Jeffrey Jones
Jeffrey Jones, born on September 28, 1946, is a very tall character actor best known for his enormous forehead and for his roles as Emperor Joseph II in Amadeus and as Principal Ed Rooney in Ferris Bueller's Day Off. Jones was nominated for a Golden Globe for his role in the Academy Award winning Amadeus. Anyone who was a kid or young teen during the mid-1980s probably remembers Jones best as Ed Rooney, an obsessive and crazy high shcool principal who was out to get Ferris Bueller, the title character character of Ferris Bueller's Day Off.Jones has also appeared in many other major motion pictures over the past 20+ years, including Beetle Juice, Houseguest, and Sleepy Hollow. Jones has received much acclaim during his career for his intense acting abilities.
Many people engage in hobbies as an outlet for relieving stress in a productive way. Jones, however, apparently has a dangerous and disgusting hobby - viewing child pornography. In 2003, Jones was arrested for possession of child pornography and employing a 14-year-old boy to pose for pornographic photographs. Jones pled no contest to the felony charges and was ordered to undergo counseling and register as a sex offender. In July 2004, he was arrested by Florida police after failing to notify them of his change of residence. He has since been sued in civil court by the minor, who is now an adult.
Jones has also packed on quite a bit of weight and has become a total tank-ass, topping the scales at 275lb, much like fellow washed-up celebrity Dennis Haskins. Here is an image of part of Jones' Florida sexual offender flyer.For the reasons set forth above, Jeffrey Jones is one washed-up celebrity!
Ahhh, I thought my new identity might provoke a profile on rooney. We knew from the start that sooner or later he would be tracing the contours of some young adolsant crack with his molesting schnaze. He does however remind me of dirty harry
I bet him and Mr. Belding would hook up and share stories about the students they molested in their schools! Looks like Ferris and Screech have something in common!
If Jeffrey available? I would LOVE to have unprotected sex with him. I'll model for him any day!
I've heard that he and Jack Warden used to go trolling for cub scouts!
I would love to have Principal Rooney's well-groomed 'stache gently rubbing my rock-hard 'taint.
I still think he is attractive....if he ever sees this....someone in El Paso loves him:D
Saw him at a Los Angeles gas station last year and he had a pedo van.
He was in Deadwood. I'd hardly say he's washed up.
I feel nothing but empathy for him. All I see here is shadenfreude. I pray that Jeffrey Jones pulls it together. I've enjoyed him as a talented actor and will be happy to see him in as he rebounds from this.
That picture is just really really really creeeeeeeeeeeeepy. EEEEH.
I find it very disturbing to know that Jeffrey Jones who is a convicted and registered sex offender is actually still able to find work as an actor in Hollywood.
This makes me ask; Do Hollywood, weather it be fellow actors, directors & producers condone this kind of disgusting behavior?
I do suppose that there is a true divide between "regular folk" and the rich and famous.
Had this been a common folk felon, this individual would struggle to find a place to live because you are required to register and not to mention employment would be almost impossible, maybe for the exception of working at the local bottle depot.
I guess this means that I am going to be a little more critical of the movies and t.v programs that I choose to watch and support.
Apparently Tim Burton has no problem employing an known pedophile.
Some of you are really sick.
Yuck! Ugly anyway, but he kind of gave me the wills. He's 5xthe creepier now in this pic& being a pedigree now confirms it.
Sick bastard! He& Pee Wee Herman do NOT deserve compensation by getting more work in the entertainment field. It's like turning a blind eye to what they've done. All your jokes are very distasteful towards the crime& aren't funny. Or mature.
I heard that Paul Reubens a.k.a. "Pee Wee Herman" was the "kiddie porn" connection for Jeffrey Jones.
Great. Now I'll never be able to watch Ferris Bueller's Day Off without thinking that Principal Rooney is looking for Ferris with nefarious intentions in mind for the boy when he finds him.
With-in 30 years (or less) the entire "so-called" child-porn business will be run wholly and exclusively by 10 year-old porn entrepreneurs who will all be millionaires by the time they are 11 or 12, there will be no adult involvement in the business at all. That will also signal that "THE TIME OF SEXUAL REPRESSION" really is finally and thankfully over once and for all.
30 years from now (or less) the idea of having a "registry of sex offenders/pedophiles" will be as absurd as having a "registry of witches" would be to us ! ! !.
Saw him on the Howard The Duck dvd interview, still looks like a blob. I looked at the wall as he talked as I didn't want to upchuck my Arby's melt I had for lunch.
Totally different. Do not compare him to peewee herman.
i would love to dress up like ferris bueller and let him blow me in the mall washroom... he could stick his finger up my bum
I, for one, have always enjoyed Jeffrey Jones as an actor. I truly hope he pulls it together and revives his career. I hope to see him in many more films.
Agreed. PeeWee was beating his meat in a porn theater, which was par for the course in a smut house. He did what every one of us does at our computer, but he did it before computers were everywhere. He didn't touch kids.
You do realize Pee Wee Herman got arrested in the same case, for the same thing, and.. ummm.. got off.
Apparently it had nothing to do with sex with kids or touching kids or anything like that, and was some artsy fartsy crap that had to do with photos.
He probably would have not wound up with anything if he fought it, he made the mistake of thinking that pleading no contest would get the whole thing over with faster. He was wrong.
The whole sex offender thing is crap, hell you can wind up with virgin sex "offenders" because these laws are so broad. Laws that were supposed to reign in molesters and rapists are now quit literally "sex offender" lists, as in "you've offended my sensibilities about sex, and now you have to register for life."
Nothing like it was originally conceived for.
Anonymous, what do you expect, after all we are living in "THE TIME OF LIES, HYPOCRISY, AND SEXUAL REPRESSION" perhaps THE most loathsome and odious period of history to have had to live through. Only when Heather O`Rourke and JonBenet Ramsay look-a-likes are freely and legally sexually available on every street corner will it be a sign that "THE TIME OF LIES, HYPOCRISY, AND SEXUAL REPRESSION" is finally and thankfully over ! ! !.
I bet this guy's favorite song is "Pretty Young Thing" by Micheal Jackson. You need some loving PYT....
Its odd that the last 7 anonymous com-girl-ters didn`t girl-tion Heather O`Rourke or JonBenet Ramsey, odd because those two are at the heart of this entire debate (w-HEATHER people want to admit it or not).
Uhh, I'm going to go out on a proverbial limb here & say that several of these so called "comments" were written either by people that have a sense of humor quite similar to my own by which I mean dark, sick, twisted albiet clever & yes even funny) or they were actually written by the lowest possible "lifeforms" (for a lack of a better word) to EVER exsist I'm of course referring to disgusting fucking kiddie diddlers! Especially this particular breed of oxygen wasting, nasty fucking lowlife diseased rodents that have either convinced themselves or are trying to convince themselves that there's NOTHING WRONG with ABUSING A CHILD by being dirtbag FUCKING PREDATOR, PEDOPHILE, CHİLD MOLESTER, or CHILD ABUSE period etc. If this remotely describes you in any way then you need be strangled to death with your own small intestines while simultaneously being choked to death with your fucking genitals that were cut off by repeatedly smashing them with a rubber mallet you piece of shit!! I just need to add that if I remember correctly Paul Ruben aka Pee Wee Herman was spanking his own monkey in an ADULT MOVIE THEATRE, So sure I guess that might be considered to inappropriate, (although I'm not exactly sure what one expects those in an ADULT MOVIE theatre to do if not that) and that is far from being one of the predatory cocksucking parasites that I mentioned previously in this comment. So if I remembered correctly then as far as I'm concerned Paul Ruben was more a victim of the times it was the 90's after all that coupled with the media leaving out or just plain misrepresenting the facts of where, when & under what circumstances he was caught stroking it & of course lets not forget that he was the host of the popular kid friendly Pee Wee's Playhouse & Pee Wee's big adventure but a criminal I'm not so sure about that, Because I have no doubt that had it been just some average Joe that he would have been kicked out and banned and/or ticketed for indecent exposure, public indecency etc & not categorized or labeled as a predatory piece worthless shit that shouldn't even be allowed to breath the same air as human beings! Singed: •DEATH TO ALL CHO MO'S•
Uhh, I'm going to go out on a proverbial limb here & say that several of these so called "comments" were written either by people that have a sense of humor quite similar to my own by which I mean dark, sick, twisted albiet clever & yes even funny) or they were actually written by the lowest possible "lifeforms" (for a lack of a better word) to EVER exsist I'm of course referring to disgusting fucking kiddie diddlers! Especially this particular breed of oxygen wasting, nasty fucking lowlife diseased rodents that have either convinced themselves or are trying to convince themselves that there's NOTHING WRONG with ABUSING A CHILD by being dirtbag FUCKING PREDATOR, PEDOPHILE, CHİLD MOLESTER, or CHILD ABUSE period etc. If this remotely describes you in any way then you need be strangled to death with your own small intestines while simultaneously being choked to death with your fucking genitals that were cut off by repeatedly smashing them with a rubber mallet you piece of shit!! I just need to add that if I remember correctly Paul Ruben aka Pee Wee Herman was spanking his own monkey in an ADULT MOVIE THEATRE, So sure I guess that might be considered to inappropriate, (although I'm not exactly sure what one expects those in an ADULT MOVIE theatre to do if not that) and that is far from being one of the predatory cocksucking parasites that I mentioned previously in this comment. So if I remembered correctly then as far as I'm concerned Paul Ruben was more a victim of the times it was the 90's after all that coupled with the media leaving out or just plain misrepresenting the facts of where, when & under what circumstances he was caught stroking it & of course lets not forget that he was the host of the popular kid friendly Pee Wee's Playhouse & Pee Wee's big adventure but a criminal I'm not so sure about that, Because I have no doubt that had it been just some average Joe that he would have been kicked out and banned and/or ticketed for indecent exposure, public indecency etc & not categorized or labeled as a predatory piece worthless shit that shouldn't even be allowed to breath the same air as human beings! Singed: •DEATH TO ALL CHO MO'S•
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