Richard Simmons
Richard Simmons is a fitness expert who promotes weight-loss programs. He has starred in a well-known line of fitness videos and has appeared on many television programs. His fitness videos include the Sweatin' to the Oldies series. He is also known for the infomercials for his videos, and for his weight-loss food plans, such as The Deal-A-Meal program and FoodMover. Simmons is very recognizable for his curly jew-fro, his tight little running shorts that went out of style in the mid-1980s, and flamboyant personality that radiates homosexuality, despite his protestations to the contrary (in my opinion, he lost his heterosexual "street cred" many, many years ago).Simmons was born Milton Teagle Simmons on July 12, 1948 in New Orleans, Louisiana, and was raised in the French Quarter. He was a rather chubby child, weighing 268 pounds at the time of his high school graduation. Simmons eventually went on a crash diet and lost 123 lb as a young adult. During an appearance on The Tonight Show and during other various media appearances, Simmons claimed that much of his hair fell out due to losing weight in an unhealthy manner. Simmons later had hair transplants, moving some of his own hair from the back of his head to the front.
He moved to Los Angeles in the 1970s and worked as the Maître d' at a restaurant in Beverly Hills. He became interested in fitness, but was dissatisfied with the unhealthy fad diet methods and established gyms and exercise studios which, at the time, favored the already fit customer. Simmons later opened his own exercise studio, originally called The Anatomy Asylum, he emphasized the importance of healthy eating in proper portions and enjoyable exercise.Simmons drew national attention after an appearance on the TV show Real People during which he was shown at work and introducing customers who he had helped to lose weight. Simmons parlayed his Real People appearance into a recurring role on the soap opera General Hospital, where he played himself. This exposure led to further media focus, as well as personal appearances in shopping malls, where he taught exercise classes. For a time in the early 1980s, Simmons had a fairly successful talk show, The Richard Simmons Show, where he focused on personal health, fitness, exercise, and healthy cooking.
Simmons has appeared as himself on numerous TV shows over the years, including Whose Line Is It Anyway?, CHiPs, and Saturday Night Live. His appearance on Whose Line Is It Anyway? is famous for how unbelievably gay Simmons was during his appearance, as one can clearly see in the clip below:
Simmons has claimed many times over the years that he is not gay, despite the fact that absolutely nobody believes him. Rumors of his homosexuality have almost certainly plagued him since he was a child. In his 1999 autobiography, Still Hungry After All These Years: My Story, Simmons actually admitted that he had an enormous Barbie Doll collection as a child! I guess he didn't like to play with G.I. Joe action figures, like the other boys his age.
Simmons was a frequent guest on The Howard Stern Show up until the early 1990s. Simmons boycotted The Howard Stern Show for several years after a 1992 appearance on the show when Howard Stern said to Simmons "Your belly hangs like your nuts." Simmons eventually appeared on the show again. In a recent appearance, on April 10, 2007, Howard Stern said that Richard was kind of womanly with the way he dresses. Simmons was very insulted and walked off the show crying like a little baby.
Simmons was also a frequent guest at one time on the Late Night with David Letterman. However, on November 22, 2000, Simmons had a falling out with Letterman after an incident that occurred on that night's show. Simmons (while dressed as a turkey) was sprayed in the face by Letterman with a fire extinguisher after Simmons grabbed Letterman as if to hug or kiss him, causing Simmons to have a severe asthma attack. Simmons did not appear again on the show for six years.Simmons ran afoul on the law on March 24, 2004. Simmons was arrested and charged with assault after slapping Chris Farney, a motorcycle salesman, at Sky Harbor International Airport in Phoenix, Arizona. Farney had spotted Simmons in the crowd and said, "Look, Richard Simmons! Drop your bags, let's rock to the '50s." Simmons replied, "It's not nice to make fun of people with issues," then lightly slapped Farney's face. An embarrassed Farney called the police, despite not having suffered any injuries. All charges against Simmons were dropped.
Even though Simmons has amassed a large personal fortune from his weight loss empire (possibly in excess of $100 million), Simmons is the butt of many, many jokes and there can be no doubt that Richard Simmons is one washed-up celebrity!
They should've used him on Celebrity Fit Club...he would've done a number on Diamond's big flabby ass for sure! Then when he's finished working Diamond's ass they could have fun comparing jew-fros. Pretty much a perfect couple all round!
Perhaps Richard Simmons could be Screech's "presonal" trainer to help him lose weight...
What a flaming lair! This guy is so gay I swear people get AIDS just from looking at him. I remember back in the day I didn't want people to think I was gay, so I went around telling everyone I had a wife when in reality all I had was a glory hole at the local gas station lavatory.
I would love to get with this guy and make him sweat to some of my oldies. Like a good donkey punch and an anal plunge. I'll give him some issues to work out!
Sweating to the Oldies? Sweating to the Cock in the Ass, more like! How can anyone believe he's not a total rectum-pumper?!
"Still Hungry After All These Years: My Story" Yeah, still hungry for cock.
in that first picture he sort of reminds me of Carrot Top.
ewwww lets sweat to the oldies bigboy :-)
Good bio, I am featuring Simmons on my blog, and I am going to put a link to your bio.
Richard Simmons is NOT gay, nor is he "washed up". People should look beyond their preconceived ideas. He's awesome, fun, and gifted.
Washed Up? That's rich coming from a guy who started a spam-filled blog with an article dedicated to a man who promotes healthy living. Is that the best you can do when criticizing Richard Simmons? He's gay? Wow, like that joke hasn't been done a thousand times. If you listen to him on the Howard stern show, he's pretty damn funny and spends his personal time with people that need help.
Gay or not, he is funny, and has helped thousands of people lose weight. Kudos to you, Richard!!
I recently met Richard and he is a very warm ,loving ,caring person who tries very hard to help people who need encouragement,love ,and a little kindness to help themselves become healthy and happy people .AND for those who feel they need to make fun of him its SAD you cant find anything more productive to do with your life. what a sad way to live.
Whether or not he is funny and helps people is immaterial. The guy is gay. You can whine about how someone is a loser for creating a blog the bottomline is that your hero Richard Simmons is gay. He is gay. Period. He's gay. Learn to accept it.
It doesn't scare me or concern me that there are fat, gay or washed up celebrities out there, what is freaky to me is how many mean people with no lives there are out there to have these posts here. Maybe should you spend more time on more productive healthy thinking you would be half as successful as RS... I'm not even a fan, just came across this and how shocking to hear how loosers deal with their insecurities! and you are out there!
Richard sort of reminds me of psychological phenomena -
He ridicules himself just to let others feel better.
It's the key to success with the thing he's doing.
If he says he's not gay, then he isn't.
It would be nice if he wore shorts that covered a little more of his leg and he got rid of the Afro Hair Cut. It isn't the 70's anymore. The man does seem to care about people in a strange way.
I personally don't give a flyin crap if he is gay or a damn barnyard animal. Point is his flamboint personality is WAY to much for me to look at. I don't mind nice people who do good things but common, the guy plays drama queen alittle too much.
What the hell? No comments since 2007.
LOL, I think Richard Simmons is a great person. I love watching him and I love working out to his tapes. And since I have lost 50lbs. I think that gives me the right to have a better opinion then most on here.
How people can hate someone that has saved many lives by helping them lose weight is beyond me. Who gives a crap if he is gay, it's not like he is trying to sleep with you. He just wants people to be healthy. Wow, that is really horrible....
What makes you have the right to say he is gay? Are you richard simmons I think not.
Really? You're going to pick on a guy who does so much to help people? Who cares if he's gayor straight or completely asexual. He's funny and he has been an advocate for health for almoat my entire life. I adore Richard Simmons. He's a weirdo, for sure, but he's sweet and harmless and has a big heart.
I am so excited to have rediscovered Richard Simmons. I played soccer for 17 years and can accredit my agility to him and now I'll be hot soccer mom because of Richard who is so not gay, everyone who thinks he is... so dumb, but that's why you're posting hateful trash and he lives in Beverly Hills!!! I will always say good things about him because the light of the Lord is in his child like joy in his eyes. What a gift to so very many people he is and back in 07 for the sad little person that made the comment about getting AIDS just from looking at him, I hope you one day get a clue of what that terrible government born virus is all about and maybe get some respect so you don't get sprayed with it!
gay or not I do not care he is very good at helping you to loose weight if the price is right I tried to contact him and ask for help but all I got was pay us and we can help I told them I was poor I wanted to loose weight so I could loose the weight for my health so I could get a good job there response was buy a deal a meal. It made me realize he did not care about the over weight he just knew they would pay a lot of money for his help MONEY that is what he really cares about. What a lire
In the early 80's, he had a show. My Aunt went on as an audience member and was asked to participate. She told me years later that it was the most wonderful experience, that she wouldn’t trade it for the world. Except that during the commercial breaks, he would “disappear” into the dressing room then “re-appear” dressed like a ragging bear. Apparently, he thought this technique helped over-weight people jump-start their metabolism.
Hey Richard is a good guy. I don't care if he's straight or gay. He is so not washed up. He was just on QVC the other day and was selling DVD's. He sold thousnds in a very short time. He also still has his Slimmons studio in LA. He also runs a support group you pay to join called The Club House. He is going on his Cruise to Loose the end of April 09. You people should not be so rude and mean. He still reads and replies to his email. Your still #1 in my book Richard.
you people who talk so nasty need to have your mouth douched.
Yup he is one not gay, but you swear he is, old, sparkle wearing, fitness jumping RICH guy.
I believe he will dry his tearful face with a 100 now.
Richard Simmons is an amazing person who really cares about the people he helps. I believe that he is very sincere. He deserves all the wealth he has amassed throughout the years! I love Richard! My mom has a photo of him from when he came to our mall. He is doing a high kick and his balls are sticking out of the leg of his short shorts!
This guy you describe as "washed up" Richard Simmons is also known in bodybuilding circles as the world's most successful trainer! Sound odd? He doesn't work to build olympic size pecs on anyone, but he does do what he can to help many people regain better health. And Richard hasn't denied that he is gay, but why should he have to describe to anyone what he chooses to do privately. Publicly the man has saved lives and done more good than most internet writers.
Am I the only one who finds it bizarre that Richard Simmons is supposed to be a fitness expert but he always looks fat and ugly? Why would anyone want to look like him? Isn't the point of working out to look good? Simmons looks like sh*t! If he is not gay he must be the worlds most efeminate heterosexual male in history!
Richard Simmons has a posse! Obey diet!
I'm glad he is washed up. He was so annoying and SOOOOO LOUDDDD lol. He talked to much to and was pushy. Say la vee Richard Simmons.
$100M Empire... He may be a bit odd. (okay. Alot odd) but that bank account is far from being washed up. He may not be doing anything current in the media, but with that bank roll, neither would I.
Honestly I have always failed to see how Richard Simmon's sexuality has anothing to do with the good that he has done and continues to do for so many people.
Everyone has quirks---including the readers of this site. Simmons may be somewhat eccentric, zany, or sensitive by some people's standards, but his positive impact cannot be denied. I have read articles containing the stories of people he has inspired to make positive life changes.
His eccentricities harm no one, and his comittment to helping others establish healthy lifestyles only does good in the world. For this reason, he is most definitely not washed up. I guarantee there are people everywhere continuing to visit his website for tips, attending his Cruise to Lose, using his workout videos, and rereading his books.
He promotes sensible eating choices and exercise, helping those who need his help the most to lose weight. I have read that he tries as much as possible to personally answer his fan male and strives to assist fans who reach out to him for help. Gee, that sounds like a TERRIBLE person.
I could care less if Richard Simmons is gay, straight, bisexual or not sexually interested in any gender. He has made the world a better place through his world and bubbly spirit.
I was fortunate enough to meet Richard Simmons at the LAX airport after attending the Michael Jackson memorial. He was so friendly and warm. Even had his chauffeur snap a couple pics of us that I will always cherish.Why do people want to say ugly thingsabout someone they have never met. Trust me, if youever meet Richard Simmons,you would immediately like him. He has a fantastic personality and super nice.
He was on Dancing With the Stars last week and he looked like death warmed over.
Whay should GAY be an issue anyway? Sexual preferance is a personel thing. There are an endless # of supposed straight men that crave & enjoy anal sex! with emmm, women. Makes one need to question why Gay hater's put way too much thought into what gay men do behind closed doors. Is that normal? I personally think that those who are hating gays and obesessed with jumping on the gay subject might want to question their own sexual preferances and fantasies!! Too insecure with themselves. Richard has been extremely successful throughout his life, and many overweight people, and some with no weight issues at all, love and enjoy him for all he has done to encourage and help others. Hate him or not, he is laughing all the way to the bank!! He is a VERY nice person. God Bless you Richard!
In a recent appearance, on April 10, 2007, Howard Stern said that Richard was kind of womanly with the way he dresses. Simmons was very insulted and walked off the show crying like a little baby.
I just happen to be listening to this on YouTube right this minute. I haven't gotten to the crying part yet, but I bet it'll be downright hilarious!
A friend of mine said that he saw an interview with director John Waters(who is gay as well). And in that interview, Waters stated that the late crossdresser/actor Divine(who appeared in many of Waters's movies in the 1970's and 1980's) became 100% Homophobic after meeting Richard Simmons. Another video that shows proof that Richard is gay is when he and William Shatner appear on the "Today Show" together for which Shatner embarrasses/outs Richard in this video. The video can be seen on Youtube and is entitled, "Richard Simmons storms off of the "Today Show."
He has a good heart for overweight people . Not a lot of people want to hear a black guy barking in you ear like on those loose weight shows . Even if he's gay what have u done for ur own humanity . Then don't judge when all u got its a internet mouth
He's in a new Geico commercial that first aired during the Super Bowl last month:
The best part is the geico running away from him at the end. If he thinks Richard is worth running away from, he obviously hasn't met Dustin Diamond.
I hate to see people eviscerate someone who seems like a good hearted individual, celebrity or not. What does it matter if he's gay or not? Would it be earth-shattering news, or something that is going to make people in the world feel better about themselves? Could it be that people are so simple minded that they can only believe what they perceive? Simmons seems very happy and is living an affluent life, while trolls are just trolls who cannot be happy in life with themselves or circumstance, much less get laid by the same or opposite sex. So, they troll these sites insulting people who have been places and done things that they can only dream of going to or doing, while some of these past celebrities have brought fortune to themselves and others in their life.
For your listening pleasure, here's some other Richard interviews from the Howard Stern show.
Howard calls Richard about an article talking about Richard's lack of sex life (first of two parts):
Richard wants to see Prince of Tides with Howard (first of two parts):
Richard continues to bug Howard about going to see Prince of Tides (first of five parts):
And a non-Stern one called "Richard Simmons Wants to Help You Kill Yourself":
Well I find it funny how someone who it seems has never really suffered can down a man for being caring and open with the world and spending his life trying to help those like he was because he knows how it feel's to be over weight and not want to live. As far as the Barbie doll thing if you read the book he says he had a collection of barbie heads and he got them by stealing them and then he got caught and stopped. His parents were performers and he was just cutting the dolls hair and being a child. My son played with his two sisters Barbie dolls but that doesn't make him gay or less of a man it makes him a child. As far if Richard is gay or straight what does that matter that is his personal life and doesn't make him less of a person or all he has done less important.He has helped save thousands of people and what have you done but call him a wash up because you don't agree with his style or happiness. Seems you are not happy and need to project it to someone else so please for yourself go get a life and stop downing those who live theirs helping others.
a washed up celeb?? not according to all the appearances he's made on tv lately... who cares about his orientation he's helped thousands lose 100's of pounds,
who cares about his orientation, he's helped thousands of people loose hundreds (sometimes multiple 100's) of pounds, he does far more than you realize, he helps people get into health centers for those who are really in need of help with weight, he is a great person, helped out his hometown of New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina,
who cares if he's gay or straight, so many people have been helped by him not just those who need to lose weight, but as he's from New Orleans, he helped raise money for the victims of Hurricane Katrina also
Richard Simmons is Howard Stern's best guest! Damn he is funny.
his sexual preference is his business, im a very straight male and i think he is a wonderful person and always full of energy and hilarious , and even if he is or was gay , who cares , is that even an issue anymore, we grew up watching this guy, leave him alone..go richard go.. good job!
Richard is not Washed up!!!! He has helped so many people with their weight! So many over weight people have avoided so many health issues and possible death thanks to Richard and his dedication to helping people with their weight issues! He brightens up the world with his colorful personality! My good buddy Stan and I loved him on General Hospital! All you people are rude and should be ashamed of yourself! Whole world needs to thank Richard and continue to sweat to the oldies!!!!!!!!
Pretty sad that all of you people can do nothing more than judge others and bully. Richard Simmons has done nothing but help people, something he didn't have to do, but he does. He could have been like you, sit and have nothing else to do with their time and judge you. Why don't you all grow up and teach your children something about being an outstanding human being instead of teaching them how to bully.
So this is a blog where people insult successful people who do good things and help others? I guess that's how people with no hope and no lives live.
richard is turbo gay,just look at him he makes eltan john look straight.
Who cares if he is gay? For all of the washed up celebrities out there, is it possible to be a has been with a 100 million dollars?
DO NOT get me going on this bloke!!! Joined his gym 'ANATOMY ASYLUM' in the mid 80' went bankrupt a week later!!! Lost $500.....and as for his damn deal a meal....I used it for kitty litter when I ran out.........this bloke will do ANYTHING for a quick buck. I saw him crying on QVC the other week. Yeah, I was bloody crying too. Crying for the poor idiots that purchased his cheap crap jewelry that had obviously been made my cheap laborers in China.
He is brilliant and not washed up at all… back on GH guest starring.. a new PROJECT HOPE. He is really a cool GOOD GUY! Who cares if he is flamboyant.. HE is an icon.. and we should all celebrate diversity. RICHARD IS HELPING THE WORLD>>> NOT HURTING IT!
I didn't know his videos where for exercise, I thought that they where masterbation aids. Guess thats why I wasn't loseing weight all of this time, he should have explained that at some point.
If he has tons of money then why is he washed up?
There was a point in time when Richard wore a lot of red colored clothing. Richard wore red for a reason! He was a secret member of the South Central Bloods. Richard made the gang money by selling his crappy self help books along with his sad but funny exercise videos! Every dollar that was made off of the videos and books went to the purchase of red bandanas, lowriders, and Jehri Curl juice. By 1990, Richard was known as King Blood aka The Head Blood in Charge! Do not mess with Richard! He is one tough gangbanging son of a b***h!
Any word on where he is these days? He seems to have dropped off the grid and there's little to no info on his whereabouts, condition, etc. Hope he's well...
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