing his little brother. It was a completely platonic relationship, and innocent in nature. I sincerely believe it's societal views of the new millennium that have led you to draw on such conclusions. People were different then, and certain things were more acceptable, without having to be labeled a homosexual. So, with that being said, I'm going to have to respectfully disagree with you on that issue. And, no, I'm not a homosexual, or a defender of such (happily married to a woman with two children), but I am a defender of brotherhood (having four brothers of my own) and therefore respect the genuineness of their relationship. Just offering you a different perspective. Have a good day.
I had the biggest crush on "Chris Makepeace" from my younger years! and to this day I still think of him! He is sooooo cute! I think that whomever is making false accusations of the movie,may need to do a little homework! I am a lady and I never took him or his movie's as a "gay" movie! and btw I am a lesbian so back off the crap about him! I hope he is doing well and wish him the best of luck!!! "the southern lesbian"
I came upon this site after wondering what had ever become of Chris Makepeace. I'm a gay man who, coincidentally, just posted a lengthy blog about "My Bodyguard" yesterday.
I've seen this movie a dozen times, most recently last week. And I have to tell you: There isn't a shred of homoeroticisim in the relationship between Clifford and Ricky. I would LOVE it if there were, and clearly so would you.
But in fact, the feelings that exist between them are simply tenderness and compassion, which, contrary to what our homophobic society dictates, men and boys can feel for one another without being gay.
Furthermore, to say that Makepeace's career would have been helped by his "going gay" is ludicrous, either in 1980 or today.
A very strange analysis, indeed.
I remember this movie, and I really liked it to. I don't think that there were any gay feelings between these two lead characters-I think that Linderman who was ostrized for a crime he never committed was just desperate for friends, and Makepeace's character was the only kid in the whole town who would be friends with him. I think Linderman's character needed to open up to in a serious way and talk about his siblings death. Maybe Makepeace is gay, I don't know, but I don't think his sexual orientation was ever supposed to be a part of the character he played in this film.
You can call this guy whatever you want, I,ve always thought Chris Makepeace was fun to watch even when a film he was in didn't do that well. Most memorable "Meatball's", "My Bodyguard" and another one nobody seems to remember "The Last Chase".
And I've said it before; a good part of the reason why I am the distance runner I am today is because of the character he played in "Meatballs" along with Michael Douglas in "Running". For this I am eternally greatfull to them :)
I remember seeing all of his movies, and running home from school just so that I could watch the TV show he hosted called "Going Great". Personally, just because he isn't acting anymore, doesn't mean that he is washed up. Is Ron Howard washed up because he stopped acting shortly after "Happy Days'?
Actually production on "My Bodyguard" was slowed down by several days because of constant stoppages to clean santorum off the main actors.
Rewatched this movie today after more than 21 years. Now over 40, I can still feel similar/ the same emotions as I, a bullied latent gay boy, did when it came out and was re-aired and rewatched on HBO.
It is a great movie with a good story and with a few exceptions could hold up today in many ways and markets; one exception would be the 'kids' standing three stories up from a concrete sidewalk in huge, open, double-hung windows just begging someone to fall out and nowadays more bullies today get punished, beat up or shot.
Perhaps we all have a different meaning for "homoerotic" or "sexual tension" or "Gay". Ultimately, there was a gentile, sensitive theme to the boys relationship in the gritty Chicago school system (until today I thought it was shot in NY City/ Central Park).
The boys worked together on problems and goals and shared secrets. They quickly developed a true, deep or intimate relationship, as others here would say, "like brothers". Intimacy isn't reserved only for sex/ lovers. Maybe that is one of our continuing hang-ups today!
After reading the comments here, I wonder the age of some and the year they saw the movie. I fear some of the authors are not currently teenagers and themselves are over twentyfive.
Some need to get out in the world to experience the many facets of life. Others need to ease up on extracting so much from very little.
Yes, I would have loved to have a relationship like that growing up, or heck, even another one now but sex is the last thing that comes to mind.
I too only found this perjoritive site to see what the key players in the movie are up to now. I do not condone the words "Washed Up" though. Since everything else is becoming politically incorrect, perhaps we shold be more mindful of such hurtful words. Not too many of us live the ideal life every day and forever. We all can't be a Charley Sheen!!!
So give this adored actor and his memorable movies some respect.
Yes! I was Chris's age when My Bodyguard "came out," and I dragged my Mom and Grandmaw to see it. I wanted my family to see two boys in a relationship. That is how I came out to my family, was through this subtle film. My Bodyguard will always be part of my formative years. How much longing I had, to be like them, holding onto each other on the bike. Thank you for NAMING this experience for us.
The homophobic look at My Bodyguard is really a stab at something they wanted to see in their minds. If you want to point to the man/boy love, just watch Meatballs again. your wishful minds could really go wild with your stabbing in the dark. When i watched Meatballs recently, i could see why more perves go into camp overseers. It is a tender movie about the same as Bodyguard except Makepeace cling to Bill Murry. But there was a line that i still couldn't understand when Bill tells him let's get laid and takes him off then it cuts to Bill rubbing down Chris' thighs, knowing back then it was inocent but now days people would be see a perverted molester. Now unless Bill was playing to the gay crowd to make the boxoffice sales lol
Bill Murray's character was joking, when he said, "Let's get laid" It was a lighthearted way of figuratively including Chris Makepeace's character in something. Because, Chris Makepeace's character was shy and loner because of it.
When Bill Murray's character is rubbing the legs' of Chris Makepeace's character, there was nothing overtly sexual or otherwise about it. He was doing it to limber him up for the race against the Camp Mohawk runner.
I love how everyone always sees subtle homoerotic themes in everything nowadays. My Bodyguard was a great sleeper movie from the 80s, with a great message. I think everyone's turning gay and just reacting to it by seeing gayness everywhere. Who does a blog about celebrities anyway?
Homosexual and homoerotic and homosocial are utterly different species of critical apparatus. I don't think My Bodyguard had homosexual undertones, but I do think there are homoerotic possibilities, even if they are muted. There are definitely homosocial comments since this movie is all about becoming a man, standing up for oneself, and within a male-dominated context. Wimpy, somewhat feminine kid beating up Matt Dillon at the end does suggest homoeroticism (if you can't have sex with them, hit them as a surrogate act).
I think your analytical skills are somewhat lacking, kind of like the friend I once had who thought that the song "Puff the Magic Dragon" was about smoking pot (LOL). Also, I don't know what kind of a career Mr. Makepeace has now, but calling him a washed up celebrity is probably inaccurate and even if he wasn't able to get film work our critique is mean spirited and just shows what an asshole you are.
Leave your perverse fantasies out of film criticism. He had a couple of years of moderate fame and is probably happy with that. You don't see him on some lame reality show trying to regain his lost fame. You can go back to buggering goats or being Larry Craig's toilet stall boy.
Its clear enough how most people here view your really unfortunate critique. Stop writing. Please. When someone can only detract there is nothing worthwhile for you to contribute. You are the type who can only feel empowered by belittling others. Please- find compassion in your life and grow up.
Christ Makepeace was not only a fine actor and a very nice kid, he was also unfortunately good-looking enough to attract the above jealous homo-type crap. There is no evidence in "My Bodyguard" of anything other than a healthy "brother-love" relationship between two alienated allies in a cruel teenage world. As Popeye sez: "'Em's what calls another Queer, have only themselves to chiefly fear!"
this site is a good example why hollywood is full of talking shit with legs. Chris could have been a tom cruse but for what ever reason the power that be in hollywood drop him.
I think you took a perfectly "innocent" movie and turned it into a teenage gay flick, which it wasn't. Look, I'm all happy for you with your interest in gay movies, but sorry, this isn't one of them!
Just for the record, Chris married a beautiful blonde woman model a few years back, so I don't think he really cares about supid comments from stupid people that have no life by just sitting on the couch and getting fatter - He's very happy with his life and you should be too. And put your real names you cowards!
Yeah, this guys acting is on the same
level as your writing ("thought it was a very good movie"). Awful.
any1 c him w/ Diane lane can‘t remember the movie title about 2 teenagers in luv had 2b back n the 80s good flick
I think it was older/younger brother relationship-never got any overtones from the movie and I'm watching it as I write this.
He was a great actor. My fn testes are on fire for some reason.
This was a great movie back then and I see nothing that would suggest any homoerotic innuations. this was about two loners discovering life and who they were. There was nothing here about being gay or anything of the sort. Grow up people.
Don't forget Mazes And Monsters with Tom Hanks!
I'm sorry but the author is either a bit of a closet case himself or simply sees gay overtones where none exist or were even intended. There were many other gay-themed movies in the 80's and with much more overt gay plots/subtexts and characters. Give me a break. Has he even seen the movie or just read about it? If he has then he should know that Linderman's character was suffering from guilt over his self-assessed "responsibility" for killing his younger brother (which we only find out later in the movie) and it's Makepeace's character's "goodness" which sees the conflict and offers both family, friendship and the security necessary for Linderman to open up and finally cope with the event. It's that which is what brings them together as friends - something that loner Linderman is deeply in need of, despite his air of independence. I'm sorry but the blogger totally and utterly missed the point. Maybe he needs to go back and watch My Own Private Idaho or Edge of Seventeen if he's looking for 80's gay overtones that don't need any guess work.
I should have known by the "Washed Up Celebrities" link that it would be a joke... "My Bodyguard" is homo-erotic, Tinkywink is gay and the BSA are not homophobes. What a world we live in.
Yep, the original author had to ice himself down as he wrote. I hope he at least got a toaster oven for his insightful writing.
Only a pervert gaywad would see crap in this film. I saw this film many years ago when it first appeared, with my kids, and then again tonite. I'm 69 yrs old now, having raised 11 kids to maturity and with 24 grandkids. I am, needless to say, a complete and total heterosexual. I saw zero, not even a little homosexual inuendo. What the hell's wrong with you gay pinhead wannabees.
I and my wife both think the actors in this film did excellent, believable jobs, all of them.
I am going to get this DVD and it will become and continue to be a favorite of our family.
Ron in Nampa, Idaho.
Meatballs was about child grooming and actions deliberately taken with the aim of pedophilia. How they target a misfit child. Why do you think that kid was in his cabin all the time? Look at the closeup of him touching his "peanuts" at the black jack game. It was just a metaphor. Watch the movie again. Hollywood is filled with movies like this.
Although Makepeace was an actor in the movie, these child actors are victims of this as well. And I believe it messes them up for life.
Everyone wants to play the gay card. Is it slightly possible they may have simply been platonic friends? Huh? It has actually happened! Please stay in your closets ! & just let it be!
I'll bet you thought the grandmother was a hooker too?
Great movie, very good actor. Movies with good values are rare nowadays.
Good Family Entertainment, no more no less.
Thanks for the movie Chris!
The true value of a man is his ability to separate from self. not to misjudge.
Perhaps gay men can see homosexual overtones...and homophobes can't? If gay men say there were homosexual overtones, it's probably because there were.
Homophobes. I'm sick to death of their ignorance.
Our kids were pre-teens in the 80's and I remember watching this movie with them. There was never,never, ever any hint or thought of homosexuality. We were watching a movie about a bullied child and a hurt young man. (Ruth Gordon added much to the movie)
Great flick. Does anybody see a possible connection between Chris Makepeace and Linda Hamilton of "The Terminator" movies? I see a atartling resemblance.
October 10, 2012 10:22PM
5 years of comments here and why are the majority of the postings debating (for/against)Makepeace's inference relationship with Baldwin during the movie "My Bodyguard". C'mon man. Really?? I find it hard to believe there are so many people that feel that it’s worth a comment. What do you say we evolve and just comment on the fact that Makepeace's movie career went the way of the doo-doo bird. Unfortunately, as he did entertain us 30 years ago.
When I was living in Canada in the early 70's. Chris had a series of very interesting programs. I wish he'd kept them up. I really think he is a very charming and well-organised sort of guy and hope he's having a ball !
Whatever happened to Chris Makepeace? He hasn't acted in over a decade. It would have helped if that had been included in this article.
I knew Chris back when he was working on 'Misterious Stranger' (Mark Twain) and we were normal boys then and although I have not seen or heard from Chris in years I can assure you he was only a child star with over nor undertones in his on film or off film life.
All these claims of Christopher Makepeace being gay, are total and utter garbage!!
There was no homoeroticsm in 'My Body Guard'.
If people are going to be that stupid, they might even say, that the movie 'Meatballs' had some homoerotic tendencies. The way Bill Murray's character took him under his wing.
Homoerotic overtones indeed. There were rumors flying around during the filming of My Bodyguard that Makepeace was flirting with his *father* as well as Matt Dillon. Dillon was obviously turned off but he introduced Makepeace to several high profiles homosexuals in Hollywood.
just keep trying, old/ former celebrities are never truly forgotten.
Clifford looks elated as he rides on the back of Linderman's tiny bike had me laughing out loud.
You know what kills me? when young kids get into movies, make good ones, and all of a sudden they're gone. I've seen some good kids go down the tubes of failure after their showbiz times were over, but after seeing Chris in "Vamp", I thought he was good, but didn't think he was gay.
Nothing but jealousy, and if the shoe was on the other foot; they wouldn't like what was being said about them either. So, give it up!
I was not allowed to watch the movie when it came out due to violance by my parents. I finally was able years later. Worth the wait. I meet Adam years later at AlbersonsGrocery in Apache Junction Az. I told him my story. Took me out to movie set, ate lunch with Actors, gave me part of the script. Ill never forget it. When younger I looked like him. Asked many times for autograph. Wish true today. LOL. Gay movie? You morons! Get a job and move out of moms apartment. Thank you Adam. Randy Long.
So, apparently, every male actor the regulars and the main blogger on this site "reviews" is gay or in the closet. Seriously?? You guys are laughable.
This young man was great in the roles he played, especially "My Bodyguard." I'm sorry, but we don't all watch movies, especially those involving children, with our "gay-dar glasses" on. Your reviews & comments in this regard are ridiculous.
I'm more impressed with what a hottie this guy grew up to be, very masculine looking, and is obviously very successful in other aspects of business & the movie industry. Look it up. Losers.
Not that I care...or that it matters, but it is obvious who ever wrote this article is a homo and is jealous of the relationship between the 2 characters and he wanted to be sandwiched between them on that motorcycle. There are no sexual overtones of any kind in this movie....just the writer fantasizing and seeing what he wants to see...and wishing he was there.
It is a good movie.
there were several scenes filmed in my bodyguard that were cut; makepeace/baldwin ball rub each other till the goo goes flying, makepeace cries as baldwin rams his cock in that kids anus, makepeace/baldwin torture and then rape a puppy that they find, makepeace cries as his father hangs him up by his nuts and beats him with his bare fists, etc....
There was a deleted scene where clifford blew moody and mike behind a tree at lincoln park zoo.
Beautifully said
Well said.
amen I think he is great!!"!!!
I never believe what is said only what see or can be proven with facts why gotta hate ??? I like him just watched meatballs again!!
Eye of the beholder as far as the homoerotic aspect goes.Actors are not your public property. Show a little respect for those who have taken the risks in life to to reap a few rewards.
Gay overtones in My Bodyguard? LOL! Everything must have "gay ovetones."
The gay comment is pretty awesome. It was very clear they had a gay relationship in the movie. The same as Top Gun being obviously gay themed-volleyball anyone?, and Rocky 3. Everyone knows Apollo and Rocky had a thing going. Whatevs
I think it was him losing his little brother and clifford having someone to look up to but my opinion
All the supposition and conjecture about the movie having gay overtones. Is pure garbage.
Adam Baldwin(not related to Alec, Daniel, Stephen or William)'s character has nothing gay about him. His character showed that under his rough exterior, he had a kind heart.
I adored Chris Makepeace as a kid, as we were about the same age, 1 yr. difference. I think his character was authentic and showed great believability in his acting. GUYS can smile at each other AND express FOR one another (confident ones). If you are not, work on that (haters) and TRUST yourSELF to BE for another guy. It's that simple. LOVE knows no gender (and I don't only mean that hetero or homosexual), just as two guys (as in this movie... they show you "HOW to DO IT"
CHRISTOPHER: He is still beautiful today. Yes, as some commented, his big beautiful blue eyes were sweet, as was his wide smile and gentleness (something the HATERS on here could LEARN from Chris), if you are going to TAKE anything from the movie.
Differences and Acceptance was the pre mace of the movie, between two "opposite sides of the tracks" characters (Makepeace and Baldwin).
It shows differences are to be LEARNED from. And to LEARN, yes, two guys can SMILE at each other. That is beauty in itself, showing that IS what friendship is about, and not hiding, as too many do, especially where guys are conceded.
They BOTH had to learn to TRUST, each in their own way... and time, and the END result was beautiful. TWO humans FOUND UN-conditional friendship with each other.
Regarding all this talk of being gay. You are living within a fantasy of each of their handsomeness. It made them more beautiful, as the characters... and as the actors whom portrayed an obvious bond with each other, no matter their size or different looks.
It was just INNOCENCE, for the HATERS out there.
LET ME ASK THE HATERS OUT THERE THIS... It is a GIFT to get awarded a ROLE as actors, no matter how long or short someone acts as a career. QUESTION: WHAT MOVIE(S) have you been in MOST of your life, or at all???
NOT all actors are in acting to do it as a life long career. Some just do it for a while. CHRIS went to University to be SMART... leave acting and get HIS chosen education. That is stellar and takes COURAGE, displaying that is not all CHRIS MAKEPEACE is.
IF anything HATERS, my Lord, LEARN from CHRIS' last name alone: "MAKE PEACE" with yourself... and maybe RE-comment on here APOLOGIZING to him, for that is growth.
I thank YOU, Christopher, the beautiful many you are, inside and out (then and still).
CHRIS had an opportunity at ACTING, he never said it would be his LIFE.
HATERS... If you call him "washed up", HOW MANY MOVIES have you been in MOST of your life???
CHRISTOPHER was FOUND, is the way I see it. HE was a CHOSEN one for this particular field.
HE is ART in his acting, his physical form and his warmth as a HUMAN on the inside, that so shows on his external.
Learn from CHRISTOPHER, not hate.
If anything LEARN from his LAST NAME: "MAKE PEACE" Don't you GET IT?
There is nothing wrong with heterosexual guys SMILING at each other, as I read in a hate post. THAT is adoration and love enough not to care what others think. THAT beauty is called CONFIDENCE.
I guy to a guy CAN be called ADORABLE, as I think, as one example, is CHRISTOPHER and BALDWIN... they showed how TWO boys CAN be so different but not JUDGE, as the movie is all about that... and they are exhibiting adoration between TWO... no matter the gender.
I would not let a bigoted man stop me from smiling at another guy with like or adoration FOR him, no different that my accepting a guy being that for me.
Male or Female... adoration and love knows no gender.
CHRISTOPHER "Make Peace", as I shall type it. I DO wish you well and I thank YOU for your SWEET portrayal of your character and chemistry between two actors whom showed us, YES, GUYS can be that level of FRIENDS.
With care, and I don't have issue with saying you were beautiful then... and now, as a guy. WHY would I want to hold back a COMPLIMENT... to care what others think?
You ARE worth it, as are the others on here saying GREAT thing about you and teaching the haters what the movie REALLY meant... and as only Christopher Makepeace, HE can choose if he wishes to stay in acting or not. He was SMART to leave it for a while and FOCUS on his future in other ways, attending UNIVERSITY in Canada.
Bravo Christopher for ALL that you are. Again, I'll adorable. I'm glad you were CHOSEN for that role. It, YOU made sense.
Dante (again)
U said it perfectly
I just watched Meatballs and just to get the chance to act with Bill Murray I consider Chris a lucky man. Great job. By the way I was born on April 17 1964.
You want "Gay overtones" how about "pedophilic overtones"
Watch "Meatballs again people"
When "Tripper" says to Rudy "let's go get laid" I fully expected a scene of the two of them in bed in "Tripper's" cabin!
I completely agree with you!
Amen !!! If your looking for inuindos you will find them in every film .So what are you telling us ?
You think? Get your mind out of the gutter.
Exactly. Bunch of pervs.
Rudy rules!!!!
I am compelled to reply to your narrative on Chris Makepeace and his great performance in this movie. I was so appalled and disappointed by your take, and generally don't give something so ridiculous the effort of responding because it is just not worth it. There is no homoerotic undertone in this move, just a highly intelligent kid who is empathetic to the plight of Linderman, and while he would like his services as a bodyguard, he is also very interested in where Linderman came from and wants to justify his belief that the stories and rumors are not true. Linderman is guarded and reclusive, and it is awesome to see him finally get to open up to someone once and for all and confess what actually happened with his brother. The fact that you see the homoerotic tensions only means you are looking for that, which also means you must be attracted to either Clifford or Ricky, or both. Hope you get to come out of your closet soon.
Well said
no comment on the movie but I sure wish it was 1980 again
Homoerotic overtones??? Really? That's what you got out of it? If that's what you saw, then clearly that's what you were looking for.
Seems to me the only homoerotic stuff I'm seeing is what you write! Sounds to me like someone is clearly TRAPPED in the closet! It's ok dude. You're born that way and it's ok!!!
You know what i think is amazing, that after 9 years people are still pulling this up (one of the "very few" articles on Chris) and still commenting! It clearly shows that Chris and Baldwin had a fan base for this cult movie, i for one LOVED IT! It was a great movie and he was a great actor, he just didn't get the right material after. I also asked a few of my gay friends if they seen the movie (seems like everyone has, and loved it) and they all said they don't recall it having any gay overtones. I like the post from a few years ago from the nice gay man that stated he seen nothing in the movie but that Baldwin really did like Chris and really did want a friend, both of them did. So, with the movie being so loved, and many who still wonder about Chris, i say this movie is officially a CULT FILM! I think the writer should contact Chris and do a followup to this piece, find out what Chris is doing now, there is NOTHING on him on the net!
I thought that Makepeace (Makeshift) whatever the Fudge his name is was one of the most annoying child actors who ever reared his pasty rat-face on screen. In the three movies I watched with him I always rooted for the bad guy over him. That's how goofy, queer and annoying I thought he was.
"your?" "inuindos?" Sheesh! It's called "Spell Check." Really, there's no excuse anymore. It even corrects GRAMMAR and PUNCTUATION now--imagine that! You must be a Millennial if activating this is too much trouble for your lazy self.
lol Dillon and AnimalMOther outperformed Makepeace in every single way in this film. Loved the film. I always thought Makepeace and his little blonde pussy friend in the movie would have been torn to pieces if they ever went to Juvie. Personally, I got no feeling of homo from Makepeace and AnimalMother. I got the homo feeling from Dillon to Makepeace. Every time I watched a scene with the masterful Dillon (check out Drugstore Cowboy)I thought he wanted to F Makepeace up the A! Brilliant bully acting.
The post above was sarcasm. That's what the "I dunno" at the end was for. Subtle, but it's there.
Now as to the homosexual theory: WRONG! Lindeman accidently shot his younger brother when he was supposed to be looking after him. Peache is an only child in a world of adults. This was an older brother/younger brother relationship, each one filling in for the people missing in their lives.
The whole gay angle is ridiculous and forced.
Grammar Nazism is so 2005. Let it go, re-read Strunk and White, and be secure that you are quietly correct.
"Washed up" celebrities no less.
Being gay myself (please don't use the term fag i hate it) i never noticed any kind of gay innuendos or tension, personally i think you're just projecting your own fantasies into the movie. Like someone else said here it was more like a younger/older protective brother situation and wanting to be accepted for who you are by your peer group.
I heard that his favorite drink is jizz.
Just finished watching the movie and I didn't notice any gay tension between two leading characters. The guy who wrote this could be one of the guys who got beaten in the movie. haha
I slept with him once not knowing about his prior life. His penis was larger than average and he was a very skilled lover. He likes Korean food. That's what he ordered from around the corner.
I am appalled at some of the cruel, totally unwarranted comments left by some you would-be critics. Chris did a fine performance in My Bodyguard and did nothing to deserve hateful critiques from people who obviously know nothing about the subject of their hostile rants.
I agree with some of these comments about gay innuendos. Only a moron would see that in my bodyguard to mistaken a happy and innocent situation into something more.
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