Leif Garrett
Leif Garrett is a former singer and child star who achieved tremendous success as a teenager before turning to drugs and becoming a pathetic excuse for a human being. Garrett's birth name is Leif Per Nervik. He was born on November 8, 1961 in Hollywood, CA. Garret broke into acting at a young age and had an uncredited role in the 1969 swingers film, Bob & Carol & Ted & Alice. He also had minor non-recurring roles on several TV shows during the early 1970s, such as Nanny and the Professor, Family Affair, Arnie, and Gunsmoke. Garrett had a role as the son of the star character Mike Prusser in the Walking Tall and its sequels in the mid-1970s.
Garrett and his sister Dawn Lyn co-starred in the 1974 horror film, Devil Times Five (a.k.a. "Peopletoys"), as juvenile mental patients who go on a murder spree. Garrett also had a recurring role as Leonard Unger, the son of Tony Randall's Felix Unger character on the hit TV show, The Odd Couple, after replacing Willie Aames.
During the fall of 1976, Garrett signed a recording contract and recorded his first album, entitled Leif Garrett. The album was released in 1977 and included a cover version of "Runaround Sue" which reached #13 on the US Hot 100. Garrett signed a new contract with Scotti Brothers Records in 1978 and recorded his second album, "Feel the Need." Garrett's second album included his most popular song, "I Was Made For Dancin'," which reached #10 on the US Hot 100. Garrett released three additional albums between 1979 and 1981 but was unable to duplicate the success achieved by his second album.Garrett was apparently a heartthrob in the late 1970s. Young girls overlooked his shaggy physical appearance and were instead enamored by his fame. Garrett appears to have been one of the first androgynous child stars, as shown in the pictures below. For some unexplained reason, he looks feminine and is standing like a girl in the picture on the left below. In the picture on the right, his lips almost appear glossy as though he were wearing lipstick.
Garrett must have appealed to the pedophile community. This picture on the left below is reminiscent of a seductive Playboy photo of a woman barely hiding her breasts behind an open shirt! In the picture on the right, Garrett appears to be playing a nice game of "pocket pool" while dressed in his "Saturday Night Fever" outfit - I wonder if he won his game?
Although Garret should have felt like he was on top of the world in the late 1970s, he apparently thought that something was missing from his life and turned to drugs to fill the void. In 1979 Garrett was in a serious car accident while drunk and all hopped up on Quaaludes. Garrett's passenger and best friend, Roland Winkler, was seriously injured in the crash and was rendered a paraplegic. Garrett apparently felt so guilty about hurting his friend that he publicly promised to look after Winkler. Notwithstanding Garrett's promises, Winkler's mother filed a $25 million negligence lawsuit against him. Garrett claimed that he did not have the money, although the suit was reportedly settled for $7.1 million.
Garrett reunited with Winkler during an episode of VH1's Behind the Music in 1999. During the episode he claimed that he had not used drugs since a 1996 intervention. However, Garrett quickly relapsed and was arrested for possession only months after the episode aired. Garrett was arrested again in March 2005 and pled guilty to possession of cocaine. Garrett was given probation, which he later violated, resulting in a judge issuing a warrant for his arrest in December 2005.Garrett's legal troubles have continued over the years. On January 14, 2006, Garrett was arrested on a Metro Red Line subway platform in downtown Los Angeles, California, for allegedly not having a ticket. During a search of his person, police discovered Heroin and Quaaludes in his possession. After his arrest, he was was held in jail without bail before being sentenced to a live-in drug rehabilitation program. Garrett quit the program and was consequently sentenced to 90 days in jail and three years' probation on May 11, 2006.
Garrett was arrested on February 2, 2010 for possession of narcotics when police observed him "shaking and sweating" on a train platform. Police prompted questioned Garrett, who eventually admitted that he had Black Tar Heroin in his shoe. Garrett was charged with a felony count of heroin possession.
Garrett has had some success since the peak of his career in the late 1970s, although his successes are few and far in between. He did have a small role in the 1983 cult classic, The Outsiders. He has also released a few albums during the late 1990s, although none were very successful. In 2003 he appeared as himself along with other washed-up celebrities including Dustin Diamond, Barry Williams, Corey Feldman, and Danny Bonaduce in Dickie Roberts: Former Child Star. In September 2006, Garrett appeared on the Celebrity edition of Fear Factor. He won the grand prize of US$50,000. More recently, Garrett has appeared on TruTV's The Smoking Gun Presents: World's Dumbest, a show featuring commentary from celebrities who have legal problems.
In February 2010, Ian Halperin, an apparently well-known Hollywood gossip reporter and former New York Times bestselling author, appeared on the Opie & Anthony radio show and claimed that Leif Garrett was a male prostitute. Halperin stated that a Hollywood madam informed him that wealthy older women in their late-40s and 50s were paying up to $5,000 a session to sleep with Garrett, who is dead-broke and needs the money. Some of the clients supposedly were upset that Garrett only had enough stamina for one round and complained that a "big Mack truck refuels quicker [than Garrett]." (It has also been reported that some of his clients were men.)
Leif Garrett was a big child star in the late 1970s. He was rich and famous both for his acting and music. However, instead of basking in his success, Garrett's addictive personality led him to drugs, which have apparently ruled his life much of the past 30 years. Garrett's drug addictions have drained his bank accounts, allegedly forcing him to turn tricks as a male prostitute in order to make enough money to support his drug addictions! For his and the other reasons discussed above, Leif Garrett is one washed-up celebrity!
Leif Garrett is selling himself for drugs? Seriously? That is a sad washed up celebrity story.
The pocket pool pic is classic. Definitely one of the ugliest teen idols ever!
The '70s were so gay. No wonder musicians like Cher and the Village People are so well loved
Who would pay for this guy?
Looks like he has meth-face to me.
I'd let this washed-up hunka-hunka-man-love-hunk facefart me till Denise Haskins receives an Oscar nomination. Oooooooooohhh, thinking about Belding makes my asshairs quiver!!
That's awesome! Soon Dustin Diamond will have to join him, but instead of a thousand an hour the Dman will command a thousand pennies an hour! I would hire him just so I could drop ass on his gonzo nose!
The sore on Leif's nose is a nice touch.
Leif looked too much like a girl in the old days for me to take an interest in him, but now he is looking like Oscar the Grouch I could so totally do him. I would love to force him and Screech fight each other for a ham sandwich then take them down to Tijuana and pay some of the obese locals to beat them with the cocks like a piñata. If you read this, Leif (and you probably will) hit me up ASAP!!!! In all honesty you look more like you were made for taking cocks rather than dancing!!!
Leif getting accused of being a homo by some Australian comedians back in 2004. Guy is so washed up.
The pictures of the Mack truck and someone pumping gas made me laugh my ass off.
He totally didn't have the face of a teen idol and his singing kinda sucked; had to have been the bulge in his pants the girls were attracted to.
Judge Reinhold is totally washed up, is he famous enough to do a blog on?
Going through the stories of all the washed-up stars here, I feel both a tragic sense of wasted talent, and a trend that points to deviant behavior, sexuality or other emotional problems that these guys could never solve.
It's like, behind every so-called 'superstar' there's always a dark side that soon surfaces.
ya know whats funny? He looks like a dead ringer for previous post Richard Hatch...in his latest photos that is!! Is there anyone out there that would love to see these two cross pork swords???
$5000 to sleep with him, wow, i guess if it was your dream since you were a teenager to sleep with him,i can see you paying it but, wow how tragic, he is one of the only child stars that i feel really sorry for, what a waste, of talent
He looks a lot like Ted Bundy in his mugshots. Hey Leif lose the dorky headcover. You still have a little hair left. Or just shave your head bald. Being bald or having thinning hair looks better than a cheesy diaper on your head. You see plenty of young guys with shaved heads nowadays so who cares?
What's the deal with that scab on his nose - Does it ever heal? God knows what GILF in her right mind would pay $1000 for an hour of 'pleasure' with the Leif either - I could slip a hobo ten dollars for very much the same experience
im sorry but, he hasn't had anything to do with his friend that he "crippled", he hasn't seen him since that episode was filmed and they said he wasn't sober on that show anyway, he even admits that most of the time he say's he is sober he isnt
i feel bad for him because getting off heroin is an awful drug to get off of, but he has no one to blame but himself, no one forced him to take drugs
Danny Bonaduce has said alot of interesting stories on his radio show, about leif, he has even said on the radio that it wouldn't surprise him if he ended up in jail again or he Overdosed,
Leif also thinks that he was set up, and the cops were out to get him, from what it sounds like he hasn't learnt from what has happened to him, i would say that he might want to change his life when he hit's rock bottom, but you would of thought that crippling your best friend would of been your rock bottom,
i have a life, and i have a high paying job, i read theses website's in my spare time, just because i have an opinion docent make me a "hate-filled monger"
im sorry if your a middle aged housewife that thinks that you may still have a chance, with a washed up drug addict, but the truth is he probably wouldn't be interested unless you have a spare $5000
re:ClittyClittyBangBang, - i think that danny bonaduce said that he pick's at his face when he is either on drugs or getting off them, he said that the makeup people on the worlds dumbest have to have there own brushes and sponges just for leif,
He was actually rather good acting-wise in "The Outsiders" and in a few other films he did in the early 80s. He might have very well been able to continue with an acting career, but he blew it (no pun) by doing drugs. I don't really feel sorry for Leif because he chose his own path. Sadly, has become a cliche. And the worst kind of cliche is that of a has-been child star. He seriously just needs to get a real job and let the celebrity thing goo already. That ship sailed a long time ago.
I can't believe there still isn't an entry on Scott Baio. I hope that's the next one. *fingers crossed*
Years ago a good friend of mine and she will remain anonymous had a crazy pool party. She was a very well-known actress and model due to the success of her T.V. and movie career well, her agent arranged a surprise birthday pool party for her. The party was going fine until somebody cranked up the volume of the music. The song playing was "Shadow Dancing" by Andy Gibb so guess who stumbles out from the bar onto the lawn, but none other than Leif Garrett in a sailor suit sporting the dixie cup hat and attempting to dance in a drunken state of mind. Next, he slips, trips and falls face first into the pool. By now, everybody is laughing and screaming at him, "Swim for land sailor, swim , swim." Well, Leif is so drunk he vomits in the pool and all over himself. It gets better, next, he takes his sailor suit off then he urinates and craps in the pool. My friend is horrified and orders the security for the party to pull drunken Leif out of the pool. Unfortunetly, for the security folks they slipped on the wet pool deck and fell into Leif's self-induced sewer pool. Leif by now is trying to throw his own feces at the guests and the security folks. The security folks finally subdue him and he is dragged away from the pool area. As if this was not enough a naked guy wearing only a cowboy hat jumps my friends privacy fence on a retro all-terrain vehicle yelling, "Where is Leif! Where is Leif!" This display went on for 15-20 minutes while the security folks chased after him. Well, what happened next ended the party Leif runs across the pool area bare-naked screaming out, "Dusty! Dusty! It's me Leif!" Well, the naked cowboy on the retro all-terrain vehicle swerves and grabs Leif and they both race away from the pool party from hell out to the California streets on the retro all-terrain vehicle!
You should check out Leif's website, it is too funny. And you can buy "Leif stuff" in the "Shop." LOL
Time for a new entry. How about Phillip Michael Thomas or arsenio?
Arsenio! That's another good one for this place.
However, Scott Baio will always be my #1, with Kirk Cameron in second place (or sometimes the opposite depending on what mood I'm in).
Leif just signed on for "Celebrity Rehab." This is gold!
OMG, Igor Neigh, I laughed my ass off at your comment although you have described me to the tea as a potential "Jane" for Leif. Too funny. When I am bored at work I look at this website just to get some much need laughs.
I was 9 or 10 when I first saw Leif Garrett and as a young girl, I just thought it was a hottie. Perhaps his "girly" appearance made him seem less threatening but whatever, once his second lp came out, I moved on to Aerosmith, Journey and Black Sabbath.
But I was very shocked when the Behind the Music first aired because I figured he just faded into the general public, maybe married and divorced... I was stunned to learn he was a heroin addict.
On one hand, as a human being, I understand the one or two comments on here from people saying we shouldn't be so hard on him and blah blah blah. But frankly, he blew it. The accident that injured his friend for life should've been a huge wake up call but it wasn't and now he is a big nothing. On the BTM show, I wonder what the hell his mother was doing during all those years but I imagine she was too busy spending his money to care about the kid. Sad sad story but hey, whatever. So for the people on here trashing him... he deserves to be trashed. He made his choices and now he must live with them. What a waste of breath.
I wish him success in the future. May Leif overcome all the challenges and obstacles that stand in his way. He is very talented. Hang in there, Mr. Garrett.--Loree
OMG!!! Celebrity Rehab 4 starts in one week with Leif Garrett. This oughta be good! Premiers Dec 1.
i feel really bad for lief. i know many people who are addicted to drugs and/or alcohol and its no laughing matter. its serious and ive had a few friends die from their using. i wish him the best of luck and hope he can beat this addiction. i dont believe hes gay or even pimpin himself oulook at some of the old rockers they wore lots of makeup! i wasnt alive for the disco era but they all seemed alittle girly..even the 80`s hairbands seem alittle fruity to me.
Ya know what Leif, looking like a girl is what made you so hot to MILLIONS of teenage girls who had your face plastered all over their walls.
In my family, boys who are mistaken for girls are considered almost gifted and make even cute boys look just average. My brother was mistaken for a girl until he was about 10 years old. To top it off, his middle name is Ashley. (After the character in Gone With the Wind) He joined the Marines out of high school. At first, he played hell to hide his middle name. But after someone in his platoon found out, he just stood his ground and asked, "Gotta problem with that? Cuz, I'm pretty sure it's not up to you..." Or, "I suppose you're too fucken brain dead to know the movie Gone With the Wind." Or things like, "Yeah but a GIRL doesn't have to use a REEL to get this back in," as he grabbed his crotch.
SO WHAT if you looked like a girl. The pathetic, ignorant people who ridiculed you about it would NEVER have acheived the success that you did.
You HAVE to find a way to come to terms with the skeletons. Making them go away WILL kill you.
People are NEVER going to change. But YOU can.
For myself, the only thing that would quench my thirst when I was doing meth was beer. When I did too much meth, I would smoke a bowl of pot to cut the edge off. The pot made my cotton mouth worse so I drank more beer. It was a viscious cycle.
Not anymore. I'm done. It sucked, but I did it. You can too.
One stubborn Scandi to another.
I agree with those who said to leave Leif alone. I for one do feel sorry for him. When someone has a serious drug or alcohol addiction it is usually due to serious emotional pain. He was very famous in the 70's and I for one had a HUGE crush on him. He didn't look like a girl to me! I do not believe that he is prostituting himself, nor do I believe the "pool party" story. As for me, I wish him all the best, I hope he has a successful recovery from his addictions and I hope he is finally able to find true happiness in his life.
Leif took an interest in me a while back and I didn't have to pay him $5000.
Leif had been through a lot of personal problems. He'd been ripped off by his management team financially and emotionally too.
I'd happily let Leif pump my ring, but looking at that scab on his nose and the Meth face, I'd be scared he might give me a toxic load!
I think it is horrably sad. I hate it he messed his life up so bad. Hopefully he will find hisself and just wipe,wash,clean his self off and start new. It is only to late when you are dead. So he can sure do it. GOD BLESS HIM ALWAYS....
Dear God what ever happened to compassion for ones fellow man. this man has problems that are beyond his controle. I just think its a shame to see the demise of any human being. I hope he find some sort of peace. were all human at the end of the day!
I wish him well God know he has suffered enough
I think you can be who you were meant to be. I'm so sorry life has been hard for you. I will always wish the best for you.
Some of the comments here are so judgemental and laughable. Just cos he turned to drugs, doesn't mean that he's an a/hole or a loser. He may have a mental problem and underlying issues that need to be resolved. Basically he needs God!
Turning tricks for drugs doesn't make you a loser now?
Leif was the crush of my 15th year.I am saddened by his drug and legal issues. I myself have had codependent problems. Leif I wish you all the love and peace and hope your older years will be better and healthier. Thank you for the music ,that great smile.
leif garrett has been a slave to drugs for a while, and whores himself out for his fix now and then. he is very washed up. i am still confused though whether he can't let go of the crack or of the cock. he needs some help and hopefully he can stick to his true passion; doing covers...
Is he available to hire still? I don't mean for music - just to pump my ring
I have one word for all those bleeding heart Leif fans: IDIOTS!! This guy is a washed up ex-teen idol who has never taken responsibility for his own actions. He has ALWAYS blamed others for his drug use. This
comment is coming from an ex devoted Leif fan, but after meeting the guy in person I found out what kind of a lier & ass he really was. The reason Leif never had any real staying power is because he was a no talent DICK! His looks at the time were the only thing he had going for him. His singing & acting talent were no better than just average. He treated his fans like a personal piggy banks & is only nice to them when he needs their money.
I really loved the story about Leif at the surprise birthday party & if you would have told me that story about 10 years ago, I wouldn't have beleived it. But now, WOW, I wished someone had taken pictures or video of it, I would have plastered it all over his fan websites. I know of someone who drove 2 1/2 hours just to see Leif, when he his band F8 was touring. She sat through the 2 band sets & waited for hours for Leif to come out & sign auto graphs, but instead of comming out, Leif & the band went back to the camper they were touring in, & had a party. That fan went home crying & to this day she is still a Leif Fan. Another story that I heard was that Leif was so hard for money that he & another F8 band member, while drunk, took pictures of their cocks & was selling them to the fans. I know someone who bought one. OMG!!
For me it's not only what Leif has done with the drugs that makes me HATE him, but how he treats people in general & the fans who had supported him through the years. I guess that some people just like to be taken advangaged of or else the guy wouldn't still be around. Leif Garrett is definite Washed Up Celebrity.
Although I'll admit there are some good laughs on here (and I believe that two of the posts with tons of ALL CAPS is likely Leif himself attacking others) I still think the guy had a lot going for him. He did what a lot of others would do in his position and milked his fame, just as Justin Bieber is doing today (and is VERY hated by millions -- especially males). He was good in "The Outsiders." He's also HILARIOUS on "Dumbest Criminals/Partiers (etc.)" show with the other celebrities who have been busted for drugs, etc. Given the right part, Leif could still do some decent acting. The guy's story about the woman paying for it with Leif after her husband cheated on her is fall-down hilarious, but still, give Leif a break, people.
I just wish that when someone hits bottom people wouldnt be so quick to kick! Yes, I'm one of the millions of girls that had his posters and a copy of Tiger Beat. I look at those pics from the day and I find it amusing what was comsidered attractive. Every era has its quirks. We had lip gloss and now guys wear nail polish. Its just the times! Leif was hot! He was a good actor and he had some good music. I feel bad that he has had something so terrible in his life happen that he turned to drugs. May he find the strength to overcome this horrible delibilatating habit!!
I was OBSESSED with leif fromthe minute I saw him on Countdown (go Aussie!) singing Surfin' USA. I spent 6 yrs adoring him and wondered how I would ever get married as I'd never be able to love anyone as much as I loved Leif! i had over 1000 pics plastered all over my walls and ceiling. i guess it was escapism because I grew up with alcohol and domestic violence which was painful to watch and be a part of. I see Leif's pain. Have some empathy people. The friend he paralyed was also wasted when they had that accident. It could have been him driving. And Leif had no father figure. No one saying no. His mother let him go away with adults who let him do what he wanted. If my kids were given that freedom and had all that cash they'd be totally different kids. No body can judge him unless they have walked a mile in his shoes. And, despite what you all say, he WAS talented. he can sing. His voice was smooth and golden and his acting was excellent. he just became an addict. Give him a break. I'd give him the time of day now and would tell him he's still a great person, who's made mistakes. Who hasn't?
I don't care what Lief has done it's Irrelevant. He is still a human being an the boy has paid in spades, for a lot that has happen. He is a peer of mine and member of my generation in witch we are happy to include him. I will say at least he wore his pants somewhere other than around his crack. His music was better then the no talent mono beats and silly utterances you hear today
I don't know if the prostitution thing is true or not. Sad if it's true.
Even though he's washed up, he can't grow up and mature and go to rehab without a court order by a judge. He's in denial of his problems are serious. He doesn't want to face his problems because he wishes he could be the same kid who was famous. He lives in an unrealistic world. It certainly doesn't help that his mother is weak and continues to shelter him and refused to tell him NO. He may be a grown man but maybe what he needed was her to tell him NO.
I remeber watching Dick Clark fawn over him while he was on American Bandstand, about how good lucking and rich he was. Just before he sung a song he ripped off the beach boys, surfing USA. Now he looks Like Jackie Earle Haley, only uglier.
I am amazed at how abusive people are. The guy went through hell from the moment he became a child star. Like bullies, some people like to kick a sleeping dog...enjoy your Karma
Gee let's start with point #1. I wish most of you could spell. #2. It must seem fun to trash people, that everyone wanted at one time or another, to be ( don't deny it ) and I am not just talking about Lief here. And #3. Even if he is a dick.......which I don't know cause I've never met him......how would you feel if your personal life was years of news and foder for the gossip hungry public, you developed an addiction or had severe emotional problems and everyone was trashing you. Doesn't look so pretty in the daylight does it after you think about it.
Hi again Leif!!!
@anonymous...thanks for the lecture ASSHOLE!!! How's my spelling.
I had the very real pleasure of spending a few days with Leif on a promotional tour in Australia in the 80's. He is a great guy and very generous with his time and I will always wish him the very best for the rest of his life - take care mate BG
I wish people would stop bashing Leif. He's a human being who's had to deal with lots of issues, including estranged family members. Stop bashing his mother too. She's always supported Leif. She is very seriously ill with cancer.
The article and a lot of the reactions are disgusting.
I really, really can't understand how people can hate a person they don't even know! I was one of the millions of girls who had his posters on the wall. I loved his music in the 70s. Without knowing at that time I got into part of musicbusiness and met a lot of artists. I kind of got an idea, what is going on behind the scenes and especially how fans...grown up fans you should think....are dealing with it an d judging a person as arrogant or whatever, only because he didn't pay attention to her.
None of you is part of his family and friends. You don't know him at all. He was going through a hard time and still ist. Yes, the biggest part of it is his own responsibility. Don't you think a person aged 50 knows that very well?
Nevertheless he is still a human being. I was deeply touched when he met his friend Roland after 20 years and deeply shocked that he is a drug addict until now. On one point there went something wrong in his life. But is it our business to judge him? Has he hurt anyone of us in person? No, definitly not. Mostly he hurts himself an I am sure some people very near to him. Who of you is without any guilt? Then throw the first stone...
I wish Leif all the best and hope he gets and TAKES the help he needs for a better life...! Don't wanna see you dead like MJ, Whitney or Amy Whinehouse.
Leif you're not alone! There's still hope!
I feel that I alone have the right to judge Leif, and I judge him to be a loser. End of story.
You better get yourself tested for AIDS buddy. That scab on Leif's nose doesn't look good.
This is among the worst cases of a washed up celebrity I've ever seen. He looks like he's about 60 y/o and couldn't get a role to save his life. He had some bad management early on, but otherwise, he's really screwed up his life.
lmao you know Leif Garrett is washed up when hes playing a concert in Victorville Ca. hahaha
His crippled friend commited suicide quite a while ago now ..
whoever wrote this article is a cruel hack and so are the commenters. If any one of you people ever had an eighth of the fame that this guy has had you might be qualified to diss him, but since you're all a bunch of nobodies, why don't you put a sock in it????
BAHAHAHAHA LMAO.. you sonofabitch you need to write a book LMFAO..
I was a fan during Leif's "Three for the Road" and Tiger Beat Magazine days. Yep... posters all over my room, playing his '45 over & over... I knew everything about him and was totally smitten. At least he was a wholesome interest during my pre-teen years. (We can't say that for many of the young actors/singers now that influence our daughters.) It's so sad to learn that he fell so hard, but I hope he isn't as hard on himself as others appear to be, and that his expectations stay modest. (He used to be pretty unassuming for a "teen idol", as I recall.) This may be silly, but I credit his influence in finding the thrill of skateboarding for hours on end as a young teen, and for sparking my initial interest in "all things Norweigan" (due to pride in his heritage) that led to several fabulous visits there as an adult. (Thanks for that, Leif!)I hope he makes peace with himself and the rest of his life.
I was a pre-teen when Leif was big and I was never really attracted to him or his music. It was purely Sean Cassidy for me. However, some of these comments are just downright disturbing. Talk about kicking a man when he's down! You should be ashamed of yourselves! He's a fellow human being. He doesn't need to be kicked in the teeth. He needs a hand to help him get back up, for God's sake.
I was never a Leif Fan. He was a little too old for me, but I'm saddened by the hateful and mean comments here. He is a fellow human being, people. He doesn't need to be kicked when he's down. He needs a helping hand up. Some of you make me ashamed to be part of the human race.
I loved his music when I was a teenager. He portrayed the all american good guy. The kind you would bring home to mom. It's really sad that his mom chose to take a back seat to his career and let business sharks control is ever so important teen years. I mean seriously 9 weeks on the road without parental supervision. The adults that were responsible for him were giving him whatever drugs and alcohol that he wanted, even offering it to him. Personally I think it's disgraceful that they were never charged with contributing to a minor. As far as I'm concerned the who ever they are brothers are nothing more than criminals and should be locked up.
I used to carrie a Loose Leif book to school in the 1970's. I also like the scary movie carry.
All this negative stuff! Why not go positive and we all help the guy change and become a better person? I hope some how the guy can change for the better
This was written a while ago and doesn't mention his stint on celebrity rehab. Is he still on drugs?
Another "fallen angel" What a shame
I remember in 1979 when I was a schoolgirl...my school mates spoke so much about him...he was so good looking...and now Nobody remembers him anymore. Better to have an ordinary life.
I'm guessing you females would probably take a tickle between the sheets from Leif before you'd let Dustin Diamond see your tits.
HILARIOUS ...I sharted a coco pebble from laughing so hard
ive been a huge fan of Leif Garrett for 35 years. I dont believe half the crap written here. Im disgusted the things people write, that dont even know him. they arent fans so why bother being on here wasting your time writing such venom.? Im desperate to come over from the UK to see leif in november, its my all time dream to meet him.Hes a lovely person, gentle and kind, he needs support not slating with unkind comments. Hes beautiful still to me, always will be.
what a waste of life
This is for u people who Think they know what Leif is doing in bis life now.. where is your proof.like some have said if he is so horrible n washed up.why the he'll be on here running your mouth why take all your energy to write Horrible Disgusting things @him.maybe..because you r a lifeless loser drug addict choices off the system getting a check every month because you r on drugs..Personally so..Leif did choose his life he could have changed management but can't change family who r only greedy don't want to help unless they r paid.I have always loved Leif garret n unless I see proof. I will always have faith he will come to grips with his problem
I can't understand why people is so hateful toward Leif. He made mistakes. The worst mistakes was involvement in drugs. I don't know why people comment so much about his long hair. If you watch any videos of rock stars in the 70's, you would see many had very long hair. His did look a bit girlish. But so did many others. Poeople, learn to have some love, respect, and campassion for a fallen person. Your life could have went the same.
amen I was a fan and ill always be no matter what!!
Leif's street name in the 70s was "Pocket Pool Playa".
That was one of the funniest things I have ever read...
YES Líef is washed up but on shore (like the prophet jonah) ready to turn a new leif (leaf) ready to crank out some new original rock tunes. Leif is in the process of reinventing himself and music, putting all the junk behind him pressing forward towards the
mark of his new calling - successful rock muscian vocalist. I predict Leif Garret will be DANCING ALL THE WAY TO THE BANK in a couple of years despite other peoples declarations and opinions to the contrary. Go to You Tube THE OFFICIAL SINKHOLE SONG - with Leifs vocals replacing mine he just might land a role in the movie "Invasion of the Sinkholes. - D-62 fighting to
stay alive with severe heart failure
You spelled doesn't wrong, how high paying is your job? "Do you want fries with that?"
You spelled doesn't wrong. How high paying is your job?! "Do you want fries with that?"
I wasn't born until the '80s, so I was too young to know who the guy was. I first saw him on World's Dumbest. Yeah he's had his problems, but who hasn't? On the WD show, he's always funny as hell and you pretty much have to be a good sport to be on that show cuz they are constantly taking shots at the celeb commentators on that show, which is really funny. I mean yeah he's a little rough looking from some of the choices he's made, but I'm about 25 years younger than him, & he's really not that bad looking. Nobody looks the way they did in their teens and 20s and those that try by getting surgery or botox end up looking even worse than the ones tht age naturally. Leif, I hope you keep yourself healthy and happy, & don't listen to all the haters. They're just pissed cuz they only WISH they cdv gotten the amount of tail you've had.
I was a fan of his when I was young , today I still know that it his birthday, at the time I realy wanted to meet him , I saveved money to go to the US, I went to the US years later ,But I never got to meet him.,I'm going to the Us next week I wander if I would remember my teenidol if I ;d meet him in an unacpectible place.
I have compassion for him. Leif is still a beautiful human being whom God loves like he loves all of us! He does not deserve to be kicked for his mistakes and misfortunes! He's still a marvelous, talented actor, an amazing, handsome, loving human being and quite worthy of the same love, honor and respect we all want. Who are any of us to judge him for his mistakes? None of us qualify to throw the first stone or the last at him. I know I certainly don't. God bless Leif!!!
Leif "STILL" rocks my world. I adored Leif in the 70's, and I still adore him today. He was my first concert when I was 14, and let me tell you there were a lot of screaming girls there. Than last year I seen him again in concert but this time I actually got to met him. He is more real, more down to earth and still has a HUGE fan base. So all you hatters....go somewhere else where you are more welcomed...like maybe a 10 foot hole!!! This world has enough haters, and people with such low self esteem of themselves that they enjoy spewing crap out of their mouths about something they really have no idea about, so GET IT... you are NOT welcomed here. SEE YA!! Leif continue to ROCK my world and ROCK all of your fans world and clearly you have many!! By the way Leif, hope you haven't lost my house key. :) Peace, Love and hugs Leif!!
Between Leif Garrett and Shaun Cassidy my walls were covered as a teen. My first concert was Leif. I know everyone's looks change through the years but life really hasn't been kind to him. It's so sad that he let alcohol and drugs destroy his life. I really hope he is not selling his body. When I hear his name it takes me back to being in my room with his record on dancing and looking at his pin-ups. GOD bless him.
He can't have appealed to paedophiles if he was already in his late teens.
I met him at a Hollywood autograph Show in LA this past weekend and he was genuine, open and loving person. I was thrilled to meet him.
Met him this past weekend and he was gracious and friendly.
Mr Garrett, why not do a tour of the United States and Europe this summer?
He was always a great actor and singer. His five albums still sound good today.
I met Leif when I was 16 and it was a featured article in Tiger Beat magazine. (I wrote 8,000 lines of "Please can I meet Leif?" to meet him.) He couldn't have been nicer to me or my parents. Now, at 53, after all the rumors and all that has passed, he is still an idol to me. He is a cherished memory of my youth. People don't know what he has lived thru. It breaks my heart all the evilness that the internet brings out in a majority of people. I know none of you would have the balls to say any of this to his face. Not only that but I sense real envy and jealousy of all you dickless boys who never had the women and lifestyle he had in his youth. What? You don't have YOUR OWN DEMONS? Karma is a bitch and you better start realizing that before it slaps you in the face. I do believe there will come a time when Leif will put all this turmoil behind him. The universe has plans for him and obviously kept him around for a reason.. as he probably could have been dead years ago. I believe in him. Godspeed to him.
Did he ever deny the prostitution story?
Leif is the greatest singer in the world. Please never stop recording new material!
I totally ageee with you mate. I ended up here by accident but was amazed by the really evil vindictive comments being made to this guy.
It ok ...it is too obvious who u r...
Hi leif...if you heard other stories about tragedies in their life...you may learn how to appriciate the real you inside...and not the "you" Hollywood style...
Live as the real you...give it up
Hi leif...I hope to sit and chill with you someday....in my world..my zone...
Leif is a great singer and actor, and he still performs well.
Leif is a human being just like all of us. I think that is the
problem with this whole celebrity/icon situation these kids get
sucked into. No child is ready for that life and of course if
there are troubles at home they will manifest if unresolved. There
have been exceptions to this but the they are still scared in some
ways by being put up a such a high pedestal.
We the fans build these celebrities up and as we can see from earlier
comments on the board we tear them down so easily. So really we
are partly to blame. That is why I do not worship idols. They suffer
too much because of it.
I am very glad that Leif Garret has weathered the storms of being
a teen idol and hoping he has a happy and peaceful life that he deserves
Well Im not sure about all these crazy stories if they are true or not,all I can say is that I have been a fan for 43 years and Iam a TRUE fan.I know Leif has been through a lot,and we shouldnt bash him for that many people have been through bad times we dont bash each person for them. I believe Leif is off drugs and has overcome his problem its a hard thing to do overcome and an ongoing fight. I feel for him and these rumors or stories whatever you call them are hurtful to a person just because he is in the publics eye he doesnt deserve this. He is still doing music and it is good, not like in the 70's when he had to do the music he didnt want to do because of Scotti Bros he is finally able to be himself and perform the music he likes. Ok so he isnt the teen idol he was and doesnt make millions at it like he did and doesnt have that baby face he did but hey we all grow up and he is happy at what hes doing and yes he is handsome now still and I will stand behind him 100% because Iam a TRUE fan and I believe in him.I wish him all the best and just want him to believe in himself and his sobriety just be happy in life .I will always Luv ya Leif so just be yourself and be happy~ Namaste peace, Luv and Happiness :-)
Wow, I feel sorry for most of you! So much hate, what did this boy do that others haven't? Are all of you perfect? I highly doubt it! Shall we send in the paparazzi to ruin your lives? Come on now really! Grow up and move on!
Leif Garrett has always been my favourite actor, singer and teen idol.
We all make mistakes, we all do and Leif had been through a lot from the time he became a child star. Ive watched several videos and interviews and Leif was honest enough to accept his faults. He's a great singer and still singing now. He has talents. He's doing his best to move on and fixing his life. How about you nasty, hateful andbitter people out there?
Do you really believe this to be true?I hope it isn't true.I used to really like him and that would be disappointing if he did that.
Do you really believe this to be true about selling himself? I hope not as I really liked him. Hope the 'pool story' isn't true as well. That is disgusting.
I really hope this is a made up story. It is vile.
I agree RoyalRobin. I hope Leif over comes his troubles and is happy.
Are you a boy or girl?
Yeah me too Wanda. All the best Leif. Give up the drugs and live a safer life. I don't want you to die from drugs.
I like to believe he is a good person even if he has made some bad choices. Stay off the drugs. They are no good. I don't want Leif to die from a heroin overdose or any drug over dose. He takes care of his parents and some of the stories are really nice I hate to read negative things anout him. I hope he isn't a male pro. I read before and heard him say that he wasn't into men. I just hope drugs and being broke hasn't made him do stuff he wouldn't normally do.
I totally agree.
Especially Europe. Come to London or Birmingham England.
Well said Melissa. I wish I could have met him.
I'd like to know the answer to that and to the surprise birthday pool party story.
He certainly was my favourite teen idol. I loved his songs. Not so keen on his stuff these days. I stiil wish him all the best. Good luck to him.
Consider all the women Leif Garrett dated...Tatum O'Neal...Kristy Mchchol...Kahy Giffin...Jodi Foster....all lesiban woman...and. His manner of dress ...He is Gay. Which by today standad is not shameful. So admitted it Leif you are gay
He sings Lola like he lives it
Funny, the never hads commenting on the has beens out of pure D jealousy.
I've always been a true fan of Leif Garrette and will forever be.It's so sad that he let alcohol and drugs ruin his life.LEIF...you still rock my world and always be my favorite singer,actor and teen idol from 70's til forever...I've been wishing to see you in real..
I had a major crush on him when I was a teen. People make mistakes, use drugs to escape. I don't believe in doing drugs or alcohol, but that is how a lot of people cope. We don't know what was in his head when he started, and maybe someday he will be straight, sober and can be happy again. Im not a judge or Good, so who am I to judge another human?
Yeah, he made mistakes. But the guy got to travel all over the world, had teenage girls who'd do anything to meet him, fame, and talent (not a fan, but that doesn't make him talentless). There was a solid stretch in his life where he probably lived more than most the pathetic people trashing him on here.
At the end of the day, I'd rather be a washed up child actor than a troll anonymously tearing people apart online. What bravery.
I rembember it was 1978 & i was 8yo. I found this gay mag in the backyard shed of the place we had recently moved into. I could swear it was leif getting sucked off by another bloke but i cant find anything about it online.
For those who called him a loser are the true LOSERS themselves. They should work on their personalities/inner being, they are probably jealous of Leif . I am a guy and not afraid to say he is my idol. I do not have a man-crush on him or anything like that, just an older-brother admiration. I like his singing , his voice and so what if he is also good-looking (I don't use past tense here). I don't think they make face/smile like that anymore. Everyone has their own monkey on their back. He has been in the entertainment business since 5 or so years old , and when you have a great singing voice and good looks , people around him will take advantage of you (Scotti brothers took advantage of him, I hope these crappy people are terminally ill right now), they cut him off from other movie offers after The Outsiders.
I was lucky that I was not surrounded by those vultures when I was a kid or anyone who would push drugs onto others hoping to get you addicted and scarvenge your money. I am also lucky that I do not have any addictive personality and my stand-alone personality would prevent me from being part of a bad crowd anyway. Healthy life stlye keeps me in good shape (in my 50s but look like 30, I wish I could post my photo here without risking people passing rumor about me online just like some here about Leif) , but everyone is different and shouldn't be trashed because of drug addiction problem. Drunk at pool party and a male prostitute ?? Give me a break and any physical evidence??
Leif was popular in Japan and people in Asia like girlish-looking guys even today. Leif made some bad decisions but he probably had many bad influences , he is NOT a loser. He was willing to face his devil , sought help from Dr.Drew,told the world about his problem , unlike those real LOSERS who hide behind the keyboard and anonymous nicknames on the internet trashing others. Unlike many killed by drug addiction, he is still alive. What didn't kill him makes him stronger. He can't change his past but his future hasn't written yet. He can do more than just being a teen idol. We shouldn't disregard people because they get older or having some personal problems. Even I get older (without bragging) and someone like Justine Bieber (spelled it correctly??) will get old.
To Mr. Garret, thank you for your voice , your singing . I am looking forward to your next adventure in life and hope that you have gotten rid of the bad monkey on your back for good (just live one day at a time) , Stay healthy ! May be you can get involved in comedy, I saw your clips with Brook Shileds and your "demi-god" comment in Studio 10 , I thought they were funny. Best Wishes and I will always be your fan, fans will grow old with you!
I've been waiting for years for this twit to die I think it's hilarious to think of that weenie selling his sad sack ass for haha drug money
Leif, You need to ignore the hatter's,and stop posting comments like the one above.
Just keep on dancing...All-All-All All night long. Adios: Johnny Bravo
I hate to say it... But it's true, I was there. I never got to thank Brooke for the memorable Hollywood experience. If you want to discuss Gross things in a pool... You should have seen what was in Nick Cages pool last week... It was Nick Cage.
Leif, as I said before, you need to ignore the comments, and stop posting your defense. The courts know it's you, and don't believe a character witness would defend your actions. Only you cause your problems, there are new drugs to get you off the drugs, stop with all the excuses and grow up... It's not 1974 anymore.
Oh Dear sweet Melissa. It's sad enough your fondest memories of your youth was to meet Leif, but the reality is it was a P.R. stunt to sell magazines. To waste any amount of time & write 8000 words about someone is even sadder. You could of done something helpful & fed the homeless then waste time meeting a loser who sung a few songs. I have alot more to say but I feel my words would be as wasted as yours, since you probably still have his poster on your bedroom wall. I truly feel sorry for you.
All I have to say is...Why?
Leif you really need to spend less time posting comments about yourself. It's truly sad. Ain't there some guy holding a $20 with your name on it.
Your the reason they created stalking laws. You are what we call "A scary ass person". Move on with your life... It's no longer 1975.
It sounds like you have Daddy issues and feelings for Leif. 1st you should no Leif has had work done to his face, you should have seen him before. 2nd I sure your aware from personal experience it's easy to get alot of "tail" when your into guys and now get paid $10.00 a pop. Dude get a life.
Leif Garrett has not had any cosmetic surgery.
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