Lark Voorhies
Lark Voorhies is a former child star best known for her role as "Lisa Turtle" on the early 1990s hit Saturday morning TV show, Saved by the Bell.
Lark was born on March 25, 1974 in Nashville, Tennessee. Her parents pushed her into acting as a young child. She first began acting at the age of two but was so shy that her mother postponed any acting until she was more comfortable doing so. By the time she was 11 years old, her mother began contacting different talent agencies and sent headshots of Lark. Three years later, in 1988, Lark appeared in two episodes of TV's "Small Wonder," alongside fellow washed up celebrities Jerry Supiran and Emily Schulman.
Her appearance on Small Wonder was so well-received that later in 1988 she was cast as Lisa Turtle, one of the co-stars in en ensemble cast in the Disney Channel's Good Morning, Miss Bliss, the precursor to Saved By The Bell. Lisa Turtle was a wealthy fashion-obsessed teen who was constantly hounded and harassed by über-dork "Screech Powers" (played by the greatest washed up celebrity of his generation, Dustin Diamond). The annoying Screech would frequently ask out Lisa Turtle who would, in turn, reject Screech and make jokes at his expense.
Good Morning, Miss Bliss was a failure on cable. However, NBC saw some potential in the show and purchased its rights, made some script changes, and repackaged the show as Saved by the Bell, a Saturday morning show that was a major hit among teenagers and pre-teens. On Saved by the Bell, the Lisa Turtle character was fairly popular with fans of the show. Although never as popular as Mark-Paul Gosselaar's "Zack Morris" or Tiffani Thiessen's "Kelly Kapowski," Lisa Turtle was definitely more popular than the annoying "Jessie Spano" and Screech Powers characters.
In nearly every episode for the first few seasons, Screech unsuccessfully hit on Lisa Turtle. The actor Dustin Diamond apparently has taken offense that his Screech character never got to hook up with Lisa Turtle and is a bit insecure about this.
Lark dated co-star Mark-Paul Gosselaar (and possibly also Mario Lopez) while Saved by the Bell was on the air. Although her character was hounded by Dustin Diamond's character during the show's run, she never dated Diamond off the set, presumably because of Diamond's undesirable looks and the fact that he was always hanging around with his buddy Dennis Haskins.
After Saved by the Bell ended in 1993, Lark struggled to get additional acting work. Lark was an attractive woman and seemed to be a fairly decent actress, so I have to assume that her problems are likely due to being typecast from her role on Saved by the Bell, which is still extremely popular in syndication.
Lark did manage to gain small non-recurring roles during the mid-1990s on TV shows such as The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, Martin, Family Matters, and Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. Lark was under contract during the mid-1990s for recurring roles on the soap operas Days of Our Lives and The Bold and the Beautiful, but later turned those roles down when she discovered that she would be shown in sex scenes, which would conflict with her religious beliefs as a Jehovah's Witness.
Since the mid-1990s Lark has appeared in minor roles in movie flops such as How High and Civil Brand during 2001 and 2002, respectively. Despite not having acted since 2002, she is scheduled to star in the apparently small-budget The Black Man's Guide to Understanding Black Women in 2008. She also owns a small production company and spends her spare time writing screenplays.
In her personal life, she was once engaged to Martin Lawrence. He tastelessly broke off the engagement without even bothering to tell her about it! She found out that the engagement was off when she saw him on the Arsenio Hall Show and he mentioned his engagement to a different woman.
Although Lark was undoubtedly devastated by this development, she did eventually get married in 1996 to a minor actor, Miguel Coleman. The two divorced in 2004. Lark recently got remarried to some guy named Andy Prince in 2007.
Lark has been hounded by rumors that she is a coke-head over the past few years. In 2005, the National Enquirer published a story that alleged that Lark was bipolar and addicted to cocaine. The story alleged that she had been admitted to a Southern California hospital in order to treat cocaine addiction after suffering a nervous breakdown, citing a "friend" of the TV star as the source of the info. Lark's supposed friend claimed, "Poor Lark, she's really in bad shape. She has a terrible drug problem and is bipolar as well. It’s very tough."
Lark was incensed when the National Enquirer article was published and denied all of the claims in the article. In 2006, she sued the National Enquirer for misappropriation, invasion of privacy, and libel, claiming that the story was false and had damaged her career. Her case was eventually dropped a couple months later when a settlement was apparently reached.

**** Update - May 13, 2012 ****
Lark Voorhies was recently interviewed by The Yo Show on Yahoo!. She claims to have written and produced a new low-budget movie. She also discussed her experience on Saved By The Bell. Viewers of this clip have been shocked by Lark Voorhies' appearance. Her face looks entirely different and her skin is lighter - she currently bears a strong resemblance the Joker from the Batman movies!
Lark voorhies is still one hot looking black chick!! I'd do her...especially knowing that screech never hit that shit!! That would be a deal breaker knowing that screech shot his diseased jew spew in her!!
Damn near everybody on SBTB is washed up. sad.
Including Elizabeth Berkley and SHOWGIRLS.
I wanna see Lark and Todd Bridges together. What a hot, chocolate couple.
Where's Devon Sawa?
Is it just me or does Lark have a slight mustache in her first picture?
Anonymous (12/28/08 9:08 PM), Devon Sawa is coming soon. He is definitely extremely washed up!
Hey movie fan I just thought of someone you can add to washed up celebrities Ian Ziering as well as ohter 90210's.
washed up or not, she was and still is a HOTTIE!!! :-)
"Dated" Mario Lopez? Give me a break. He's an ass pirate!
Speaking of asses, that's the only redeeming quality of Lark. She has one for the ages.
whose her parents??
Lark Voorhies is a very beautiful BLACK woman!! I am a black woman as well, and personally some of these comments make me sick!!
The ONE comment that I saw that I did want to respond to specifically is actually what led me to this site....WHO THE HELL ARE HER PARENTS? If she is Jermaine's niece....she would be Micheal's niece? One of the Jackson's?
Why cant you find ANY mention of her parents ANYWHERE on the internet? You see her personal why no specific mention of her parents?
It makes me curious...
shes still an extremely hot choco lady..
ive seen Lark about 5 times over the last year at my job and I have to say she has to have a substance abuse problem. She kept tapping things and paced around mumbling things to herself. She kept going to the bathroom and came out continuing to act erratic. And I think she has som sort of skin condition because she looks really red everytime she comes in.
I'd still rather be a washed-up celebrity than a catty never-was (like the people here)
I would drink her bath water!!! She is a cutie pie.
i would do her in the butt
I want it, da chocolate!!
Any blackie that looks as good as Lark has to be a half-breed or a zebra. Am I a racist? Well I was raised that way but I can tell you truthfully that I am so infatuated with miss Voorhies, I would drink her bath water(no soap), sniff her bicycle seat, turn her panties into crotch-less panties, and lick her snatch so long until she achieved 40 orgasms and our LIPS got chapped and then would drift off into a blissful face-drenched slumber!
Lark and Mark are a cute couple and im still hoping that they get back together some day :)
Todd, me and my co-workers agree with your observations and your desire to be any where close to Lark. She is beyond beautiful. P.S. We are all african-americans!!
Lark, I feel bad about my lusty remarks and wish I could now remove them but dont know how to do that. Sorry , Todd of SOCAL
Mark Paul is married now (ironically to a woman named Lisa). So they won't be getting together again, unfortunately. Out of all the SBTB girls, Lark was definitely the prettiest by far (Kelly whatever her name is is so overrated) and out of all the ones he dated, she was the one he was together with the longest.
i believe she did the right thing becoming one of Jehovah's witnesses because i am one Jehovah's witnesses myself.
I would BANG her NOW and THEN and in the FUTURE she is one Fine Sista
I am proud to know that Lark has put herself to a HIGHER STANDARD. She could have been on new shows all the time but she is not about to lower herself to to doing sex scenes. And she isn't washed up cause I watch her everyday on SBTB on TBS in Atlanta. So she is still getting paid. If she was on drugs, I don't think she would care about doing sex scenes cause she would just want to get that money for her habit. Like a lot of other celebs. HAVING STANDARDS doesn't mean washed up. GO LARK!
so i guess she isn't a coke head but why is it when mention of her beauty, one has to point out "black" next to woman. anyway, i googled devon sawa and was like , damn, i ain't seen him since the stan video...hahahahaha
I like Lark, she's a very smart good looking woman.I'm tired of the reruns and would like to see her act again or evan sing. I'll always be a fan.
I used to masterbate all the time to Lark she was a beautiful girl and is a beautiful woman FINE As HECK !!
white hispanic man from Miami
Man I didn't want to say this but,some of you guys need to grow up. Why does it always have to be a sexual comment to somebody. We know Lark is very pretty but, we don't need to hear about your perverted comments.
i have to agree that lark is beautiful! i would really like to see her in some more recent movies. martin lawrence has got to be nuts to let her go and thats real talk! i cant think of too many other sisters that are as pretty as she is....
top five most beautiful sisters
1. indigo (weeds)
2. lark voorhies
3. toy connor (the corner)
4. lil kim (the old one, not the new michael jackson one...kimberly jones that is)
5. rashida jones (the office, quincy's daughter)
then again i'm a simple man : )
Hey ya'll,
Look what I found on Lark Voorhies and Whitney Houston from a source.
This is great!!!!
The Legacy Of Whitney Houston: The Movie
According to Arista Records publicity, it has been rumored that Actress Lark Voorhies has been in private talks with leading music industry executive Clive Davis to portray legendary artist Whitney Houston in an upcoming bio-flick based on the singer’s life and has recently been chosen to cast play the leading role, she was chosen due to being the only actress of a highly resemblance of the singer and having strong abilities in the both acting and singing field. Houston and a few known casting directors are looking forward in making a progress to this film project in the near future and are planning to hold an audition to cast two young females to play the role as Houston as a child and in her pre-teen years. Voorhies is casted to play the role of Houston in her early twenties until mid-age. Scripts are currently in process of writing and is confirmed that the movie will begin production next year 2010, and is slated to hit theatres sometime in August 2011 or 2012.
i have seen lark do one scene in a porn movie,its a scene with a docter,she is bent over a table to conceal that one
of her breasts is a little bit smaller than the other.
the movie is a compilation of different scenes.dvd.
There once was a looker named Lark. Her skin was unusually dark. And if we're alone, I'll give her my bone. And she'll bark in the dark in the park!
There once was a beauty named Lisa. That I really did want a piece-a. I'd punch her in the gut and then RAM her in the butt, because I don't like the smell of feesha!(fish)
If I were in her shoes, I'd date Zack too! I thought he was sooo hot back in the day!
some of you people need to grow up and stop beening to preverted. havent anyboby ever heard the expression if dont have nothing nice to say then dont say nothing at all.
I actually never post comments on these types of things but I really have to this time because people are being quite cruel and well the racist comments simply make me sick. Lark is a talented actor and while it seems that she has not been as successful as other well known stars...consider the odds facing actors today, particularly women, particularly women of color, and particularly such an identifiable child star. I wish her the very, very best in her career and wish that sites like this did not exist unless they were putting some sort of positive twist on these people's lives. It can not be easy becoming famous and typecast so early on in one's career. I wish that some of you commenters get a sense of compassion and decency and I wish Lark success and happiness in the future.
what is Lark's nationality?I know she is mixed with something.I heard those same rumors that Lark is Jermaine's Jackson's niece,is that true?
She does not belong on this list.
I've always been a huge fan of Lark; hoping she n I would be married n be together 4evr. Unfortunately, I live in England n she is in the States, plus, she is married now. I look forward to her return to the A list of actors n I know she will. She is still hot!!!
lark ain't washed up. She's played leading and supporting roles in hit movies. Ain't she in MI-2 as Tom Cruise's (character) love interest? Fire and Ice (lead role)? Also heard she is singing now. Yes she has been quite, but she dose come across as someone who would be humble and reserved in real life despite the prissi high maintenance xter she plays. Don't think she even has a personnal website (pls tell me if she dose).
CORRECTION: it was Thandi Newton in MI-2. Although Lark could have pulled it off just as well.
Lark is not an addict. She sued the National Enquirer for publishing the libel and received a six figure settlement as well as a retraction. She is a talented, beautiful (stunning), and intelligent black actress.
I'd hit it.. just watched "Def Jam's How to be a Player".. ooo weee
some of those comments are sick .lark is very beautiful.who cares if she hasnt done acting in a while.dont make her less of a person
Society is sad..alway's judging and acting like you know what it is like to walk in her shoes..alway's trying to put someone down about every set back and flaw...Look in the mirror and see how pathetic you really are..and stop hiding behind your monitor and passing judgement. She is a beautiful person, is successful, and independent. Has had more accomplishment's than either of you all will ever get to experience. She rock's! And not just because she is my cousin:)
A majority of you are sick and still living in the past. It is true that Lark is a beautiful person on the outside and inside.
She, nor anyone else deserves to be talked about in this manor. Lark is a very successful married women and deserves to live her life in piece, so for all you haters.. Grow up, get a life and get over your washed up lives!!!!!
God damn I would love to take a steaming turd right on Lark. With a name like Lark do you think she would mind me chewing on my own turds and they regurgitating them into her mouth just like a mother bird would?
I think some of the people getting mad around here should loosen up. It is the 21st Century and you have to be a bit more accepting of other people's views and beliefs. How can you call people out for racism when your own prejudices try to stop people talking about taking shits in the faces of washed up child starts? SHAME ON YOU!
Anyway, Lark, if you are reading and want to hit me up just reply here and I'll hold my turds just for you!
I want to hit her in her fart box behind uncle toms cabin
I'm the one who posted the comment on seeing Lark at work. And I just think it's funny that everyone who is leaving comments about her beauty and her lack of using drugs is ridiculous. If you guys have seen half of the things me and my coworker have seen. Most of you only see her on tv because you obviously haven't seen her in real life. Her skin is no bueno. She has, or at least about a year ago, been using. When she puts on makeup, she looks like a clown. On top of that....she had some issues with funds if you know what I mean.
'Saved By the Bell' Actress Lark Voorhies Sues for Libel
The suit, which seeks unspecified damages, was filed Tuesday in Superior Court.
The suit says Voorhies, whom it describes as a "famous and popular actress," lost several "potential acting and hosting jobs" after the tabloid published a June 2005 article that said she was hospitalized for a cocaine addiction.
Her doctor wrote a letter confirming that she had no addiction and was not hospitalized for drug abuse, the suit said.
The tabloid story was "patently false and heinous," and humiliated her, the actress stated in her lawsuit, which alleges libel, invasion of privacy, unauthorized use of her image, name or voice and other claims.
Voorhies could not be located by The Associated Press for comment. A call to National Enquirer after hours Wednesday was not immediately returned.
I wonder if Lark ever banged Dennis Haskins aka Mr.Balding! Screech probably video taped it.
I hated SBTB, but I always thought she and the others were a good looking cast (except Dustin Diamond of course). Anywhow I'm pretty sure Voorhies gives less than a damn about what some no name blogger has to say about her.
WoW! I am sooo late with this. But I'mma say something anyway.
First, I didn't know Zack (Mark Paul- Gossler) and Lark were a couple. I mean the way they carried on about Zack & Kelly on the show you would have thought THEY were a couple for real. I know its old, but I am a little shocked. And yes to the person who said Kelly was overrated. I agree 100%. I mean you can see the prejudice all in Saved By The Bell episodes. Kelly always wounded up with the guys liking her. And all Lisa got was Screech harrassing her continuesly. I mean that was wrong wrong wrong. Dustin Diamond said in his book that all the writers and producer wanted to do was stay focus on Zack, Kelly, and Jessie. Make them the most popular ones on the show. And they did. It was to obvious that A.c. Slater & Lisa Turtle were the most attractives one there. Kelly was cute, but not all that. At least not to me. Anyway, I'm still a fan. And its nice to see the reruns on Tv again. Now I'm looking at the gang in a whole new light. I wish they would do a Saved By The Bell Reuion on Tv...or have they already?
You forgot to mention that she was on LL Cool J's, In the House. She was Alfonso Ribero's love interest.
i miss you girl get back on the scene
Lark Voorhies & Sallie Richardson YUmmY!
How is How High a movie flop...that shit is funny as hell
Lark Voorhies was the most attractive woman on SBTB. Tiffani and Elizabeth looked like shit when compared to Lark.
I am ashamed at all the bull that is being said about her! She has done alot of acting since sbtb, and I don't think we have seen the last of Lark.
man this comments are so funny
in response to "August 04, 2010 5:12 AM by Anonymous:...
That post about the Jew spew was racist but damn if it wasn't funny.
hhmmmm.... I thought JW are to be no part of the world. So what are you doing acting. Or dating wordly men and having relations with them when your not married. You make a bad name for those people.
whoever wrote this blog citing that "How High" was a flop is out of their mind. That was a classic we loved that shit in the hood.
Lark is GORGEOUS! I am an early teen and I watch reruns of SBTB on Teen Nick. I really wish her And Mark-Paul would have dated onscreen and not just offscreen. Try were a beautiful couple! I hope they get back together considering Mark is divorced and Lark is...maybe? Idk but they were hot together!
Wow, this has gotta be the weirdest site yet with all these racist remarks, it's no wonder the president keeps hitting all of the damn roadblocks thrown in his way. I mean some of these remarks are really juvenile & I sincerely hope they are coming from unsupervised children. The Lark & Todd Bridges pairing was kinda funny though...
Holy Crap!!!! So many Racial Comments here, 90 percent Racist.
She did several other things since saved by the bell like in the house with LL cool J, how to be a player, how high and i dont thing she is a washed up actress
It's funny how white people are accused of racism so much even to this day, yet the blacks can use slang that would be considered derogatory to their own race, but if a white person uses it, it's wrong. Black people always play the race card, when much of the time, it's completely unnecessary, and today, black people act more racist than white people. When people talk bad about black people, it's because of how their whole race is represented by worthless idiots like 100% Nubian.
This post was not even made to point out that Lark is black (and she is beautiful) but merely to point out that her career is washed up and with all that's happened since SBTB, her career will never be what it was.
Final note: Fuck you, 100% Nubian
Black, white, mexican or any other race. It doesn't matter. A beautiful woman is just that. A BEAUTIFUL WOMAN! AND THAT'S WHAT SHE IS. I wish here all the best. I grew up watching Saved by the Bell. And always thought and still do that she will do great things. Im sure we haven't heard the last of her. Wish you nothing but the best Lark. Just remember no one is perfect and we all have have faltered. It doesn't make you a bad person. Hang in there girl. Im positive we all will see u on the big screen soon.
On the movie How Hi, she's dressed as Marylin Monroe, and showing some great ass nipples thru the dress....I got a hard one just by looking at them things!
Wow. Some of you need lives. Sex lives and regular lives.
I enjoyed Lark on the show and wish her well for the future.
Lark was on of those young ladies (like Meagan Good, Brittney Spears, Tatyana Ali)that you would look and say "Man I can't wait till she turns 18" because you just knew they were going to be knock outs! 100% Heartbreaker :-D
I didn't know that Lark and Mark dated for real, but then again I'm not surprised at all! If u paid attention, there were episodes where I notice some onset chemistry between him and her(like him kissing her on the cheek from time to time which looked very unscripted: one time he did it for no apparent reason(I don't remember the name of that specific episode rite now. she was affectionate towards him too during the show and I couldn't tell if they were acting or if it was real or both.
they had an episode where Zack and Lisa got caught by SCREECH in the backroom kissing and then he ruined her fashion show and wanted to fight Zack.(one of my favorite episodes)
As far as her and Mario Lopez, I can't comment on them so I won't.
Don't know the race of her father or if he's a JACKSON or not, but her mom is black(saw her on an interview with lark on BET while she was still a cast member on SBTB).
ONE LAST THING: your life is so much better when u love people(but don't let yourself get used)versus hating them, you spend less time watching your back wondering when someone will kill u, or getting arrested for a hate crime of any kind. less people want to see your downfall when your not doing all that hating as well.
I will admit it's easier said than done, but once u see through the "BULLSHIT" your less prone to be a slave to hatred.
It's amazing how most of these comments are totally sexual about this actress. Wow! Not only that, this article is totally negative, and false, why it was written. Only to put this young lady in a negative light. Well done..looser.
Lark is one of baddest actress 2 hit the screen. "bad meaning good." its sad that hollywood does not see true talent.
You all are very fucked up. For saying all this about her we all make mistakes. Dont forget she was pushed into acting what a shame. I can imagine how fucked up your lives are. Dont judge her she is beautiful very smart it shows. She is very talented and she still looks young. You are all just jealous of her.
That's what u get when u send your kid to a whyte school.
Okay, I think we need 2 stop focusing on racial crap & keep talking about how much we would like 2 bone her circa 1993. Just saw a current picture of her. I don't know her or what is going on with her recently, but her looks have obviously changed. If I were 2 invent a time machine, the first thing I would do is go back to 1993 & stick my tongue in her ass. Also, I would make screech watch me do it. She was incredible. Why is everyone worried about who her parents are? What does that have 2 do with sticking a dick in her? Is she half white? All black? Who gives a shit? She was 100% FINE. Do you think it is coincidence that the time period Lark was on SBTB just happens to coincide with the first diagnosis of carpal tunnel? Hardly. Reported cases of the lesser known Single Popeye Forearm Syndrome also "just happened" to decrease in direct proportion to less syndication of SBTB in the new millennium. 1993 Lark is in my top 3.
I always liked Lark and thought she was so underrated (and much better and more likeable than Elizabeth Berkeley) on SBTB. I never believed the drug allegations --until I saw an interview online with her the other day. Her voice is unrecognizable and she looks nothing like in those days; she looks haggard now. I hope she gets herself together.
I didn't to go through the scores of comments; but does anyone realize she never dated Mark Paul?
Sir'Godwin:If she has a substance abuse problem let us pray for her, if she is trying to make a come back pray for the best for her....we all make mistakes,we all have some issues in life...some are harder than others. She was and still is a beauty in God's eyes. God Bless Her.
This chick looks like she has become friends with LaToya Jackson and received a surgeon referral. Hopefully, Lark hadn't undergone plastic surgery. Be happy with what you have.
i watched that interview and her voice sounded kinda... alcoholicy? and she kept fumbling her answers as if she was having a hard time putting her thoughts to her lips. she also looks like someone thats either been abused or smoking ICE.her face was swollen it seemed. people change as they age but not that much. just the observation of someone who deals with both regularly for work.
Those screen shots of Lark today do look shocking, but if you watch the actual clip, I think you can tell the problem is just a terrible make-up job. Properly made-up, she'd look perfectly fine. A little pudgy, but it's not like she was ever *gorgeous* anyway. She also wasn't particularly talented either, or even moderately famous, just one of the supporting cast kids on a crappy sitcom. So her downfall is hardly surprising.
Not racist...right.
I always thought she was talented and she is not washed up. I'm not sure who writes these articles but this is how rumors get started. Whatever she has going on in her life is her business - wish her well and if she is bi-polar or if she has anything else, people should wish her all the best. There are a lot of nasty, perverted people writing - seriously ... get a life!
Saved By The Bell star Lark Voorhies battling bipolar disorder: Mother says the actress is mentally ill
I would love to see her work on some newer material. I would also love to see some of you horny guys and gals in a few porn films. Your fantasies concerning Black women are flattering. Thank you. Of course you know she (the Black woman that you fantasize about) has to consent to it first. Right?
Dustin's not the only one from the show that has written a book:
If the overuse of commas hurts your eyes, I give you advanced warning.
Ahhhhh!!! I had a HUGE crush on him..... What about Andrew Keegan?!?!
This is Lark and I have 2 words for you haters: Lorena Bobbitt! Leave me alone.
I banged her in high school
I LOVE her and was a huge sbtb fan. Rooted for her and Zack and elated to hear that they actually were a lasting couple behind the scenes. Why don't some of you guys REALLY say what you think of Lark! (Puh! Some nasty disgusting sh*t, I gotta say.).
My main comment is whatever she's going through, been through, or will face in her future, LAY OFF THE MAKEUP!!! Lark, you''re naturally gorgeous!!!!!
Still rooting for Lark! Miss seeing her on the screen and on tv.
I ran into her in an Atlanta airport (barley recognized her, she was hurting for money and I asked her if she knew about the rusty trumbone, well to make a long story short that was the best 12 dollars I ever spent.
Trust me its not true my daughter had a audition with Larks production company I saw her face to face she picked up a few pounds but looks great..can believe everything On the internet..last month they said eddie murphy died in a ski accident
I've always wanted to do a black chick. Me thinks Lark is that woman I've been searching for.
No she really does look bad for her she used to be d o cool
Is it me or is this nutty bitch melting right before our eyes?
I think this chick is a long lost clone of Michael Jackson. Except this one is probably able to behave better around children.
Lark is beautiful....PERIOD!!!
She got married about a month ago to a guy she met on Facebook.
I bet her urine smells like cat food.
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